Since when does Sup Forums support Israel?
Since when does Sup Forums support Israel?
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Israel is a great nation
Sup Forums doesn't support israel, but we aren't against it either. Trump supporting israel is a non issue, now kindly fuck off with your false flagging bullshit.
Sincw BASED Daddy retkt the sjws and mayn streem meteor xDxD xD
Reminder that we must protect the people of Israel who have given us so much
Fuck kikes
Fuck hamas
Long Live Fatah
Free Palestine
But fatah is irrevelant user
What's wrong with the Jews having their own country? If you are an anti-semite, wouldn't you prefer to have them in their own country and not in yours?
You fucking retards. Israel's existence US foreign policy is driving Muslims out of their homes and into our countries. If we get rid of Israel then they can go back. But keep sucking the Zionist cock
What's wrong with Palestinians having their own homeland? Jews left thousands of years ago. It's like selling your house then coming back 20 years later and taking it from the people who are there now
Uhh, when did Israel do anything to the middle east besides defend themselves from them?
You guys really need to give up on this shit. You can site all the fake news you want, but the truth is that you just want to blame everything on the jews instead of looking in the mirror.
I support Israel, Russia and Trump. Fuck America. Fuck EU. Fuck Britain.
They got conquered, just like the beaners in the Southwest after the war with Mexico. There are consequences to losing.
>coming in and stealing other people's land
>they try to take back their homes from the thiefs
>the thiefs slaughtering the natives with the help of the US is defending themselves
Israel has no right to exist. That is stolen land they have built their settlements on. But you probably would've supported Americans slaughtering Native Americans anyways
You're siding with the Semitic Jews over your Aryan brothers in Iran. You bring shame to the Aryan race
They got conquered because of American help. Without American backing Israel would lose every war
Hello newfriend. In my humble opinion I would suggest that you go back to Twatter and Jewbook and try your luck there, maby the other morons will buy in to it and you can keep on avoiding the truth for a bit longer.
updated version
>the natives
The palestinians are a made up group that were sent there after Israel was given the land. The arabs thought they could add insult to injury to the jews by making them look like evil oppressors when the land rightfully belongs to the jews.
Oops, sorry if I hurt your feelings. Just go back to fucking that goat, and forget you ever saw my posts.
Palestine is split hamas just rules majority the government.
>Being this new
There's always people raiding here trying to sway the public view in favor of jewland, and/or whatever other ideology of the day.
Source: my ass
Palestinians have been trying to get statehood since before WW1, way before Israel became a state
>Since when does Sup Forums support Israel?
Since forever. Israel is white, based and extremely redpilled.
All good white people stand with, and support, Israel.
If you're anti Israel you're pretty much anti white.
Sup Forums has always supported Israel. Only faggots who like muslims don't like Israel.
I believe Sup Forums supports israel until such time that the muslims are no longer an issue.
They're semites, lighter skinned Arabs. Iranians are the Aryans of the Middle East and they're against Israel. Being pro Israel is being anti Aryan
It's because of Israel Muslims are coming to our countries. Before Israel existed there were no Muslims in Europe and NA. After Israel was created and US foreign policy revolved around the Middle East we started getting Muslims. Use your brain retards
Holy shit, JIDF and Stormsihlls everyfuckingwhere tonight.
How you goys doin' tonight?
Fuck you. Trump, Israel and Russia forever. Fuck Germany. Fuck EU. Fuck America.
Sup Forums is one person now?
Zionist Israel is literally *the* bad guy. The people are a mixed bag, though.
Since Trump said so. These zombies have no minds of their own.
No it fucking isn't.
Trump knows he has the undying support of his people. We don't care what he does. Whatever he does is right. If he burns the Constitution it's just 4D chess and it is right. If he sells America to Russia that's 4D chess and it is right. Stop questioning it.
Trump has done none of thosr things
>b-but muh predictions say..
Yeah, fuck off with that. Anti-Trump predictions have a way of always being wrong.
Also, anybody that hasn't taken the 4d pill is not to be taken seriously. You people only ridicule it because you don't understand it and cannot mount a convincing argument against the theory.
The irony of your post is that 4D chess is a Russian propaganda tactic adopted by Trump at the request of his masters.
>Tactics of Rebuttal: The 4D Approach
>Russia’s narrative can be viewed as an offensive weapon: Its effect is to discredit the West and shift the blame for the Ukraine crisis onto Western shoulders. When it comes to defending Russia, different tactics are used. They can be summed up in four words: dismiss, distort, distract, dismay.
