what did japan mean by this ?
What did japan mean by this ?
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Like Japan knows what KKK is and would give a shit.
Whoa a sticker on a pole in a tourist area!!
Japanese people seem pretty apolitical, from what I've seen from exchange students. But the only two Japanese guys I know that give a shit about politics love him.
>japan thinks the US is too racist
L o l do people believe this?
fake and gay
Japan seems to like early South Park
>>be me
>>wake up each day
>>roll over in bed
>>ponder the following
>>"whats japan think about US politics?
>>be huge faggot
Japan literally has the biggest hard on for Hitler.
Fake news.
>English teacher vandalizing Tokio for "fuck Drumpf and fuck white people" points
Many cases! Sad!
It will happen.
Hm relly mkes u think
>Japan cares about the KKK and thinks Trump is racist
>Meanwhile they are having mass demonstrations about revoking rights from ethnic Koreans
Really makes me think
You're delusional and believe everything you hear from here
Requesting shop with image of Trump fucking Hillary manga instead.
>You're delusional and believe everything you hear from here
Why is nazy germany a predominant theme in a lot of anime if they're not fascinated by it? fucktard.
Maps have made a manga, an anime, and a Pokemon after Trump
Japan doesn't actually have to deal with niggers.
You have to be around niggers to know how subhuman they truly are.
japan obviously loves trump
Not proof and average Japanese person doesn't care about anime. You're completely delusional. But then again, all weeaboos are.
If the nips aren't interested in helping white Europeans during this time, they will be the Jews next target. It's already starting to happen. If we fall, Japan will fall.
>Average japanese person does not care about anime
The hell do they care about then?
>average japanese person doesn't care about anime
Even their normies read manga and watch anime.
Source: Japanese exchange student I knew in high school
>Trump tells nips to fuck off and build their own nukes
>People think this makes nips affraid
If anything the upcoming abdiction of their godemperor in december is only the begining of a new rising sun empire.
Because it's a cool historical aesthetic you can do a lot with.
Why are the Nazis and Soviets a predominant theme in so much Western shit if you're not fascinated by it?
>"""""japanese""""" people dont like drumpf
really makes you think
they probably arent trying to be insulting, non americans all learn about the kkk in school along with cowboys and think its funny
literally this
pretty sure 90% of japs who see that see trump and two ghosts and wonder what the fuck it means
Didn't Japan even remove the nigger from Star Wars posters?
Why the fuck would they give a shit now?
>no loli
not japan. fake and gay
>Japan's opinion on USA is relevant
top kek
>be angry liberal
>flee to Japan
>put some Trump kkk stickers on the first streetlight is see
>make a tweet that makes people really think
I'm begging for the full set man, please help me Bulgaria
>Why are the Nazis and Soviets a predominant theme in so much Western shit if you're not fascinated by it?
To us they are Generic Villains. Nazis can be used as generic villains in Japanese media like Nazi vampires from Hellsing, but it is just as common for them to portray them in a favorable light such as Hetalia.
That was oviously done by Koreans.
shooped as fuck
Funny because japan is one of the most "racist" nations on earth and was allied with nazi germany
Trump is a catholic vampire hunter?
That's not what people in Japan think about Trump. That's what one person in Japan thinks about Trump.
why not read what they're writing in newspapers and shit? is some random sticker on a lamp post the best place to learn about japan?
Trump has said Japan can build and fund it's own military.
Apparently right now under EU globalist goblin laws Japan isn't allowed to fund its own military. WTF japan what are you even doing bro?
Bullshit. People here don't care that much about that. Not even have an idea what those guys in white are.
What's more. A Japanese would not pollute the environment by pasting stuff on a lamppost. It's ugly.
1 sticker that they could have done themselves and they claim thats how all japs feel and think?
Japan has a clause in their Constitution against war, and they use that as an excuse to maintain a weak-ass military. The real reason is that they'd rather not spend the extra few % of GDP on defense when we can do it for them.
>The most overtly racist nation on earth is suddenly against racism
people in Japan are kinda excited to see Trumpsama in charge. However the libtards westerners that live here spread lies about the current government and like to talk shit about Trump when they haven't even left the country. Moreover the same people have become a pest in this country by over staying and soon they will have to go back.
You know what, let the Japanese sit with the Negro for 400 years and we'll see who the fucking racists ones are.
Some liberal english teacher put this shit there, took a picture, and sent it to his liberal friend saying this is what japan thinks of the election. I'll never understand how the can lie through their teeth lying to prove a narrative they don't understand.
I really want to see Japan btfo China for taking your islands. Why would China one of biggest countries by geographic area need more land?
