Pictures that makes u think



Makes me think how stupid they are

>hurricane blasts away and drowns a bunch of niggers

Thank you, slavery.


It makes me wonder how so many people don't understand a weather pattern

that's incredibly racist and ignorant, these were real people going through terrible hardships of rape and torture

>ships sail using wind and therefore take the same path that the wind blows in


Of course they move along the same path. Ships followed the fucking path of the best wind direction. They were sail boats!
Hurricanes were around before African slaves.
Slavery was around before African slaves.
Niggers and Jews do not get a monopoly on suffering.


stop being ignorant cletus, these black people were heroes for picking cotton

>what are "prevailing winds"?
goddamn fucking stupid niggers

this. Even the "civilized" ones still believe in spirits and other voodoo shit to explain nature

>celebrating a white man having his property destroyed
baka senpai

do you have any proof that voodoo is fake tho?

You want a redpill? Fine, here's your redpill.

My father was killed because he, as a lathe operator, was overworked by his capitalist pig bosses.

The resulting exhaustion led to him dozing off at work and falling face first into the lathe. Pic related is the true picture of the scene and status of his body after he fell in.

Think about the fact that capitalism killed my dad when I was only a few months old next time you buy a new TV, iPad, or otherwise indulge in the capitalist death cult.

I hope this shed some perspective on the brutality of capitalism.

This copypasta is stale

Hmm, really makes your synapses fire.

Really fires up my neurons

I bought a new 4K TV because of your post. And if you're not down with that, I just have two words for ya: SUCK IT!


whoa this is some next level tolerance, really made me think

lmao ur dad is a fuckin noob


Story behind this?

nigs in the ghetto
no story, typical shit