>be me
>live in huge coastal city
>voted for Trump
Anyone else break all the Trump voter stereotypes?
I always laugh when people say all Trump voters are rural retards.
>be me
>live in huge coastal city
>voted for Trump
Anyone else break all the Trump voter stereotypes?
I always laugh when people say all Trump voters are rural retards.
>be me
>brown person
>voted for trump
Peter thiel is based senpai
Smart city people voted for Hillary.Dumb rural and suburban idiots voted for DRUMPF
>be me
> 14 inch pecker
> 1 testical
> educated
> voted for Trump
He's a secret NRxer. I'm more convinced of that with each passing day.
>be me
>26 years old
>Russian Israeli
>Work non stop since age 14
>Currently in University
There is like over 100 million people who voted for Trump that don't fit the left's stereotype of a Trump voter.
Educated Caribbean and south American latino born in AMERICA
Do these people not realize that rural people have had the internet for 20 years?
I'm from a town of 500, but callling me dumb, because of that, is anachronistic.
>o-only poor white hilbils vote for drumpf
>Be Arab
>Be Muslim
>Be from Dubai / UAE
>Get job with startup in NYC after killing my self at Uni
>Get US citizenship
>See Mexicans flooding in
>See my freedom of religion would die with a Catholic Mexican president ( Rubio etc... )
>See my right to defend my self from 3rd worlders and back ally scum would end with Hillary
>See Trump is a success and loves America
>See Trump hates radical Islam
>Know that radical Islam hurts more Muslims than anyone else
>I love Trump
I fucking hate American liberals and their superiority complexes, It is truly sickening.
No way.
I have one testy as well. how did you lose your other one?
>be me
>Millenial, college educated white man with great job living in downtown Chicago
>Voted Trump
>>be me
>>college educated
>>well paying job in heavy lib industry
>>good looking
>>live in heavy liberal area
>college educated
>literally grew up in 'the swamp'
also yes everyone in DC is as corrupt as you think
>be me
>live in south america
>dont vote left wing
are you a muslim
Why do these retarded stereotypes even exist?
A senior economist with Gallup, Jonathan Rothwell, studied the data and found that, “if anything, more affluent Americans favor Trump, even among white non-Hispanics.” That analysis squares with median household income estimates of voters done by FiveThirtyEight, based on exit polling in the primary season. For Trump voters, it was $72,000. Among Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders voters, it was $61,000. The median household income for the states studied was $56,000.
>be me
>college student
>voted trump
Mexican American didnt vote for him but fully support his policies
>be Muslim
>be from Illinois
>want my kids to grow up and have jobs
>don't want 24/7 Communist homosexual degeneracy propaganda shoved down their throats as they grow up
>dont want ISIS to walk in and cut our heads off for being the wrong Mazhab
Voted Trump and laughed when libfag hippy protesters came to our mosque the Friday after the election to "stand in solidarity" with us
Silicon Valley Trump voter here. Went to UCSC.
>brown person
tienes que regresar
jk bud maga
>be me
>college student
>voted Trump
>>be me
>>white woman
yo neet with anxiety
>>pumpkin spice is bomb af
>>have tumblr
>>love steven universe
>>weed lmao
>>le plebbiter
>>voted Trump
My sister thinks I've gone insane. How to find a qt nazi man in pnw?
>white woman
>be me
>consume degenerate media and entertainment
>smoke the herbal jew
>go to rock fests and shows quite often
>work 40 sober hours every week
>voted trump
>Be me
>not in college yet because of not knowing what i want to do so work and save money for now
>voted for trump
tits or gtfo
>be me
>white female
>liberal parents
>college student
>voted for Trump
Not all Trump voters are rural retards, but the rural retards allowed Trump to win. You owe it to the hillybill rednecks.
>classical musician
>bachelor's degree
>live in major city
>work in tech
Want to purge the libtards
> Be me
> 37 year old latina transgender mtf (but I identify as a Sony LCD T.V every second Tuesday
> Hedge fund manager
> Lives in Brisbane, Australia
> Have a Masters degree in pottery
> Voted for Broompf
if digits u must give a sideboob shot.
Based alcoholic retarded tradesworkers on their 3rd divorce still hanging out at the bar at the age of 53
>smack dab in the middle of San Fran
>comp sci major
>college educated
>Chinese immigrant LEGALLY
>voted Trump
Hey wait a sec. I live in downtown Chicago, have one nut, am employed and educated, millennial and votes for Trump. Stop being me.
Im a beaner who voted Trump
I dont even need to say more
>from massachusetts
>qt asian bf who also voted Trump
>Voted for trump
Feels good man,everyone at the synagoue voted for Trump too
(On business trip)
My sister has found a lot of good guys in twitter.
However they are scare of her because they think she is some sort of anti-fash mole or terrorist.
( we are both Arabs )
You need to clean up your "weed lmao" garbage and become a bit more of a traditionalist if you want to gain any national socialist trust these days.
you're all so adorable, have a bone. i only shave for the pure, my germanic ancestry is deep. I'll have very strong white boys someday.
no rule breaking
we must stick with our convictions
you followed the rules
and checked
we can now treat you like a person
welcome friend
>those digits
>that pic
The wewest of lads m8
>came to our mosque the Friday after the election to "stand in solidarity" with us
I hate these people.
I also hate Muslims who still feel ruled by kings in the GCC.
There needs to be a "Free Man" or "Free Muslim" movement against adhering to what a hand full of rich kids who inherited Mecca are telling us to do.
We're not their subjects anymore.
>smoke herbal jew
>drink liquid jew
>do the Masturbatory Jew 4+ times a day
>huge dick
>vote Trump
I'm a guy
Is that way
There has never been a tits or gtfo role on Sup Forums
Im a kike and support Trump
Don't say kike brother.Anyway Trump promised an increase of aid to israel,so all jews like him.
>There has never been a tits or gtfo role on Sup Forums
i dont want to anger you because you might radicalize
>voted clinton in 2008 primary (didn't know better about her hawkishness)
>voted obama in past two elections (deeply regret 2012 vote in spite of 2011 libya redpill, left dem party in 2013 over syria)
>college educated
>tech industry
>live in overwhelmingly liberal city
>son of coastal dot com boomers
>mostly liberal friends
>democrat family
Also faggots,
It's Robert E Lee's Birth Day tomorrow.
Stop celebrating the radical nigger communist who wanted Gibs on this day.
>past two
Err, the two general elections before 2016.
Green in 2014 midterm before delving into conservative philosophical literature a month later, and voting Trump in 2016 but the latter's a given.
>Voted for Trump
>be me illegal immigrant on gibsmedats >voted trump
Wtf bitch what the hell is that? Kek
Sup Forums is compromised. kike mods in effect. working with antifa
>be me
>have cerebral palsy
>voted Trump
>college educated
Got a ton of grief from family for voting the way I did but it's worth it
So uh... Rare???
French Polynesia rare? Its pretty much and American state
Never even seen your flag before. I guess I am a newfag to flags.
Yes. If you see Niue get excited
I wear my trump hat around NYC and nobody says anything
>b-but the media told me that only poor dumb White men voted for Trump.
Niue it's not that rare, 744 posts vs the 1441 from French Polynesia.