Why do you idolize the Nazis? They're one of history's greatest failures...

Why do you idolize the Nazis? They're one of history's greatest failures. The fucking Mongol Empire lasted longer than they did.

>Italy pls help

> country got fucked up by 19th century finance bros
> kick 'em all out and try to create a government that's actually for the good of the people (Volk)
> actually pulled it off
> achieved a 2.5 to 1 kill to death ratio while badly outnumbered
> engineered the moon rockets

better question because fuck OP

Is pic related a real book?

Looking for doctrine.

Germans have a long, storied history of sobering up enough to foray out and destroy Europe before being stuffed back into their beer halls.

Nazi's were just another iteration, with the added bullshit of fucking up european nationalism to the point the continent will be culturally lost within a century.

>The fall of Rome
>Division of the church
>1st world war
>2nd world war
>EU and migrant crisis

Stupidity combined with a desire for order and positive portrayals of nazis in video games and movies.


However Hitler might have fucked the future of white people forever, by tainting nationalism.

>the fall of Rome
that was Germanic peoples, not 'Germans'
if modern day Germans can be blamed for this
then so can the French
they are just as related

as for the world wars
look up who declared war on whom, you fat piece of shit

National socialism is still socialism with "nationalist" flavor. Don't blame Sup Forums, blame the left for having such a retarded ideology

Comparing Germany to the Mongolian Empire to try and make a point...

Yes. The situations were basically the same. Same tech and logistics. Same alliances etc. Good work. You are really smart OP.

>Germans declared war on everyone
How can I tell that you're a rebbit tier newfag
>positive portrayals of Nazis in videogames
Just lol

You should try playing one

Name them, I'd love to play a ww2 fps with Germans presented in even a neutral way. I'm all burnt out on red orchestra.

Lets play a game. Its called spot a jew.

Nice bait or you seriously have no clue about history.

Company of Heroes 2, or indeed any game that pushes Superior german quality memes which is what nazi idolizers like to jerk off to.

>comparing longevity of countries 800 years apart

Are you honestly surprised it didn't last long? You realize the mongols and their enemies didn't have planes, battleships, submarines, destroyers, cruisers, guns, artillery, anti-air, cars, mechanization, and tanks right?

What would a central asian empire need battleships, submarines, destroyers and cruisers for?

Have you even ever seen a map of the Mongolian Empire?

Edgyness, plain and simple. 90% of the people on this board talking about shit like 'degeneracy' would have been arrested in Nazi Germany in a heart beat.

It's mostly just teenagers and people in their early 20's; Kind of like all the modern commies. Actually, pretty much exactly like those. Both idealize retarded ideologies for the same reasons.

Yeah, my bad, I remember now the problem for the mongols was the huge amount of naval battles they lost. Darn if only they had had battleships it would all have been different what with all the island and unconnected landmasses they had to control.

Hitler praised Muslims as equals,and I'm a muslim

Germany didn't declare war on that many countries you fucking idiot child, and there were plenty of axis aligned nations besides just Italy and Japan.

I hope you're joking and not actually this retarded but it's famous that they failed to invade Japan twice because their ships were destroyed by storms.


are you really this fucking retarded? i cant believe shit like you wanders around pol. look up some history you fat fuck.