His name is Robert Paulson
His name is Robert Paulson
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His name is Robert Paulson
Nice find user.
His name is Robert Paulson
His name is Robert Paulson
His name is Robert Paulson
His name is Robert Paulson.
His name is Robert Paulson
His name is Robert Paulson
I like tranny dick in my mouth
hold on, is this recent? didn't he do an AMA, which bombed because he wouldnt answer the actual good questions?
His name is Robert Paulson
Am I right to assume that all the time he went missing was because it took ((them)) time to find a look-alike?
Your name isn't Robert Paulson.
His name is Robert Paulson
What if there is a Robert Paulson inside of all of us...
After meeting with Pamela Anderson, he changed his name to Robert Paulson
His name is Robert Paulson
His name is Robert Paulson.
His name is Robert Paulson..
Robert Fredrick "Rob" Paulsen III (Born March 11, 1956) is an American voice actor and singer who has done many voice roles in various films, television shows, and video games. He is known for voicing Raphael and Donatello from the 1987 cartoon and 2012 cartoon respectively of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Yakko Warner, Dr. Otto Scratchansniff, and Pinky from Animaniacs and Pinky and the Brain,[2] Jack Fenton from Danny Phantom, and the title character in The Mask. In total, Paulsen has been the voice of over 250 different animated characters and performed in over 1000 commercials. He continues to play parts in dozens of cartoons as well as characters in animated feature movies.
So let me get this straight. Julian Assange is kill and this guy in the .gif is an imposter along the lines of that CGI Princess Leigha in Rogue One?
I'm curious about the same thing. I caught glimpse of that AMA on reddit and "assange" refused to answer questions about why he vanished, why he didn't provide proof of life and why wikileaks files stopped having the right security codes. If I understand right "assange" would only bother answering the top questions so they tried to bump irrelevant questions and bury important questions, and it was obvious to everyone involved.
tw1tch . tv/reddit/v/113771480?t=54m45s
So what is it, Pedro?
His name is Robert Paulson
His name is Robert Paulson.
Fake, staged and ghey
His name is Robert Paulson
This is retard shit.
He did a live Q and A how did they fake that?
His name is Robert Paulson
His name is Robert Paulson
Source confirmed: youtube.com
They faked it because Robert Paulson is his name.
His name is Robert Paulson
but it was a live stream, my dude. What about his voice?
His right (left from the our viewpoint) eye does something weird
Voice actors
His name is Robert Paulson
His name is Robert Paulson
This is an artifact of Adobe's Morph Cut tool in Premiere Pro cc 2016+
It is used to make relatively seamless cuts in interviews. This is simply a missed artifact. Doesn't confirm anything other the editing room not being able to cover the cut with B-Roll.
This whole thread is retarted.
You people are a bunch of fucking conspiritards.
You won't believe he's alive until he sucks your dick and even then you'll realize that couldn't be true because no one on this planet would do that in the first place.
can someone post an infograph? seems like something like this would attract the work of our most finest (autistic) anons.
Shill detected
His name is Robert Paulson
How much do you get paid for posting lies on the internet?
How would that work mid sentence?
His name is Robert Paulson
Stop lying Shillary Bot
His name is Robert Paulson
His name is Robert Paulson
shill faggots stand out so fucking bad, they will never understand the subtle language of our board.
Robert Paulson
You realize sometimes they cut out parts not wanted/irrelevant in interviews?
Autistic taco vendor.
>Roberto Santamaria Dos Equis Paulsono
what am I supposed to be looking at
there it is
i advise everyone who hasn't seen this, check it out
His name is Robert Paulson. After seeing this, I won't settle for anything other than a live DNA test of which I'm part of the audience of.
His name is Robert Paulson.
His name is Robert Paulson
You can't lie to us anymore
We are aware and ready
>current year
>not knowing how to spell 'retarded'
His name is Robert Paulson.
You realise there is no cut right?
Hi name is Robert Paulson...
CC 2017 is out. Feature was in 2016. Retarded. Hah
My name is Robert Paulson.
Is the implication that Clinton's henchmen whacked Assange?
>falling for this old of bait
>what is seamless transition
just some faggot who cant into video editing
His name is Robert Paulson.
That's Assange, along with his real voice. His spot would've been blown up here in Sup Forums when the live AMA went down. It's extremely hard to mimic a persons tone and vocal mannerisms, for over an hour on live stream also
(((seamless transition))) which isn't either seamless or a transition.
His name is Robert Paulson.
No your name is John.
His name was Robert Paulson.
For the guys claiming that assange is alive...
The burden of proof is on your side, not ours. No one has seen Julian Assange live from the Embassy.
His name is Robert Paulson
We are ready and aware
[citation needed]
His name is Robert Paulson.
His name is Paul Robertson
>extremly hard
You mispelled extremely expensive
And these people have that money
His name is Robert Paulson
Prove you're real.
His name is Robert Paulson
I ain't gonna prove shit
The burden of proof is on your side.
We should ask a Londenier to go and yell outside the embassy with a video recorder.
My bologna has a first name
You realize you're trying to reason with retards?
What the hell am I looking at here? A visual glitch where his tie fucks out? What's going on?
Military CGI is insane. Rip in peace, Assange.
Do we have any proof that Julien Assange has EVER existed? He is a crypto-person, a living meme, he never died he just returned to the void from which he was born.
Look at his left eye
Watch his eyes too. They can't get eyes perfect, never can.
Onun adı robert paulson
He must've paused after stating that Trump is a clown, and before he rephrased why "Trump is a clown", continuing the queestion
The fact that BBC edited it makes people think that it's being staged
He said that he couldn't set a precedent because it could be faked the next time.
But why was it edited at all? He is in the middle of a sentence, what would they be cutting to or from?
Explain or you are literally CTR
keep me posted
Il s'appelle robert paulson
That looks like a different effect and one which there would be no use for in Assange's interview. For what purpose would they morph cut one tiny piece of his collar?
Notice how some actors inside Sup Forums want us to think we are either crazy or retarded just because we are questioning something that is very likely?
The tecnology and the money exists, and no one has seen him outside his window
His name is Robert Paulson
We are ready and aware
Why the fuck did his shirt morph? that's clearly CGI. Why?
How's total society collapse going on in mexico . shouldnt you be stopping some gauchos from stealing your mom and her fat pussy
Set a precedent what? A fake what? How does that have to do with anything? He made an AMA, which means "ask me anything", and then he did not let people ask him anything. He purposely picked unimportant question. What sort of miraculous mental gymnastics can justify this?
All he has to do is step out onto the balcony or wave out the window.
Every conspiracy talks about shapeshifting reptilians when in fact it is shapeshifting collars which control the world. Is your collar safe? Are you wearing a shapeshifting collar right now? You're fucked kiddo.
I wouldn't worry about it.
Yeah I don't know. I just assume he's compromised. Which I think was the goal.