Anri okita says they like Trump tho
Probably some butthurt gaijin
>Apparently right now under EU globalist goblin laws Japan isn't allowed to fund its own military. WTF japan what are you even doing bro?
after wwii when we wrote them a new constitution we specified they cant have an army bigger than a small defense force.
a lot of japanese conservatives been advocating for bigger military more defense spending to be less reliant on american protection. china is clearly the our main pacific opposition these days, it is defintely no longer japan. japan has proven itself a western ally versus china and we should totally let them defend their sovereignty against an island building empire.
its win win to let them arm up, we save money, we share tech, we intimidate the modern-day pacific threat, china.
we should also support conservatives in south korea who want to coup the norks already.
and donald trumps support of taiwan is top tier china bait too, fuck china, we should 100% support these freedom desiring asian countries in defending themselves.
why are we in the middle east proxy fighting iran when we should be dismantling the chinese empire.
Hey Rabbi.
I don't know why a liberal would want to go to Japan anyway. Must be a muh animes thing.
I get sick thinking that people see shit like this and actually think because one person put a sticker up in Japan, it must represent the national mood.
>what did japan mean by this?
As if the gooks can take the moral high ground on racism.
>one antifa vandalism represents a whole ethnic group
Its the mogol rapebaby blood in us. We want to be huge because in our textbook we was told our lands was taken when we were weak and we wuz khans and rulers n shit. Now you have an aggressive authoritarian right wing young generation with a surplus of 30million men. Of course we want lands and women
It's almost as if some English teacher reject who couldn't make his bones in the states is over there trying to fill other people's heads with as much shit that's in his.
this desu
Ironically Japan's the most racist country on the planet.
I find it mostly people who are not ethnic japanese who try to put paint japan as some sort of multicultural country on the world stage.
>I live in japan
>im japanese although i was born in "said country"
>you can become japanese too!
>weak ass military
Actually their military is fairly decent, certainly the best among asian countries excluding china/korea. Problem is they aren't allowed to do anything with it so it's comprised of rookies with no combat experience
Makes sense as they were an axis power
Yeah, right.
We dont put stickers all over the place and make stuff filthy, that was probably a english teacher pretending to understand japan like so many did before.
I was really shocked when I went to germany. So many ANTIFA stickers on lightening poles.
>One lefty Jap makes shitpost
>All of Japan hates Trump
Reminder that Japan is extremely conservative, and their leader probably loves Trump, since they're both all for the remilitarization of Japan.
Imperial Japan will always be remembered for having the most aesthetic flag
pretty racist s m h
You may pray on the weak and the corrupt but never try to shake down the officer's of the Emperor's Kempetai.
Japs don't know anything about Christianity, so there's no way they'd know about the kkk
probably sticker placed by shitty gaijin foreigner that needs to get out of Japan and stop trying to race mix and shit up their perfect culture
Can confirm
Has Trump been in an anime yet? I'm looking forward to it.
They know that Trump is after Pure Illusion
That guy is the most insuffrable cunt I've seen in a while.
People point out that he's talking out of his ass:
>Logical Fallacy!
What a fucking prick. It's not even funny how conceited he is.
Randomyoko is best Japanese right winger. She's in on memes.
1) iran and Syria inhibit oil flow on behalf of themselves and Russia. They also both hate israel so make the connection there.
2) our politicians are bought by lobbyists. Its the oil companies for the middle east and "free" market corporatists who profit off cheap Chinese labor. Also China directly lobbies here.
So essentially its our trash politicians.
You weren't involved literally in any of these.
Japan has a bit of a right wing movement as well. Something to do with North Korean immigrants or something.
1. No one in Japan knows what the KKK is.
2. Most of Japan knows who Trump is, even before this year
3. Most of them like him based solely on the fact that he is a businessman
-T. Military fag coming off deployment
>what did japan mean by this ?
Probably done by Jews in Japan. They have people in every country to spread and protect their lies.
Like that time when some Japanese guy defaced some Anne Frank books or something, and suddenly all the Jews in Japan crawled out of the woodwork and made a huge international deal out of it.
NK will happening will probs take place next Pacific war. Displace all of these poor North Koreans that are useless to society and they will certainly all go to China and South Korea. China is going to be worse off than Germany after ww1
Him and Hillary have a doujin.
Its hilarious.
stop being dense
My post was meant to those twitter cunts, not you OP.
He's speaking on behalf of the U.S.
Which, yes the U.S. has had a heavy hand in the situation of the Pacific today, with the only inaction resulting in the Communist Chinese Empire of today. But what do I expect a finngolian to know about recent history.
Was basically just missing these 2, there's some more pages but not like these.
>implying he didn't put those up himself
I'm sure somebody will buy this and upload the rest eventually too.
Sean Bonner is probably going to get a ticket for vandalism for putting that sticker up there in the first place.
If you watched The Wind Rises, you will understand the general consensus of nips for nazi germany.
Based on this film it looks like nazi germany was an utopia.
japan romanticizes hitler too
besides it was probably a sjw weeaboo who put those up
Not to mention the fact Japanese people literally segregate black people. They have signs on some buildings restricting their access to what they allow white people to access.
Many of the Asian groups hate blacks specifically. If we flat out ran a race war right now against blacks, the Asians wouldn't even care.
Looks like the Gooks need more Nukes dropped on them.