ITT : we pay our respects to Spencer

Press "sppt!" to spit on the grave.

As of today Spencer is dead to us.

burn the coal pay the toll

I don't keep up with twitter shit anymore, redpill me on whats going on.

Literally who, literally who and literally who?


Can someone explain to me what has been going on the past few days?

I don't follow e-celeb shit.

Are the shills even losing hope in their (((alt right))) merchants???

Friendly reminder that Sup Forums is always right and shills always lose.

10/10 white nationalist community with great podcast shows greatly delegitimatized after doxxing of the site owner who is found to have married a Jewish woman who people say he should have divorced before becoming the 'hero' of white nationalist radio shows. Spencer believes it is not who you marry that defines you but the movements you are active in.

>says 1488
>married tranny loving kike
>black half brother
>no children


thanks, i thought i seen something about this in another thread but i didn't know who theyre talking about at the time.

I dunno. I stopped following all attention whoring Ecelebs because they do nothing but create drama and circle jerk over how many followers they have. I want to read the news, but instead I have to see a million videos retweeted from Mike Cernovich talking down to people, or role playing Nazis worshipping Thor or memesters with anime pictures.

Anyone had their hands on the actual material, and managed to confirm with certainty if she is just a quarter jew or full jew?
I only see people talking about it, but not the actual source of the info.


Guy that runs turns out to be a day neet married to a Jew. Spencer the "leader" of the alt right claims to still support him.

dicky spencer is controlled opposition


None of this is an argument against what Enoch has done.

But still... oosh...

> us
I dont like spencer but fuck off

>rails on about muh Jews
>is married to a Jew

you are controlled opposition

so??? problem?

Look at the archives.

She was a member of B'nai Brith Youth Movement

A diversity officer

Worked for NSA--- and they of all people know what their employees are up to

And loved POZ drag shows

Fuck the Alt- Right is the most pathetic shit I have seen in a long time.
A "pro-White" group who is made up of half niggers, Coal burners, Faggots, Traps, Lesbians and kikes.
If this shit isn't controlled opposition then what the fuck is.

Spencer has always been confirmed as a government plant though. Normies know him, but he doesn't get any attention on pol

It's called hypocrisy nigger.

He and the staff banned people from the forums for claiming to be Jews or saying some Jews aren't that bad.

The hypocrisy is the kicker.

Was he married before he got woke or after? I think a lot of people on the right have made mistakes and lifestyle decisions that they didn't know were wrong or dangerous before being exposed to new information.

Is she a crypto? The Nazis made detailed charts about this stuff.

Also yeah he's fat. I think everyone knew he was fat.

What the fuck is this picture even saying? I feel like I have to be a high level autist to even decode it.

He's still married to her afaik

Apparently he tells people to get fit and other sir but doesn't follow any of it himself.

she is a quarter jew, on god. they just upped how jew she was because she did some jew shit. hitler wouldn't even had considered her jewish, she still ugly like richard spencer and all these alt-righters wives

>As of today Spencer is dead to us.
>freind of the bush family

He was always dead to me. TRS were retarded to think they could shill this faggot here.

Goodbye mr "spencer" if that's his real name.

This is why I can't take white nationalism seriously. I am far too empirical minded and pragmatic to buy into their ideology, which always spirals into purity spiral. Just being 1/4 Jewish is enough to tank this dumb movement. It can never appeal to the majority of whites, even though many whites WOULD support pro-white policies, a racially homogenous state, a form of soft white nationalism, but none of them would find the leaders of this movement appealing, and the moment you try to be pragmatic, paranoid wn will take you down for being a subversive jew. This is the best whites have?


Did anyone look up to these guys as some sort of "leader"?

I like the Shoah podcast for the shitposting. They reminded me of old Stern or O&A. Sven's a pretty good egg as well. Enoch's being a punk for backing out. He should man up and let the rest of the Death Panel bantz hin for being married to a degenerate Jewess.

His face doesn't deserve to be on our back alley sperm donor image board.
