>1946 Bihar riots - 30,000 muslims killed
>1969 Gujarat riots - 2,000 muslims killed
>1980 Moradabad riots - 2,500 muslims killed
>1983 Nellie massacre - 10,000 muslims killed
>1985 Gujarat riots - 500 muslims killed
>1987 Hashimpura massacre - 42 young muslims kidnapped, shot dead and dropped in lake
>1989 Bhagalpur voilence - 1,000 muslims killed, 50,000 displaced
>Demolition of Babri Mosque - 2,000 muslims killed
>1992 Bombay riots - 900 muslims killed
>2002 Gujarat riots - 3,000 muslims killed
>2004 Jalna Mosque bomb attack - two bomb attacks on two mosques during a friday prayer
>2006 Vadodara riots - 8 muslims burned alive for resisting to demolish a mosque for development
>2006 Malegaon bombings - Bombings at a muslims cemetary killing 37
>Mecca Masjid bombing - 16 killed by a cellphone bomb in a mosque
>29 September 2008 western India bombings - Two bomb explosions in muslim areas killing 8
>2013 Muzaffarnagar riots - 62 mulsims killed, 50,000 displaced
>May 2014 Assam violence - 33 muslims killed
This is how you keep your muslims in check
How how do you keep poo in check?
And it only requires a big wave of violence every now and then, looking forward to it!
By shipping it to Austrlian beaches with the help of Pajeet Ocean.
It keeps our swords sharp.
my indian friend, spread today's Google doodle on whatever muslim language social media you can speak in. i want muslims to riot over this equality cartoon. for the keks.
at the end of the day you're killing your own people whether they're Muslims or not. They're ethnically from Indian continent.
>This is how you keep your muslims in check
>Muslim population of India at the time of independence
>Muslim population of India at present
Nice checking you have there OP. India will soon be majority Muslim and so will the rest of the world.
>8 muslims burned alive for resisting to demolish a mosque for development
Kek that sounds like an ancap meme
It's clearly very efficient, seeing as muslims haven't taken over India. Meanwhile, they did take over Europe and the only people that bothered to take a stand are us.
They'll learn to appreciate it one day, when they're hanging upside down, hanged by the balls in their fancy squares, surrounded by hollering subhumans.
Pakis doesn't equal Indians leaf, they are all Paki and Bengali scum.
Cancer in human body is basically its own cells gone rouge, doesn't mean one needs to cull those cells to stop the cancer from spreading and like a healthy life.
Kek, Pookistani using Indian servers, soon you are going to be joining your brothers into the grave.
If you had anything under control you wouldn't be having so many riots.
I also see that you're taking pride in condoning terrorism. Which really makes you no different and you are just as deserving of the same fate.
Now don't forget to wipe.
I'm not talking about Paki's. There are millions of Muslims in India.
That just sounds like even more of an ancap meme
Yeah it does
>can't dispute the fact that the Muslim population of India has gone up by 5%
>XD LOL Le pookistani
Good job with your pakipoo removal
Just use deodorant next time you drive me home from the pub in an uber or taxi and no seat bead things cheers Cunts
Indians are still pieces of shit though, a bunch of lying, lazy, and scamming cunts. There's too many of you smell poo niggers here.
>Muslim population has gone up by 5% after Independence
Muslims population in India = 172 million
Hindu population in India = 827 million
>Muslims population in India = 172 million
>Hindu population in India = 827 million
Yeah and these stats will soon change if the current trend of Muslims having more wives and children keeps up.
It doesn't count for much if you keep mudslims out while your country is literally covered in shit. Sup Forums memes aside, basic sanitation is a much higher priority than removing kebab, and you guys can't even manage that.
>Muslims population in India = 172 million
ok, scratch anything I said. You're fucked.
Thats, thats a fuck lot of muzzies tho, no matter how many you are.
> And it only requires a big wave of violence every now and then, looking forward to it!
I read some commentary on amren or vdare to this point. It's the only way. We have to learn that from the Indians.
The only way to handle Muslim minorities is with regular punitive violence. You can't reason with them.
Except ethnically, they do. If you put pakis and loos next to each other wearing same clothes, you won't tell the difference.
>1983 - 1993, punjab 11.5k beta manlet hinpoos slaughtered by alpha sikhs.
Also drink cow piss, sub human.
Thank fuck my ancestors decided to divide India.
>Muslim rape baby
i think you indians have a great future if you can
deal with the muslim problem
ive met many really competent people from India , sadly also many with fake education , but they were always friendly and never vicious like other ethnicities tend to be
How do you keep the poo in the loo, pajeet
There fucking taj mahal is Islamic after muslims left they didn't even know how to poo in the loo
Thid would suite them beter
And now they're doing what muslims do best: breeding others out of existance.
Better keep the riots going or their numbers will increase too much.
lol it really does
toilet seat/anus