''Canada was built on immigration''
How to respond to that?
''Canada was built on immigration''
How to respond to that?
Yes. Yes it was
French and English immigration.
yeah, we all descended from poo-flinging apes too.
wonderful we're taking in 5 immigrants next year
humans have been migrating since the first human
It literally wasn't. It was built from English and French settlers
Those settlers are immigrants buddy
Every society on earth was build on immigration except for the cradle of life in africa, hurr durr.
We are all just evolved native Americans who happen to look like Europeans.
But what about the first Nations they where immigrants at one time as well
Actually Canada was composed of north-western-europeans and formed by their Christian beliefs
Well, it was.
Opposing immigration as a whole is silly, but what we're all concerned about is the excessive immigration by unproductive individuals that globalist governments around the world are more than happy to shove down our collective throats
we're about to enter a cold cycle in the ice age we're currently in. Arabs won't survive and you're a horrible person for suggesting they move here
Not entirely.
During the march to the west a lot of immigrants came from various countries.
Read this instead of being an insane nut (one way or the other) about immigration.
Being triggered by seeing peaceful non-whites in Canada is literally a mental illness.
This, it was built upon EUROPEAN immigration, not non-homogeneous immigration from peoples of different racial/cultural background from all over the world.
Word it in a way that'll let you reach him, but you could start there.
Canada can't survive without immigrants. All the suburbs where whites live barely have any people and businesses are shutting down.
That's a better answer
or maybe an all-service economy just isn't a good idea?
Na, they were literally colonists.
Why do you white demons disregard the natives to a land that you take? In every country on earth that you shit up?
>Canada was built by people who drank water
>Canada was built by people who breathed air
Wow... sounds like another group of people who might want to live there :)
>"This has been an attack on our brand. This has been an attack on our system. This is an attack on our people. It’s bullshit OK! I used those words when I described my conversation with the minister last week. He gets it." -McDonalds CEO
The phone call that saved low skill immigration and our Temporary Foreign Worker program for our multi mil/bil corps.
"It shows."
White immigration
it was built by *conquerors with no obligation to give their wealth away to valueless third worlders
To this day, they prefer living in reserves like endangered animals instead of joining or contributing to our societies. Comsidering their contributions to mankind, they might as well be fauna
How is this not bannable, completely ruins otherwise productive thread
A good way to deal with people like that is to say that "We have borders and immigration systems for a reason and no REASONABLE person thinks we should have unlimited immigration. Canada has a much higher per capita immigration rate than any other G20 country, and I think our immigration system ought to be more in line with other countries of our size and economic realities"
If wanting fewer immigrants makes you racist then every other country on earth is racist.
You're forgetting us dumbfuck Micks and Macs
>Those settlers are immigrants buddy
There is a difference between settlers and immigrants. The settlers weren't moving into Native towns.
How to save this country?
"natives BTFO"
And why they do this?
And every European nation was built on war. Doesn't mean we should go back to that.
>Being triggered by seeing peaceful non-whites in Canada is literally a mental illness.
Fuck you. There is nothing good about neighbourhoods becoming more non-White. Canadian culture is simply superior to foreign cultures and adding clit cutting, veils, hijabis, hatred of pork and booze as well as various cultural disregards for hygiene does not make a Canadian town better. Adding a new religious group doesn't make it better. It all makes it worse.
No, those settlers were settlers retard
>And why they do this?
They ultimately hate Canada and any other country that is White.
Yes, but it was built by white men. Everyone else are enjoying/ruining what they built.
Nah it was also built on Asian immigration, chinks built the big railway to BC, without that railway there was a good chance BC would have joined the United States.
They were then immediately subjected to racist discriminatory policies in an attempt to undermine the chink migration, long story short, didn't really work in the long term.
The chinks didn't build the railway they were scabs.
*skilled european immigration
I still can't believe we have a temporary foreign worker program for fast food. What is the logic.
"If we don't allow our fast food resteraunts to hire people outside the country, so they can sell fast food to Canadians, and then export their money outside the country, the economy will crash"
I have never heard TFWs for fast food rationalised even once. Yet it's so common and widespread. Like if the price of donuts goes up and availability goes down due to increased wages for fast food workers, Canada will grind to a halt. Potentially, the TFWs might also get replaced by automation, which would of course be terrible.
Shit just strikes me as completely corrupt. Literally, WHAT IS THE POINT?
