What did Women mean by this?
What did Women mean by this?
Something someone would say as a kind of humble brag on their intelligence.
A better word would be "virtue signaling" to your "intellectual" friends.
"Intelligence" to women nowadays is how much liberal can you be.
But is it true? Women are sexually aroused by intelligence?
Women don't have this ever. It was probably bred out of them centuries ago.
>tfw too intelligent for women
just another way for them to smell money by wanting a doctor or lawyer bf
A woman is attracted to an intelligent man because he then becomes an engineer and provides lots of money, don't forget it, women are vapid cunts
Total bullshit
A woman pats herself on the back for labelling herself this, then is defined by her actual attractions.
plz ignore
No. Otherwise they'd be fucking Eugene Finklesworth the school Nerd, not Chad Thundercock.
Women who say this, use it as a justification for why they're with ugly silicon valley nerds. that way when everybody says "you're just with him for the money", she can turn around and say "no, I'm sapiosexual, I'm attracted to his intelligence"
> I'm a special snowflake
Same thing they always mean, Sup Forums
Definition of "Intelligence" for most girls is "How liberal are you?".
Its the Politically Correct way of saying "Im not attracted to Niggers"
>shit, Chad may fuck me well but he won't give me enough money
>better suck it up to Beta Barry, he is boring as fuck but he makes a mad dosh
Women don't even understand reality.
>implying the image shouldn't be a blonde licking a checkbook...
They eat brains like zombies, is the obvious conclusion.
Does anyone call themselves 'sapiosexual'?! What?
I have a 147 IQ and at least above average looks. The only things I've gotten out of people that might relate to how my intelligence affects our relationships: nervousness, an inability to hold conversations, and being called their 'dad' / 'grandpa' all the time.
I also get the deadheads and broken home life girls all over me, but I have a cleanliness / personality obstacle when it comes to most girls.
And that's only because we've allowed (((them))) to frame the conversation that way.
Liberal men are always protrayed as stronk independent nu-males who don't need no trustfund on TV shows and movies.
>"no, I'm sapiosexual, I'm attracted to his intelligence"
>jumps on chad or tyrones dick at first opportunity
It means that women don't like rural and suburban retards.
It's OK, cuckoldry is the thinking man's fetish.
They either are finding a new thing to degenerize or they hate blacks.
Maybe both. Either way everything they touch turns to shit now they want to touch intelligence. God help us.
It's the female equivalent of men saying they prefer women with smaller breasts or more meat on their bones.
It's to try and make them look superior. They don't mean it deep down.
my IQ is nearly as high as yours, and above average looks.
it sort of hinders my approach to alot of girls, because bullshit detector is on constantly. basic conversions bore me to the point i feel like im talking to a retard.
It's always a leaf. Always.
I feel like I have to talk like and act like a fucking moron to deal with women. If I at any point try to elevate a topic to another level it's like talking to a fucking child.
Really made me think...
Seen quite a few girls with this on their tinder
I ask them if they'd fuck Stephen Hawking
They usually get pissed off or say "ew no there has to be physical attraction" at which point I say "well then I guess you're not a sapiosexual, stop using special vocabulary words to try and sound intelligent"
they get wet by money and power
Because it is, to get women you have to lower your intelligence level by quite a lot.
The problem then is you start to "act" stupid but eventually it's so ingrained in your personality that you eventually start to question if you weren't a fucking moron all along.
>how can the non-intelligent even compete
yeah, i know exactly how you feel.
alot of women at dumb on purpose though. on the other hand ive dated women that appear to be smart, but end up being dumb as a doorknob.
check out pol
ten of the first twelve threads are just pure garage bait that 100 of you otherwise intelligent people have fallen for
Its garbage like this thread, you are falling for this?
Im in the same boat, 6'4, 146 IQ, v attractive face. I've slept with ~25 women but only ever dated one and she was a PhD mathematician.
