Do you feel like people are forgetting the long string of scandals that lead to her defeat?
Do you feel like people are forgetting the long string of scandals that lead to her defeat?
Probably, but that's not what's important, at least that Moloch worshiping hoe isn't President, I mean do you know how embarrassing it would've been to have a lady president, I mean a woman leader, really? wtf.
What scandals? She never did anything wrong she got more votes goy
>t. CNN
What began as imagination fades from imagination. Nice try Russia.
No there are mast arrest happening and military style tribunals are to be expected after trumps sworn in, at which point the elite will try to swade public opinion by revealing et and acuent ruins as well as mother ship vessels flash frozen in atlantis i mean antartica.
That's the whole point of this "Russian hackers" meme.
She wants the history books to say she lost because of Russia not because she was a terrible candidate and a criminal.
And it looks like she'll get her way.
Yes and that's why our Congress has such a high reelection rate.
The only thing I've heard the lefties on my campus talking about lately is Huma Abedin. A lot of them find it weird that a hired gun is so loyal to Clinton but they don't care enough about it to bother to find out why.
But it was her turn.... /crying.
>mass arrests
Source ?
If the FBI doesn't start arresting within a month of January 20 then it's unlikely they will be cracking down on Hillary and friends
the mass media are doing everything to bury any glint of the mountainous volume of her felonious treachery...
It doesn't help that Trump called her a 'Good person' in the 60mins interview and isn't going to get a special prosecute like he promised.
I can confirm this.
t. CIA
You think they would announce tgis while the current regime is in power, to kill the king you need the help of the palace guards. Our pAlace guards are hard at work smoking theae rats out, in due time it'll all be clear, digits say so.
dems always have to muddy waters to rewrite history
like they take credit for the civil rights act
when it was majority republicans
Until they "suddenly" come across "new" horrifying evidence and all that becomes null.
If the media has fallen at least a little bit in line by then, her crime family is fucked.
and dont forget to pre-emptively get a vesectomy,
Because youre a loser! You shouldnt have kids. Your life is garbage! hahahahahahahah Do heroin
More like the media is ignoring it as hard as they possibly can.
Don't worry though, she tormented Trump for over a year. He's not going to forget her. I bet he's got a nice long list of people for investigation.
Trump certainly has
>we don't care about that any more
If by "scandals" you mean "rural and suburban retards" then yes
I member
the amount of energy that this election produced was crazy
my favorite part was i was leaving a trump rally and had my three red white and blue signs + my maga hat i bought
and this black kid and his "cool" friends were on there way to the kanye concert happening at the same time
and he looked at me like i was an idiot
i looked at him like he was follower idiot wearing his yeezys
Maybe you're right. Just feels like some kind of 'honour among thieves' bullshit.
The people in a position to do something about her impositions didn't when she was untouchable. They do not now. Either they're in it with her or she is still untouchable.
Nobody has cared of her criminal activities going back to the 70's.
No it's a purely demographic game.
1/3 of all latinos vote for Trump vs 2/3 for Hillary
1/10 of all blacks for for Trump vs 9/10 for Hillary
6/10 of all whites vote for Trump vs 4/10 for Hillary.
Latinos had a slightly higher turnout than usually, same with whites and blacks had a strongly reduced turnout.
only the democrats are forgetting
i love how they blame the russians but not her for actually doing the things that made the leaks sensational
leaking debate questions? paying people to start fights? fucking over sanders? nbd. but ZE RUSSIANS!
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yeah true dat
what they dont like
is the internet+trump saying shes a criminal on
national tv
I think people AREN'T forgetting that Donald Trump is a racist. But what happened to his eleventy billion accusers?
South Korea has a female president you misogynist!
I'm scared he won't actually sue them for libel and force it to go to court.
He might be too busy to punish the bitches who took the blood money to smear a good man ;_;
It's sway
he probably wont because that takes up to much time
but hes def going to fuck the media
Her being a woman is entirely irrelevant. Her and the DNC being indisputably evil and corrupt was why I and many other Americans spoke out against her.
It's being saved for when it's politically expedient.
In other words, bringing her down would gain Trump massive brownie points, so he'll wait until his approval is sinking. Kind of like what Barry did with Bin Laden's "death".
We'll see after Trump takes office and rule of law returns.
jokes on him kanye said he wouldve voted for trump
i never understood people cheering like retards when a celebrity came on stage until the madman himself appeared
that discusting each hasnt posted on her twitter since 9nov16. I am afraid she is up to something
in the hall of the trumpking