>Nah it was also built on Asian immigration, chinks built the big railway to BC, without that railway there was a good chance BC would have joined the United States.
Bullshit. The railway was mostly built by Irish labour. The Asian angle has always been exaggerated because it fits the multicultural propaganda angle.
It was settled, Whites didn't immigrate into a civ, they carved a White civ out of the forest.
Pox on the jews who came up with the bullshit immigration narrative.
"Yeah but they were immigrants of an entirely different sort. White, hardworking, and most importantly -- willing to assimilate and conform to local customs and tradition. Immigrants now are under no pressure to assimilate or change whatsoever because our cities are so diverse and segregated that anyone can just join into their already established ethnic community, in their own corner of town, as is, indefinitely. It's also an irrefutable fact that whites breed nowhere near as rapidly as non-whites, so it's hard not to see the trend as threatening."
I'll look into this myself, I was taught this and didn't seriously question this.
Wouldn't mind a link if you've got one handy though.
>clit cutting
Banned, not sure it's even very common
Don't care what some dumb lady wears as long as she (or rather her husband) doesn't force it on me or mine. I'd rather she didn't, but I'd rather lots of assholes didn't do lots of things. There's probably a lot of stuff you believe should be put into practice that I want to ban as well. Personal freedom is, alas, a thing.
Buddy, it's a fucking scarf. What do I fucking care if they wear a SCARF instead of, what, a baseball cap? A weird Tumblr half-shave? Obligatory long hair or a bonnet or a Templar helmet or whatever the fuck you want?
> hatred of pork and booze
More for me, eh?
>cultural disregards for hygiene
Welcome to the land of the Great Lakes and many rivers. They'll be washing in no time, given high school social pressures.
Including most of the white men, who are largely not capable of civilization-building either and are coasting by on their more talented peers and predecessors. Just because you more closely resemble a lot of competent people from Canadian history does not, in fact, make you a competent Canadian.
Discussing banning the veil triggers me because veil bans keep getting knocked down in the supreme court.
It's right wing self masturbation unless you have a plan to change the supreme court.
nuke it
I'm third generation though so it's kind of hard for me to be an immigration hardliner.
Canadians also don't buy ethnocentrism.
I think the only argument you can really go for is pointing out how immigration levels are fucking up the housing market and pointing out how assimilation is actually slowing down due to the rate of immigration.
Justin Trudeau: "I'm a Proud Feminist," Muslims "Essential" to Canada's Success
It's also such a bullshit angle. They play it up as this big security risk (it's not, if they have valid ID and you only allow one vote per ID card holder). I've heard my relatives say that it means that her male relatives or whatever will sneak someone else in under the veil to vote the way they want--like a woman who goes around dressed like a ninja ghost to appease her misogynist relatives and their weird religious rites is suddenly going to grow a backbone and vote against their wishes in a voting booth? I don't even like the goddamn veil, and if it was banned I wouldn't really lose any sleep over it, but it's such a fucking non-issue 90% of the time.
Another good thing is to point out that we've had to deal with French Canadian sepratism that has nearly torn the country apart at its seams.
Yet people are seriously suggesting up here, and I've heard this in BC, that it wouldn't be so bad if people spoke mandarin. That it's racist to say that people should learn English when I'm unwilling to learn Mandarin.
People are goddamned retarded as fuck here and thinks that large ethnic divides will culturally enrich us.
it was built on strict and controlled immigration not mass immigration.
people who advocate for mass immigration are shills for people who want cheap labour, or just cucks.
Like, if just dealing with the English and French thing has been SO difficult for Canadian society, to the point we've had to basically amend the constitution just to deal with it, why do people think that trying to split Canada up into more factions won't cause more problems?
People see united communities and go "this won't do! We need to set the stage for balkanization! Muh cultural mosaic!"
We were also built on a LOT of dead Chinese. You're right, we should go back to our roots.
What has Canada accomplished again?
It was built on immigration from EUROPE. With EUROPEAN values and customs. Canada is and always will be a fundamentally European nation.
I mean, it would create a multitude, some might even say WEALTH, of cultures.
Technically correct, just not great for... Like, national unity. I don't really care about assimilation, mind you, but some basic stuff like language classes and understanding basic social norms should be mandatory, yeah.
