What hobbies does Sup Forums have that normies would consider autistic? What would you consider to be redpilled? I think we should have people in office who have niche hobbies. Obviously someone who autistically builds models of buildings would do well as secretary of urban development. Someone who loves risk and paying civilization on over would make a good general. I think people with niche hobbies should be more involved in government
What hobbies does Sup Forums have that normies would consider autistic? What would you consider to be redpilled...
You don't know what is meant to be normie. I go to cemitery and collect dead bone. That is hobby. Just one many of them. And have friend that worse. If I tell more you become scare. You don't many know what hobby normie. Don't misuse word.
Tabletop games
I'm an alcoholic.
>on Sup Forums
>not listing "philosophy"
Fucking degenerates.
Magic the Gathering.
Fun strategy game, lots of neck beards.
Chess is autism? No, just proof that people of the middle ages were thousands of times more intelligent than you.
Anything logic related
>games and puzzles
>rubik cube
What the shit, Russia
Tell me of the friend's hobby please
Same. Worse still is that I just drink alone. Not for lack of friends, I just prefer the peace and quiet.
Erotica based on local news stories.
and Bikini Inspector.
He like cutting off parts of himself and always end up in hospital. once he made stream in Sup Forums. There is other things he do but is illegal discuss some things here, permanent ban. I think you know what I am talk about.
Modding Video Games, particularly Super Smash Bros Brawl.
Building Lego models.
Trying to re-educate my self on what really happened in world history so I can get a more accurate understanding of the sick and twisted world I live in.
Making Youtube Poop videos, some are pretty Sup Forums tier.
I think I have seen that guy. Sup Forums right? He's also making threads on 8ch now. And he's not really a guy. A trap.
I play chess and play friendly levels of Texas hold 'em.
I also play golf and shoot firearms.
I also have the hobby of being a prepper.
>philosophy as a hobby
Fucking pleb get the fuck out of here. Philosophy isn't a hobby, it's a study.
My view on hobbies are, if they teach you more about history and the world, it's cool.
I used to have 1/72 scale army shit, tanks and planes, I loved thinking up tactics and learning about how these things were structured.
My modern job is very close to that line of field too.
Autism will make the world great. People in NASA, weapons development. Love em.
what kind of twit uses his thumb to push down on the tab like that?
it's a one-finger pull
I make models and sell them on ebay so I can fund my autism.
This might be the most Russian post of all time
My secret hobby
Obsessively playing Metal Gear 5 and Witcher 3. Not really secret, I have kids and wives and shit.
My Redpilled hobby
I burn and/or etch maps into animal hides for big bucks. Custom maps. Scraps are used for kids "authentic" treasure maps. huge hits for parties.
Use sat images for the custom maps but also do imaginary lands for nerds and shit.
cleared 200k in 15. No taxes.
Git gud.
bodily functions are not hobbies.
Go (the board game 囲碁).
It's the ultimate strategy game. Seriously. I love chess, but I've grown to like go considerably more.
I spend my days reading stacks of news papers and annual reports. I have a hobby farm and let people take food for free from it
Horology, chess, aviation
I'm an Astrophotographer and most of the people ask me if I can read their horoscope.
There are lots of autistic hobbies out there, though.
I often seek out single white women with black kids, have this whole story lined up that i'm stable in my career choice (it varies) take them out, make them feel like i'm the "one" tell them I can see my self stepping into the shoes he left behind. After the first date never call them back or message them or anything. I raise hopes and crush em within 48 hours.
Damn, how's Kyrgyzstan this time of the year?
I bury dead animals I find, wait 6 months for them to decompose, clean the bones, and then reassemble them into anatomically accurate models.
I know more about the inner workings of a turtle skull than most. It gives you an incredible appreciation for the engineering of nature.
My hobby, other than computers, is metal detecting. Hope to strike it rich someday. Haven't found anything really noteworthy, other than an "old" Peso from Mexico in the middle of a city park about 1000 miles north of Mexico. The park was not even built in the 80's, so who knows how it got there.
Doing gods work user.
