Pauline Hanson has been invited to Donald Trumps inauguration.
Pauline Hanson has been invited to Donald Trumps inauguration
isn't she kind of stupid, I mean, mentally not quite all "there" -- I keep hearing people say she's dull
>Pauline Hanson
She's a bogan and not very "classy" like trump but I don't know if I'd say she is stupid. Just a lower class upbringing.
Not stupid, just very out spoken against all immigrants and the melbournecucks echo chamber of how she must be brain dead to have these views.
I assume she is... somebody?
Anyway, if you donate money to them, you get an invitation. My father, a drunkard shreetrock installer who lived from paycheck to paycheck was invited to literally anything George W Bush did. Not that he had the means or opportunity to go.
She seems nice, she pisses off the Lefties and that gives her a few points. Glad to see she got the invite.
>She might speak to the US head of state before our fucking PM.
She's come a long way from that fish and chip shop.
So he's met with the Sweden Democrats, Marine le Pen, invited Pauline Hanson to the inauguration, and the first foreign leader he'll meet with is Putin in Iceland.
I'm happy
When she first started she wasn't very bright, but I believe the proverb, "let a man continue in his folly and he will eventually become wise. " Not saying she is the best example of that but it's happening.
she's a fucking idiot
Trump should just do a $5 at the door red cup kegger with karaoke at 11pm.
She's really embarrassing to listen to.
She's our Sarah Palin.
No politicians are.
Some are just better at hiding it.
It's mainly the biased media and her low class upbringing
Jacqui Lambie is also a bogan but very tolerable.
Pauline Hanson is just a bad speaker. Very bad at interviews and speaking off the cuff.
It works for her though as I imagine it's easier to vote for her than some of the male One Nation candidates who just come across as slimy men with ulterior motives.
Shes all we have so far, her purpose was to create the party that will be the vessel for our farage/le pen to rise up
Honestly, all you had to do was write in and request some tickets. You literally don't have to be anybody. Now the parties afterwards are another matter.
>Twitter and reddit keep telling me she's mentally retarded xD by the way, fuck libruhls, Trump isn't a retard, they're just batxept Her lost olol
>she pisses off the Lefties
why is it that this is pretty much the only thing that matter for most people as to if they like them or not? Honestly? I understand that there may be more but why is this one of the first things brought up and sometimes only thing brought up.
Hey America, you can keep her.
I hear that too.
But remember being considered smart nowadays means accepting all refugees and having a degree in gender studies from the marxist indoctrination camps they call colleges.
The tables have really flopped lately. Back in the day conservatives were seen as the smart ones and liberals were seen as children or women with hysteria
Just imagine if a diner lady who dropped out of high school got into political office.
That's Pauline Hanson.
Hanson meeting Putin and Trump? This is win. She is based af desu
>Jacqui Lambie
I honestly have a lot of respect for her and Ricky Muir. I'm sure neither of them expected to win seats, had no fucking clue what they were doing, but they've both gotten their shit in a pile quickly and taken their roles seriously. Based.
Our 2 party system has traditionally been a choice between beige and mother-of-pearl. People like her provide a much needed kick up the arse for those cunts.
So much this.
>Oh you don't want the country flooded with immigrants, you must be an idiot
>I mean LOL you used to be afraid that asians were going to swamp the country, and weren't you wrong!?
>When I walk around Sydney ONLY 50% of the people I see are Chinese, and only 30% of the houses in Australia are owned by Chinese trying to launder their money
>Fucking dumbass, nobody believes you about the muslims
>Th-this isn't why I came here from reddit!
You really need to lurk more. Sure, we practice what we preach, but it'd be for nothing if we couldn't enjoy a few SJWs and leftits drinking a bleach martini from time to time.
I agree with her ideas regarding illegal immigration / islam, but she comes across as pretty dumb a lot of the time. I need to tune into a bit more. It could just be another Trump treatment by our cucked media.
One Nation now polling at 10% Nationwide. Make Australia Great Again Mate.
I suppose it's better to have a dim patriot than a clever traitor. Besides, maybe she knows a thing or two about cooking with gas.
Because the culture war is also pretty important desu senpai. When your media and politicians are cucked and a decent percentage of your country are liberal fuckheads and parasites, you need to send a message. People like Trump and Hanson and Farage are the messengers.
She has single-handedly set Australian nationalism back 30 years.
If your enemies are happy, you fucked up somewhere. Not to say that getting under the Left's skin is all there is, but it is a necessary element.
Spot on, she's just upsetting because she speaks the truth. See in melbourne we have a 'hip' tv show with a sand nigger who tells us how to be accepting and nice. Every second night he's explaining how muslims are good boys.
>Every second night he's explaining how muslims are good boys.
And how white people are to blame for terrorist attacks for not being accepting enough
She's not eloquent, and yes, flat out stupid even if she is right about a few things.
This is why the left loves her, because it gives them someone they can parade around as the idiot representative of anyone with a "right wing" opinion.
She is inarticulate, rather than stupid. Her policies are reasonable but she interviews poorly, especially during her first run during the 90's. She has actually improved herself since then, does a lot better with a hostile interviewer (which is all she gets).
Pauline shitpost irl at the inauguration
Please let this happen.
>she makes all the other politicians in Oz look like faggots.
As opposed to those other nationalist movements... wait who are they again ?
>this woman will be running the country in four years time.
Pauline and One Nation are just a vehicle for protest and can never be anything more.
This is still better than nothing but we need to look ahead to the future and a proper, professional nationalist party with an intelligent and presentable leader.
>Greens trail one nation
Yes. YES.
Ain;t that corey nigga from south australia making a party too? They should all form soon.
>that corey nigga
No we want proper nationalism not Christian cuckservatism and Gina Rhinehart's employment policies.
There you go, I didn't know much about him. Still better than...labor.... Who has fucked melbourne so good.
Both parties have fucked this country. All the Africans marauding on the streets of Melbourne were let in by the Howard government.
Time to crash this place with no survivors.