Normie women are fucking retarded, most people are retarded in general but women really take the cake. I can't hold a conversation past banal flirtations with most women. My ex broke up with me after 6 months of dating because she was extremely blue pulled and felt like "we had a lot of different ideas on things."
Not sure if I will ever find another genius qt again, but we can all hope my bros
I'm bored. Link to good thread right now.
All same. It saddens me. Occasionally, I'll think I've found the one after they hear me in conversations, but it's only one-sided.
I spend a lot of energy pursuing this dream of being the sole breadwinner someday for some girl who really, earnestly deserves it. I want someone to pour my heart into, but I need to take care that that love is a gift and not a burden cast from this heavy heart.
It's black comedy because the Christian ones get turned off when I try discussing theology. They read like they think I'm some perverse sort of creature. I could bring up something about Christian eschatology and quantum mechanics to string along the evidence for God, and they'll shut down permanently.
i cant stand bluepilled women, and wont waste my time even talking to them, i think the ignorance of reality is what fucks me off the most.
my step mother has a major case of bluepill.
cant talk about anything political, current affairs, culture, countries, travel, problems etc..
absolutely terrible woman. shes a ex high school teacher and communications manager for big financial company. youd think she'd be switched on, but its the complete opposite. drives me fucking nuts.
>start to question if you weren't a moron all along
I've had this happen to me. It is a terrifying thought.
itt losers roleplaying as misunderstood geniuses
topkek. that would imply the capability of intelligent discourse.
im christian, but not devout, i do have understandings of those topics you talk off but there are things in this world that have no explanation.
I'm not taking your bait, but I'm saying you're wrong if that's how you think things are going on here. I could pick up at least half of the women in my collegiate surroundings.
THIS is who women are talking about when they say "intelligent" men. Basically Chad with glasses because to women smart=glasses.
>Pretty much this
Virtue signalling, something that they don't actually practice, but they tell themselves that so they don't feel so shallow
Maybe thats why my gf likes me so much considering im an ugly motherfucker
As a properly certified genius who is also not ugly or short, I can certify this this is just a meme.
>also yfw
Yes, I know. They're good conversation fixtures, though - that CERN might have been foretold in Revelation, or that God being described 'as light' could be behind modern scientific understandings.
Hell, I hate most labcoat types. I'm flexible when it comes to convos - I can ramble about certain sports like a color commentator, etc.
I ultimately just end up being advice man and a spectacle. I'm like a big spectacle of acuity, capable and cognizant of everything, including the fact that I'm too far into the forest to see the trees. Every time I try taking a bird's eye, I end up feeling like a complete fucking idiot and questioning my purpose.
I walk into a room to chat with people, and they're going off about some adult cartoon or another. Ghibli films? I can talk about those in aces. Oh -- they don't care about the automation of animation industry. They're satisfied knowing we share a liked film in common. OK.
I'd be great at middle class dinner parties, but for the fact that I temper myself to the umpteenth degree of formalities at such functions to keep everyone at ease.
>What did Women mean by this?
We mean that we're attracted to intelligent Men.
We want:
Honesty – but not too much of it.
Understanding – so that we don't feel the need to have to explain ourselves.
Caring – we need to know we matter to you
Strength – both mental and physical.
Compassion – shows us you’re capable of loving.
Security – financial and literal.
Blind Loyalty – we want to be the only woman you have eyes for.
underrated as fuck
it's just the last ditch effort of the ones who are about to crash into that wall in 3-4 years (born in 1990ish) to snatch a man after their world tour on the cockforce one
My mom's a teacher too, also bluepilled to death. Love her but I think she is just afraid of reality.
having kalim fuck you in the ass doesn't make you a girl sven
Honestly mate I think you'd be better of trying to connect with people through activities rather than conversation. You build connections to people based on what you do with them, not on what you say to them.
Uh guys, women actively dislike intelligent men. They either intimidate them or the second they speak/write with good grammar women start thinking they're nerds. Women are attracted to dumb, at least recently, it's cool and urban and ghetto and "tolerant."
