OPERATION: BUTTHURT - where we get the trump opposition to display their asshole or any asshole in defiance. let the babboons expose/express themselves. if you have sleeper shill twitter accounts now's the time to activate. if this works you owe canada a meme op.
Meme wars chapter 7 OPERATION: BUTTHURT (day 2)
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Got the uncensored version?
this guy has got his priorities right
What on earth makes you think Trump gives a fuck about you, or anyone else? Jesus people are stupid
Post the original pic or else
original pls
bum (P)
do these women even wash their feet? Post original you cuck
source pls
You don't get it leaf, this is a #pissforequality tier scandal. It's objective is to trick shills into doing retarded shit because they think it's trendy for their cause.
Canada i think this is too much for average people
But does kek will it?
"Trumphole" seems a bit counterproductive for their goals
not bad for a leaf
kek wills it, and leftists are degenerate pieces of shit, not average people. they'd fall all over themselves to show their asshole if they thought it would get them accolades amongst the left retarded
Not counterproductive for my goals you know what I am saying fellow trumpet man?
nobody post this on reddit like SOMEBODY did with #NoWhiteDemocrats
I don't think meme magic is this powerful yet OP. Maybe in a couple days when Trump gets office.
you think the opposition isnt in here already retard. Pol is mainstream now.
jesus i dont think you understand what you are doing
you really want SJW assholes?
i dont
Its not about that you fool. Its trolling sjw into doing degenerate shit.
Well we can't get them to jump for Trump so this will have to do.
just bing "spread asshole"
no "bumps" please just "spreads"
bless you and may i be blessed
"spread the word"
I've seen autistic shit on Sup Forums but this is something else.
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
dont look. just listen :)
make it so
A fucking leaf
its on voat already
Kinda but it's not so far fetched when you think about it
nigger what?
we should meme the protests as a republican idea or something
three verse parascope or whatever
>implying women ask
that jawline tho
user, shit comes out of there. You either love it or leave it. Dookie. Scat. Poop.
*police Sgt. Voice* this is your last chance, leaf, if this doesn't work you're off the force
>virginfag detected
>there are people who honestly believe this looks better than a benis thats both further away and separated from the bunghole by a great wall of balls
We need every bit of ammunition we can get in the new government program, the war on mental retardation. It doesn't work as well, but it kills them just the same.
Reminder there are faggots who look at threads on Sup Forums to make dumb articles. If shitposting wasn't low enough as a hobby, think of a "journalist" that whines about Sup Forums and thinks they are actually being journalists.
smart lad
nailed it.
>It`s another forced slide thread nu-Sup Forums falls for
Great job zionist cucks
best to rustle up their jimmies pre-inauguration. when they realize while protesting that they just spread their ass on the internet they will remember that they now have nothing to lose.
what? not a shill or a cuck? lick a penis
Savage leaf, I like it
Also, their names are Dawn and Jenna.
KEK is pleased! Praise Kek!
damn.. that girl could crack coconuts with those jaws
Nevermind, I'd rather fap to the censored version.
>donate your vehicle
if I put my vehicle in that little box, people aren't going to be happy
pretty nice of them
Use more amateur pictures pls, it could work