How do you clean them, with bleach?
Covered in snow. Bishkek is boring, but the countryside and the mountains look amazing.
Thanks, I try.
I post pictures of frogs on taiwanese origami forums and get spiritual fulfillment in doing so.
Go is based, what is your rank?
didn't know we had our own holy city
You're doing it wrong.
Bird watching, I'm Chad though so women think it's cute and unique but most guys I tell that I like birdwatching call me a faggot.
Neat. Do you paint them yourself?
Don't let the name fool you. It's just a forest of commieblocks. And the periphery is filled with mudslimes.
I laughed heartily
unless you're ejaculating on strangers in public, so are you
Nope, bleach dissolves bone at worst, and destroys natural color and features.
First you soak them in tap water so that the bacteria in the water multiplies and eats up all the organic material left in the Ian and leeches out all the oils. Do this for a small skeleton for 7 days.
Followed by a 10 day soak in isopropyl alcohol to destroy remaining tough bacteria and fully sterilize them.
Then dry the bones under a fan or out in the hot sun for two days to prevent moisture from reigniting bacterial growth.
A few coins I found. Peso on the right.
Hydrogen peroxide works well to bleach bone
That is how you slice your thumb.
I could probably make a time line with all the tabs I've pulled up over the years.
I don't eat foods that are yellow.
Bleached bones look like fake shit. Isopropyl alcohol keeps them in their natural state.
Music theory
Say hi to the IRS tax treasury agent when you get sued for Tax Evasion.
Someday I will find something cool. The bolts were lost by my brother about 8 years ago in our mom's backyard.
You're a true hero and I applaud your work.
Ham radio.
No I'm not giving you my callsign.
fucking proxies REEE
Oh well, I'll add it to the collection anyway, maybe sell it to some normie, he wont know it's counterfeit anyway.
Oh, that's my autistic hobby, Sup Forums flag collection.
and masturbating over old planes/jets
I need to get to your level senpai.
>Telling fellow autists what they want to hear.
someone who went to school for urban development would be better for urban development than an autist playing with toys you fucking idiot.
Anonymity was a mistake. Everyone should be held accountable for what they say.
Isn't that exactly what reddit does but not anonymous? You're dumb.
>30 people literally just died in a plane crash there
Well fuck me user
Anyway, here's an example of the photos I take.
No. They have upvotr and doenvotes and subreddits built for circlejerking. And a CEO with an agenda
Yeah. Pretty shitty situation. Most of the people here actually believe that the accidents was caused by US spies.
Link me to the YouTube poops
Higher res?
Hey I think I've seen you over on /p/. Good stuff Borat.
I like watches.
>Plainfield Wisconsin, 1950s.
>Be Ed Gein
>Real-life inspiration for "psycho" and "Texas Chainsaw Massacre"
>Go into store one day. Local says "Ed, you should get yourself a hobby".
>"I have a hobby. I collect human heads".
>They thought that he was joking.
I don't know what my hobbies are...
I don't know what my passions are, I don't know what I want, and I don't have a reason to get out of bed each morning.
Coin Roll Hunting
Go to your bank, order boxes of 50 cent pieces (usually $500 worth at a time) and open them up, inspect each one for silver. Coins from 1964 or earlier are what you're looking and are worth $4-11 each depending on year and silver content. You can do it while watching TV or something and just dump the coins off at a different bank.
Antiques, I am fucking obsessed with them
Kagami Takes the Red Pill
Dirty Words and Thicc Concepts
Konata goes POSTAL2
Nanako loses her Tenure
Konata Izumi Votes for Donald Trump
I found 1 silver dime and 1 silver nickle from WWII that way. Got a couple of Indian Heads as well. Haven't done it in several years though.
Do you goys even have internet?
All I have. The original file is around 6MB, can't upload it here.
Thanks, man. Haven't posted there for a long time, so it might have been someone else's work.
my grandfather did that. He had between 4000 and 4500 coins
single player video games.
Of course. Pretty good internet actually. People here use it for YouTube and Instagram, though.