Trump was perfecting his 4d chess strategies in the 1980s when the USSR was still around, a generation before Putin's presidency or the modern Russian Federation even came into existence.
Just fuck off.
[citation needed]
inb4 no citation and lots of excuses and insults to hide the lack of citation
Here's your citation, nigger.
since jdif started a huge campaign to shill on the internet and especially since jdif massively attacked Sup Forums after trump election.
They use proxies af, south africa, america, netherlands and of course germany are their favourite i think
Spotted the KGB "I have seen the Trump's peepee video" agent
Would the jews be alright if we deported all of them then?
Don't see any 4D anything. That's a Russian term used by Russian agents.
Since we got to know the true islam. Israel is the only civilized Country in that area. The rest would be better nuked.
Then you obviously haven't read the book. Your loss. It's a life changer.
4d is just a Sup Forums meme derived from Dilbertman's use of "3d chess".
You stink of residual CTR shilling.
Israel is nationalist and killing muslims
Do not confuse them with globalist kikes in the USA
I've noticed a massive uptick in support for Israel here the past couple years, though I've only been here sporadically. I assumed it was the influx of normalfags. I used to waste time exposing and trolling JIDF here and I don't remember their numbers ever being significant or consistent enough to account for this, despite Sup Forums itself growing massively.
You're a shame to the Fuhrer
the SA JIDF soldier has been here the entire day
4D chess is a Russian propaganda tactic that dates back decades. No coincidence it was spread by Russian shills in Trump threads.
>siding with jews over muslims
Until around 2014 the most common opinion on Sup Forums was that bottom-barrel welfare leeches from the worst muslim countries were being imported to the west en masse as part of a multidimensional jewish conspiracy in order to disrupt demographics, destabilize society, and make the christians and muslims fight each other instead of the jewish manipulators that exploit them both.
Oh how the times have changed.
[citation needed]
Russians are hijacking nationalist movements! Here in Mexico they're trying to convert us from Traditional Roman Catholicism to Russian "Orthodoxy". Those Putin-shills are everywhere.
Putin shills are operating in France, Germany, Britain and Greece as well. They're pushing hard in Turkey and elsewhere. No one is safe from Russian shills. They're 10x the threat that JIDF shills ever were.
I remember when NatSoc posters were pro-Palestine.
Are you seriously comparing subversive foreign agents to a bunch of losers who shill for free on the internet?
Putin's shills are paid subversive agents operating on Sup Forums to bury the truth and promote their version of things.
>Russia's troll factories were, at one point, likely being paid by the Kremlin to spread pro-Trump propaganda on social media.
Dugin is also behind this. Trump is perfect for his Chaos politics. The whole Kek shit is based on this Duginist Chaos.
A lot of the Ron Paul worshipers were too, and most who weren't saw through the false dichotomy presented by the JIDF and refused to take any side. Levels of intelligence and critical thinking were much higher on this board back then. Unfortunate how these kinds of things are irreversible.
Leftists who oppose this
Israel is a racist apartheid state who has illegal Jewish ONLY settlements
in the west bank where the border walls are wrapping around them inside
Palestinian land in an obvious land grab.
This is why terrorism happens and why the rest of the west gets blowback from it.
Israel builds these settlements on top of Palestinian villages that they have bulldozed by the military.
If you support Israel you are not a leftist. End of Story.
Those guys are everywhere. IRL too. I have meet them. Kek, Chaos Magic, Russian "Orthodoxy, Dugin, 4D chess; all made by Russian shills.
Israel shills don't count as Sup Forums
We don't
Well because they still control shit. It doesn't work the way you say it does. They need to be gotten rid of for good, or at least have their influence broken.
After Trump and the Alt right Sup Forums doesn't give a fuck about Zionist Jews, just Liberal Jews. Like the Liberal Jews are the only danger. Funny considering that almost all Alt right e-celeb have Jewish blood in their veins. It's like Leftists tryingg to be pro Palestine and only opposing Zionist Jews. Right wingers suffer from this too but the opposite. Also with the winning of Trump any nationalist movement in the world has adopted the American neocon thinking.
I was in the original Kek thread when it barely had any replies and was personally involved with the formation of these ideas. You're full of shit.
There's misinformation coming from a dozen different angles on this site, including yours. And that's quite irrelevant to your comparing internet shills to actual salaried agents operating in foreign countries.
i don't. but sometimes you have to give a little to gain a lot, and that's what i'm hoping for with Trump. we'll take a short-term hit on our Israeli policy to make gains on our tax policy, gun policy, healthcare policy, immigration policy, perpetual-war policy, supreme court, etc. I could be wrong and Trump could fuck us over on all the aforementioned issues, but i'm hoping that won't happen.
