Has ((("""progress"""))) ever been successfully halted or reversed?
Are we fighting a losing battle?
Has ((("""progress"""))) ever been successfully halted or reversed?
Are we fighting a losing battle?
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Bump for answers!
It's only a losing battle because we're fighting it the same way they are: incessantly whining amongst ourselves. Nobody is exposing them and their true nature to the public at large. And it wouldn't work in our current timeframe because they could easily do the same thing while we bitch about niggers and faggots and Jews. If you want to win then we need to step up and quit being Sup Forums. We need to change public opinion about ourselves and then turn that energy on them.
>Has ((("""progress"""))) ever been successfully halted or reversed?
Yes, look at the middle east and africa.
>has progress ever been successfully reversed
You must be new here.
Not that I can think off. I guess there are sometimes small periods of rest after successful rearguard actions (such as the defeat of Napoleon), but overall the chaos of the Reformation and the French Revolution is still sweeping along everything in its path.
Personally I think there is some kind of teleological process at work here. It's current expression was described well by Moldbug and named "the Cathedral." I think real change will only happen after this telos is achieved.
Hitler saved Germany.
Actually, to be fair, Stalin somehow did the impossible and reversed sexual liberation in the USSR, too. But he was a Commie, so fuck him.
No, but it's because we've been trying the wrong tactics all along. The Right doesn't have revolutions nor movements.
So basically it takes murdering millions of people and driving your country into the ground?
wtf I love autistic narcissists now
if there's no passage about how 'Jazz' fantasises of being a cock slut and drink copious amounts of cum I'll be very disappointed.
lol BTFO boiii
ive read it 4 times already just looking for some hints.
life as a transgender teen
>play dressup, tuck your pecker
>put on pounds of makeup
>stuff bra
>boy falls for you
>you take off your clothes
>he runs screaming into the night
damn, now that's a short story
>reversed sexual liberation in Russia
and that lasted for how long?
What's his real last name?
Yes. Nazis = progress
It was halted and reversed
It's sad this child and so many like it are indoctrinated into abandoning so much of what God gave them.
Fug I fapped to this show so many times
>Has ((("""progress"""))) ever been successfully halted or reversed?
>play dressup, tuck your pecker
just like a sarlacc / no need for strap-on
>put on pounds of makeup
just like a sarlacc (and much better than pounds of FAT)
>stuff bra
just like a sarlacc
>boy falls for you
boys fall for any warm hole that looks penetrable
>you take off your clothes
at least that's a given with traps and doesn't require a bank loan
>he runs screaming into the night
you've obviously not left the basement... ever
There isn't really such thing as "progress." through technology and capitalism we turned society into a cancer of expansion and consumerism. Life is not better now for most people. Inequality truly is worse now than it ever has been. abc.net.au
So, "progress" is complete bullshit. And no, we probably can't reverse it because everything is already in place for an apocalypse scenario and population bottleneck, which has been inevitable since the fall of the Third Reich, when the world embraced American globalization, multiculturalism, and cancer ideology.
Maybe, by some miracle, we can seize the society from the cancer in warfare, but odds are the entire civilization has to die. In that most likely case, we will be pitted against the kikes and muds in an unavoidable armageddon super-holocaust that may permanently ruin many swaths of Earth, land and people. No way around it. Either our generation or our children.