Uncontrolled mass immigration would be an awful idea, but there's nothing inherently wrong with pulling from a more diverse global selection than the old "pretty much all European" immigration policy. I mean, if you don't want absolute cultural conformity and don't hate non-whites.
>How to respond to that?
So what?
We're one of the 8 richest countries on Earth, we have a few inventions (sometimes debatably) attributed to us, and we provide the world with a lot of natural resources. Also, video games and actors come from here, sometimes.
Built on Christian immigration and non-Christian corpses.
Up until immigration laws changed, the only people allowed to settle here had to meet two criteria
1) From Europe
2) White / Caucasian**
* * unless otherwise brought in for extremely cheap labour.. aka: british colony chinks for Canada, and Blacks for USA
Then the post WW2 era happened and immigration laws became retarded lax.
>So was Israel and I don't see you asking for more third worlders there
>but there's nothing inherently wrong with pulling from a more diverse global selection
>nothing inherently wrong
>more diverse
are you a fucking nigger?
yes, there is something wrong with that, you dumbfuck: you lose your national identity. ethnohomogenous nations are always better than hetero.
>hate non-whites
seriously how much of a nigger are you?
not wanting people from a different custom =/= hating them. it simply means we want to preserve our cultural identity and heritage. god, i wish i can kick your fucking cuck face right now.
every ethnicity has their own goddamn fucking country for a reason. why do you think borders exist?
First you get them to unpack the statement so that they are actually making the claim, "Canada was built on indiscriminate immigration". Once you have them making that claim it's pretty easy, actually. My sister said that to me and at the end of the conversation she deferred.
Just explain the statistics on migration demographics prior to the 1960s and they will have to admit that Canada was built strictly by western European immigrants.
The amount of people fluent in English has been dropping for years and nobody seems to actually are. I keep getting told that it's insane to think that immigration could cause Canada to establish a third language.
The same people never ask themselves how Canada got TWO languages in the first place. We're literally getting to the point in BC where people are speaking Mandarin only at council meetings and jobs.
Yes, it was, but right is not being built anymore, so in my opinion saying that, doesn't make any sense.
Nope, French and English colonists, different from immigration.
yup. here in toronto i've come across so many indians in various misc. jobs (IT, security guards, etc.) that can barely speak fucking english. and they're fucking retarded too, poo in loo types. and best of all, the libniggers want to speed up the process to immigration, making non-english speakers more prevalent so that they can head to the voting booth quicker.
i want to kick trudumb's face so hard right now, but until then, this'll have to do
I don't think there is much of a lack of language classes mind you.
I would be in favor of more mandated use of the English language. If people ask why, say "French Canada does it, nobody cares, English is an official language". Also point out it makes it easier to actually LEARN english if there are bilingual mandarin/english signs everywhere, and it encourages english speakers to go into Chinese-speaking areas further promoting assimilation.
We should also calm down on immigration levels, which will help people be better assimiliated.
If I say something like this people just call me racist though. Even though none of the people calling me racist actually speak mandarin. They just feel that it's morally right to let society progress to the point they are unable to communicate with people in their own country. Which will surely cause far less racial conflict in Canada than we have now, because it's just such a progressive tolerant value to have.
"actually it was built by colonial invaders who murdered the native population and took it for their own, you holocaust denying misognyist"
"and now they're trying to do the same thing to us. WE'RE the natives now."
>are you a fucking nigger?
About half of one, depending how you define the term.
>you lose your national identity. ethnohomogenous nations are always better than hetero.
It's true that cultural uniformity is easier to maintain in a homogenous society. I'm a weird, nerdy outsider anyway, though. So are you, or you wouldn't be on Sup Forums. I have little to gain from maximum homogeneity, even before you get to the fact that I'm a filthy halfbreed.
>not wanting people from a different custom =/= hating them. it simply means we want to preserve our cultural identity and heritage.
I mean, you use ethnic denonyms, widely regarded as offensive, as a go-to insult. I think you probably hate non-whites, friendo.
>every ethnicity has their own goddamn fucking country for a reason. why do you think borders exist?
Even before "globalization" or "the great cuckening" or whatever, ethnic groups sometimes spanned across borders. Since the dawn of empire-building (when borders became a real thing), people have crossed between nations at times, assimilate other groups or been assimilated by them, forcibly relocated one another, and done all kinds of screwy shit that led to varying degrees of cultural and genetic admixture. SJWs and such may exaggerate the degree to which those cultures mixed, and over-emphasize the non-white and non-Christian influences in the development of the West, but borders and even ethnic groups are hardly the impermeable, permanent, fixed barriers you are suggesting. History and genetics don't back up your assertions.
