ignore all THOTH autism. Forced maymays=magic
Only Kek autism allowed here
Thoth Trumps Kek
They are not enemys but if Kek ever wanted to do any harm, Thoth would destroy him in self defence.
it splits the get powers anyways
with palindromes & repeating #, there are too many gets
now people are trying to summon gods of ascending & descending digits
it's just too much
Boyz club 4 lyfe
THIS is false.
Kek and thoth are both powerful, we should revere them both, however I believe we should elevate Kek to a patron god of sorts, while still paying respects to the rest of the (currently awakened) pantheon.
Check em. Join the Order of Kek before it's too late.
KEK pegs Thoth
This is not forced. There's some serious digits going on here. Pic related
Is fad. Will die soon. KEK and Sup Forums will go on
tfw thoth is actually real while kek is a mis spelling from a translation error look it up yourselves you kikes
If Sup Forums turns its meme magic against itself, it will fail. We have enough problems with shitposters and external opponents, we don't need to have a religious civil war.
Thoth is the true manipulator.
Didnt we discover Kek a year ago about? (while kek worship was still largely underground, until later on)
Thoth is real. Kek confirms
What did he mean by this?
We aren't resurrecting another deity. We've already Made America Great Again. We must only call upon deities in times of great need.
All these digits..
Now all we need is a happening and/or prediction based around Thoth digits to cement nonbelievers, much like those who didnt believe in Kek.
Thoth is a man. Learn about him before you meme like a redditor
You know, Kek makes me wonder if it was all a psyop to get this board to transition fully into Nazism.
Nazism at its philosophical core is rooted in esoteric occult tradition. Kek, while starting as a joke, has lead many an user now down the path of occultism unironically.
I feel it was all too inevitable then that Sup Forums would adopt and synchronize their views with it. You people are becoming more proper nazis day by day.
Also Kek is real, stop fucking around, you faggots. Pay reverence.
So psyop is the CIA trying to shill against thoth so to pin meme magic against each other when really they're for each other.
kek and thoth are friendos! Ignore the CIA shills that are blaspheming thoth and kek
KEK didn't happen over night... If happenings will consider. If there's more faggotry with other gods like the ascending and descending your giving yourself way too much to prove at once... Or increasing probability of happenings to stack deck. Very suspicious.
jfc you faggots are literally baal worshipping now, im out
Kek just confirmed that I'm right. Check em!
>mfw when phone number is a three layer TKK get
Thoth is with us.
Osiris is coming.
Khnum is awaiting.
Yeah see no. More digit combos just gives way too much probability to where all is a happening. That ain't special. No fun.
Thoth is palindromes.
Osiris is ascending.
Khnum is descending.
Our knowledgeable interpret the meanings between them.
Laypersons may stay with Kek, if they are unsure.
Some relevant OC
confirmed. Kek is a god of the night, remember. Thoth is a lunar god. Thoth can travel between the day and night, they are not enemies.
he's usually depicted with a crescent too. he could be anti-mudslime meme magic, appropriating their symbol and twisting it to truth and rationality.
kek brings chaos to the global order. thoth illuminates the path forward, so that we can greet the coming dawn.
KEKs got the digits niggers
Who says the other gods will appear through digits?
We must look to what the gods would do to show themselves to the believers.
ok this actually made me laugh. i'm on board now.
M f w Sup Forums belongs to eris
That is a nice digit. Should have made a prediction
Kek is channeling with Thoth.
Judgement is coming. 4 more days.
praise Ke too
That's fucking gay and you don't know the first thing about the history of these figures.
you're just a reddit fag riding the shit meme train.
The gets in this thread should speak for themselves
I am blessed by both
This is what I keep saying and newfags keep living in denial
Kek speaks in last digits. He and Thoth can work together for combo gets.
Fuck the CIA
Praise Kek and the great creator of the Emerald tablet, Thoth
>you don't know the first thing about the history of these figures
Would you care to tell us, then?
They seem to like eachother.
They're even in a poster or two together.
Where I'm at.
Kek is rael. Waiting for Thoth happenings so make with some prophecies. If Oracle of Kek (Styx) vouches for it it gets bonus points. Need more clarity on gets divination method.
Thee you have it, checked!
this. but i don't we've reached darkest/most chaotic point of dawn yet
centre trips!
thoth is god of IDS
Stop psyopping him as god of singles shitposts
thoth is very much a beautiful part but you will need to realize that hes completely insane and only by him loving the world, can he realize that
We are all sharing a dream
Never forget the true enemy.
What is this garbage "th*th" meme anyway?
It's not even organic. But at least it exposes the plebbiters and f*c*b**k faggots.
Return the bones thoth
Does thot feeds on kek?
Thanks based thoth
i don't like that thoth design, it's meh.
I don't give a fuck about that.
I want Bastet to get memed into existence.
Cat protector is good.
>Pepe thoth
See this is what I'm talking about. Thoth is just as real as kek
those crazy 8s
Its literially the original.
worship who ever you want, be it kek, thoth or both. jesus, thor zeus. as long as your religion doesnt involve enslaving humankind and sacrificing our children its fine with me
We have had little success with female deities.
But the ones discussed were all married. So there's that.
meme magic is evil
This whole fucking thread, man.
Praise and Shadilay.
And here we see the 567 ascending numbers
stop fighting against thoth or kek we are fighting moloch
stop being a Christcuck
Last threads, we discussed that we should find a suitable meme-home for Thoth.
After which Osiris may be reborn. Perhaps it is a whisper from Osiris that we should Thothize the frog.
and forgot, dont make multiple threads at once about the same thing. it takes away space for valuable threads away, and divides the discussion splitting the new insights instead of concentrating them. its in you own interests.
i just read a bit of the emerald tablets of thoth, thoth considered equal to hermes which the masons seem to worship (in the tablets he also refers to himself as hermes. the tablets also seem to be the origin of the "as above so below" stuff.
>Betray not my secrets
>to the men of the North
>or the men of the South
>lest my curse fall upon ye.
>Remember and heed my words,
>for surely will I return again
>and require of thee that which ye guard.
>Aye, even from beyond time and
>from beyond death will I return,
>rewarding or punishing
>as ye have requited your truest.
i believe this to mean that thoth says those who holds his knowledge shouldnt abuse them for his personal gain, but use it for the sake of mankind. right now there is no reason to hold such knowledge back and by still keeping them secrets they betray the secrets he intended for humankind. the masons and the elite betrayed him, and we who seek knowledge and wisdom and intend to spread it might be chosen to do that work and be rewarded while (((they))) get punished. at least thats what i hope
Well, she wold be fine.
>Tons of people search for cats and catvideos on the internet.
>Almost every household (especially in Russia) has a cat.
>Cat is considered a clean animal by orthodox church.
>Cats are known to relieve stress and pain.
So, while Kek brings chaos, Bastet would protect us from that chaos.
My dad can beat up your dad
Thoth and gabriel are the same character. he is the author of islam and a true deciver
you appreciate my digits??
I forgot a kitty.
I don't think Thoth gets are GETS.
I'm encouraging you to read the reason for memeing Bastet.
well then
Check out the Gematria sum
interesting connections
>Perhaps it is a whisper from Osiris that we should Thothize the frog
Way ahead of ya
this is (((them))) getting scared we actually have a god on our side. kek is for Sup Forums, Sup Forums is for kek.
I've been noticing that smaller redpill threads and several nigger hate threads have been autosaged and outright deleted among others. we have mods working with leftypol and antifa fucking this board up. turn up the redpills, goreposts, and nigger hate posts to 12 guys. drive them out or redpill them.