Name a single site which has gone more to undermine the white nationalist/Alt-Right movement.
I'll wait.
Name a single site which has gone more to undermine the white nationalist/Alt-Right movement.
I'll wait.
antifa honey pot who doxes alt right people
Sup Forums because fuck the alt right faggots. Bunch of losers who tainted good ideas with IRL shitposting and memes for edgy 13 year old redditors
dude white nationalism is retarded anyway
>not having my country flooded by third worlders for social signalling purposes is retarded
Well kiked.
you were warned on all Sup Forumss.
you can close the borders and change the immigration laws without resorting to goy nationalism, dummy
nobody cares about your shitty larpfest, trs. go cry on the_donald or some shit.
"Closing borders and changing immigration laws" is an effective policy insofar as it approximates nationalism.
A nation-state can't exist without a relatively cohesive cultural/ethnic unit. Taking in foreigners of any significant amount undermines that. That's what every country understood until the (((1960s))).
Not TRS. I just can't pretend not to notice they large quantity of blood, sweat and tears that 8gag has put into aiding people who want their genocide.
ethnic segregation would be cool
but white nationalism is still retarded.
Sup Forums
To name a few
Sounds like you're just afraid of the term desu senpai
found the kikes and antifa
yea because it's meaningless bullshit that will invariably be co-opted by jews
Fuck TRS and Fuck Richard Spencer
You niggers leached from pol and tried to monitize maymays. Get rekt.
"White nationalism" was never our term, but if you coopt it, it loses it's sting. That's why they moved on to "white (((supremacy)))" and other more melodramatic names.
Kek is stronger than their emotional blackmail.
they need ovened
we all came out of Sup Forums and /new/
get fucked nu/pol/
Sup Forums
Wahrheit Uber Alles
I liked TRS and considered myself Alt-Right, but they have shown to have ego problems, dishonesty, and little integrity.
A new movement can come from the ashes.
This is how the movement has taken so many losses lately. There is no reason to continue it. Hopefully 8pol reforms itself but there is no reason to attack our own further.
We took out a fat larper married to a kike with a dindu brother.
Fuck TRS kike worshipers
Fuck you nigger/pol/ kiddies
Spotted the redditor.