There are no social classes in America, they're abolished

>there are no social classes in America, they're abolished
I've read this several times. What does that means?

Pic only to draw your attention

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We've got a ruling class, regardless of what you've heard.

Two tiers. The top and everyone else.

ehhh I would say 3 because rich/celebrity status has become a class above most laws.

It means we have no prescribed social classes. Only people who like to divide other people into categories.

In a sense, sure. Our class divisions are purely economic. In other countries you can find poor patricians with noble names/bloodlines but not much money. Here it's all about money.

>Pic only to draw your attention

liberals say it to pretend niggers arent niggers and conservatives say it to pretend the bogdanoffs dont rule the secret global government

Sounds like cultural marxism

Sauce for newfags: MissAlice 94

No those are just the shabbos goys, they have always been above most laws.

long but real redpill incoming (1/3)



Your welcome

Sorta what I thought. Social mobility is possible in USA

Found the pic randomly on a thread. No idea who she is

Some article I've read years ago said that USA has 8? of the 10? platforms of the communist state achieved despite not being communist

Celebrities = premier état?

Interesting fact: Plato rated an oligarchy higher than a democracy in terms of political 'purity', which is what America has, an oligarchy.

He rated Aristocracy as the highest form, so clearly the old fool didn't know wtf he was talking about. Even admitted he didn't know shit.

Thanks. Will give a read

Meritocracy > all
China will grow larger

>Pic only to draw your attention
you know your audience well

>MissAlice 94
Genuinely surprised that's not a tranny.

USA has probably 17 levels but they are not written into law or anything like that. They exist as the participants see them.

marry me miss alice

We have several defined classes, but what separates us from other countries is that we claim that people have a significant chance of transcending said classes.

>porn videos
Dafuq did I post. I thought it was an average selfie whore.

Basically means there is no aristocracy so we are all even as individuals despite our differences.

But if you hear it, you're talking to a person in the middle class who is fucked because (1) they lack a culture that separates them from the lower class on paper [on paper because while there is no benefit to being middle class built into the laws or economics of our society, lower class people who embrace their lower class by means of rejecting the free education offered to them and instead choosing to partake in what would be considered a 'trashy' lifestyle are still considered different] and (2) because they don't actually have enough experience to know how the upper class lives [where high schools that cost more than most colleges actually help the student get into elite universities and teach them a method and style of learning that prepares them for leadership roles].

Interesting explanation

wow you're right i should just forget about it

Looks like a cuter version of my ex. Scary.

Fuck. She haunts me.

Actually, I think social mobility is a lot harder than economic mobility, not just in the USA but kind of everywhere. Example, if you are in the labor class and talk like the labor class, you may get very rich if you work really hard and get really lucky, but you will probably never be thought of as an "intellectual" or "elite".

Similarly if you come from a family with jobs like professors, lawyers, doctors, etc. and you become a starving artist who is piss poor, you will be "lower class" economically but you will still be held in high regard.

You are right. Is more economical mobility than social. Those are separate things

Caste not class. Read Moldbug's castes of the United States. Quite entertaining. He applies India's caste system to the US. ICP fans and extreme trailer park redneck types are the "untouchables," media types are Brahmans.

What a load of pompous communist hogwash.

Fugg, thanks user. I'll remember you when I get that nut off.

Is she married?

political Alice is political

Kek'd and checked.

They tell the lower castes that castes don't exist to prevent them trying to do anything about it.

No official class, but they exist. Most people don't associate with niggers if they can help it.
Of course, the best way to destroy classes is to be an irreverant cunt like australia, or in someplace with harsh conditions where it wouldn't matter since everyone is in the shit together

Oh sweetie, we absolutely have classes here, and they're quite rigid.

Emus above all, huh?

Ayup. They're like the Mughals. Ruling with iron feather.