Canada was built on white immigration.
Drawing parallels between new world colonialism and modern immigration is dubious at best, both when you do it and when the left does it. Suggesting that the end result is likely to be the same is pretty much MAXIMUM spuriousness, though. The variables are dramatically different, from our relative wealth and tech levels, to societal cohesion, to the raw numbers (and proportions) involved.
A third linguistic/cultural bloc akin to what suggests is far more likely. Taking measures such as suggests to encourage a degree of assimilation and cross-communication is a good way to combat it. Still, wouldn't hurt to brush up on some other major trade languages for the interconnected world of today/tomorrow, Sup Forums.
If the government gets there way uninteruprted there won't be a recognizable Canada in the future.
People are oblivious to the fact that the is an actual difference in mindset in different parts of the world and the difference is what created the wests prosperity. The Age of Enlightenment and renaissance happened in western countrys due to eurpeans natural individualistic view of the world. We will respect our peers having wildly different views compared to our own and society's norms and not shut that down and make them conform. This has been our greatest streingth and our biggest weakness also sadly, as we have gotten to the point of having almost no racial or cultural protection being enforced within our own group. Solipsism and moral relativism being pushed by liberal parts of society have almost destroyed our ability for people who subscribe to those world views to even see any sort of threat
European immigration
I'll admit Sup Forums I've been around Indians and Chinks since I was born. Never had any real sort of problem with them. I would have to go out of my way to find a way to be upset by them.
I'm just a guy who has seen year after year, the use of English go down in the stats, the use of mandarin go up, and the Chinese making up a greater slice of the population. If this goes on for an extended period of time, it will be like Upper Canada replacing Lower Canada.
I always get told this is a Rediculous idea, that the first generation might not speak english, but the later ones will. Which of course is true, as we're all speaking French now, upper Canada having been overwhelmed by the influence of lower Canada.
We're already seeing Mandarin-only stuff, and gosh, I'm told I'm worried about nothing because it's so rare. That English use going down and mandarin use going up is not a problem because things will fix themselves.
So I say "maybe we should change how we approach immigration, in a way that would increase the use of English language use". I'm told this is a rediculous idea, because in the future, immigration will change in a way that will encourage the use of the English language, unlike what those racists fear. You know, eventually somebody sensible will step in, so no need to take action now.
Man, I'm just a crazy racist that wants to nip something in the bud before we start getting into a situation where Mandarin speaking extremists kidnap a Cabinet Minister and the problems become literally impossible to resolve and we resign ourselves to a fate of everlasting ethnic tension.
Yeah much of civilisation was built on war as well, as is a huge amount of human progress, so does that justify a policy of constant war because we did it built the world we have?
Southern ontario is a lost cause. Next time you drive down the 401 conduct a survey of the types of people in vehicles. It is disheartening. And all those historical buildings around T.O? Forgotten and being replaced. Will Xing Ping care about settler history? How about persaud singh, or bongo bongo.
The problem with massive third world immigration is that the vast majority of populations outside of the west have a cultural conformity type mindset. They will base their self worth off of what their society set the values at and they practice much stronger in group policing to maintain this. When Europe was effectively ruled by the church we were in the same sort of system, where church set the rules of morality and what was acceptable thinking and what wasn't. Even then with that system in place there were many "radical" thinkers and our ability to accept people who were outside the norms led to the changes over time that shed the rule of the church in our lives and to the age of Enlightenment and the modern world we live in today. This has allowed us to assend from a dark ages mindset
I mean, I know a lot of people who don't care about settler history.
It's true. That's why anglos don't have their own culture.
It's purposefully misleading. Canada, like the United States was built on white immigration.
Canadas history is legitimately boring as fuck.
It's fur trading, then a short war, gold rush, railway, the odd dustup with natives, then that's about it for settler history. I remember sitting in history class learning about how the design of the blankets we sold to the Natives. It is SO FUCKING BORING. British/French history and everything after WWI is pretty fucking great, but my god settler history...
You ever watch that South Park episode with the Pioneer Village? That's basically settler history.
I guess seeking a connection with One's forefathers is boring.
It's boring if they weren't very violent or rapey