It's funny how a bunch of paid Russian shills convinced Sup Forums to be pro-Israel and swallow the Jewish blue pill. Who could have seen this coming? Sup Forums had embraced the paid shills and now agrees with everything they tell them to agree with. This is not the same Sup Forums we had four years ago.
Israelis are the new (((gentiles))) that have co-opted /our/ homeland. (((gentiles))) out!!!
Sure thing bub
>Source: my ass
> be globalist jew
> create zionist state for globalist subversive means
> said zionist state turns its back on globablist order and doesn't comply
> becomes nationalistic Jewish state
> globalist move their allegiance to arabia dumping Israel on the order of soros
when will you realise the state of Israel is separate from the globalist jew, who on a side note couldn't give a shit about their own kids never mind their own state?
Nobody got convinced of shit, this board's userbase exploded with massive influxes of redditors and other normalfags who brought their stupidity with them.
At this point, looking at your posts in this thread I just hope you're not being serious.
Like I said. They've taken over. This is a Trump/Reddit/Israel/Russia board now. They are the loudest majority.
Oh fuck
I have a hard time believing that you're actually convinced of what you're saying.
The jews allow nationalism for themselves and push globalism on everyone else for purposes of domination. I don't know what "turning back on the globalist order" you're talking about. I don't know what "dumping of Israel" you're referring to -- do you not see jewish organizations all over the world continually defending Israel and labeling any criticism of its policies or actions to be antisemitic? Are you additionally implying that Israel is not a good friend of KSA et al? I also don't know why you think Soros is actually anti-Israel, especially based on how he defunded femen immediately after they announced they would begin operating there. He has never actually bashed Israel or said it ought stop existing. He just has to have himself and his organizations keep up the public image of being anti-nationalist, and how can you do that while praising Israel? You think extremely powerful international conspirators are this dumb?
Mmmm, them digits. Where is your kek now?
I recall there being more explicit russiaboos on here in the past than today. And you need to stop with this false dichotomy you're implying towards.
>explicit russiaboos
No shit. Shills aren't explicit by definition. They post from leaf, aussie, british and US proxies to look like legitimate posters.
>I am totally an American like you comrade. Let us support god emperor and lift the Russian sanctions. Why shouldn't Russia be our friend?
That's how shills work. You don't see JIDF posting from Israeli flag ips either.
Join in the Great Meme War for French Independence.
Marine Le Pen's Twitter and Facebook are too quiet.
Where is Pepe?
Where is the half blood frog?
Where is the banner in the East?
>No shit. Shills aren't explicit by definition.
Irrelevant to the point that while you are claiming that Russian shills have "taken over" during this time, a decrease in actual pro-Russian posting has been observed.
Instead, your implicit support for current Western governments and the EU as well as your propagation of the pathetically + exhaustively discredited "Trump = Russia" line make you look like the one who has an agenda here. You're touting the CIA line practically to the tee, just baselessly throwing Israel into the mix in order to legitimize yourself.
>Since when does Sup Forums support Israel?
Never. It's just Jews trying to co-opt, as usual. They'll fail. The desire to oven is greater. Not even the Jews returning the wealth that they've stolen from goys will quench the genocide thirst.
people like you on Sup Forums seriously disgust me, stay away from my anti-Semite homeland, kike
>donald trump is Sup Forums now durrrrr
ask me how i know you have down syndrome
Holy shit, the delusion is REAL
you cant see through your own arrogance for the sake of your argument or you're seriously autistic
Supporting Trump does not mean supporting everything that comes out of his mouth. Anyone with a functioning brain can tell you that attempting to run for President of the United States with an agenda that includes being anti-Israel is not just pointless but detrimental. Meanwhile Trump's positions in almost every other area are infinitely better than what we could have expected going into this election cycle.
Interesting how after being accused of CIA misinformation, the American poster equating Trump with Russia vanishes and is quickly replaced by a German. This is a shoddy job and I hope you are not being paid for it.
Brits are the reason Israel exists and Hitler lost.
Why doesn't Sup Forums hate the Brits?
They ruined fucking everything.
u wot m8?
Go back to Russia. They're paying you too much and getting nothing in return. They should fire you and get someone better.
Deflection is not an argument. Try again, shill.
There is a difference between "not being overtly anti-Israel" and "proudly sucking Israeli dick in public nonstop".
Obama did more to stand up to Israel than Trump, yet you guys keep making excuses.
jews are the worst plague on this earth
dare i say worse than locusts