If sapiosexuality was a real thing, it would be magically awesome and we wouldn't have regressive leftists. You know all that white male hatred stuff? That's literally anti intellectualism, that's literally a certain type of woman hating the commonly intelligent group that can be intelligent without it being accompanied with social stunting.
This entire anti white male thing, specifically that it's only targeted at intelligent men (via fucking STEM employment) is entirely about the fact that the kind of women behind this hate intelligence. It's intimidating to them.
Woman, the intelligent man has no reason to lie and basically sees the truth as ways worth the consequences, you will either handle the brute, raw, unabridged truth or you accept that YOU aren't good enough for him.
In case of female sapiosexuals it's basically conflating intelligence and financial success, which although linked, don't always correspond to each other. In case of male sapiosexuals, I think it's just Ted Cruz.
Women are often sexually-aroused by signs of prowess. This can include intellectual prowess. That said, a huge, dumb, ugly lummox with lots of athletic ability but no charm, coordination, social, or sexual aptitude is unlikely to float her boat despite being capable of doing a sportball game real good. So it goes for intellectuals without any other qualities to recommend them.
>but what about money and power?
Ultimate signs of success in our society. Even if you didn't earn them, it indicates that you ca provide her a platform for personal gratification and reproductive success.
It's not JUST women who look for signs of prowess. Be it for biological or social reasons, men have just historically been in the role of "breadwinner", so their ability to be socially/economically successful has been more important. This is still reflected in social norms today, and that's not my fault. Don't shoot the messenger.
I used to frequent bdsm chats etc.
The women who used this to describe themselves were inevitably studying at college and thought they were extremely intelligent.
Of course the substance was lacking and it was basically just then talking about college itself (fees, possible careers, what they WOULD BE studying) rather than any actual content or discussion. When asked, they would say "this isnt the correct forum to talk about this"
I don't think I've ever read a post written by a semi-aware bot imitating a cartoon stereotype of foreveralone fedora-wearing neckbeard before. Modern technology sure is astounding!
Yes. Don't fucking ask on Sup Forums
It means they're zombie kikes and want to eat your brain obviously
>What did Women mean by this?
It means that they are old and tired of fucking the football team and want a beta provider that gets a lot of resources.
Its a nice word for gold digger
if there was a god, he would have put male brains in female bodies. proof he is not there.
>this shit again
>checks flag
Every time.
Probably because they are all enrolled in Oppression 101, Cultural Marxism 205 and Gender Indoctrination 103.
A.k.a. talk about how fucking white males have ruined your life, and how that makes you feel
Women associate money with intelligence and will fuck niggers on the side while smart guys go their own way.
Literally nothing in that post even alluded to women being attracted to real intelligence charm or "sexual aptitude" isn't intelligence. It's good mental health and sexual experience respectively, absolutely neither has any relationship to real intelligence.
I tell you what, you seem to know women well, how many would rather an armchair philosopher over a dark, dangerous man with an exciting career in crime? One of these is intelligent, the other is what the media says is fun.
Oh the mad! The salty, salty mad.
Women are into niggers. Not a racial slur, I just mean they really like low class scummy men at the moment. It's not natural, it's not normal, it's not even all of them, it's literally just how women are at the moment.
Women aren't attracted to hearing about why Cicero was more important than Caesar. They're attracted to guys who act like movie characters or are "liberated people of colour."
sapiosexual guys, also known as virgins
yes but they measure intelligence in how much money you can make
It's a trendy term that whores on instagram and tinder use to attract others, most of them are filthy cum dumpsters that finally picked up a book after years of getting fucked by Chads.
yes, but only real intelligence, not superficial bullshit, and only if they're actually intelligent themselves
and yes there are plenty of intelligent women out there, but don't look for them in bars and shit
-- Solving a rubix cube and learning a few math formulas is NOT intelligence.
-- Rising high above your peers and dominating half the country financially thanks to your tactical and fast mind is what makes the panties fall off
it only works if you can mind fuck them.
Being restrained and disdainful talk to them sociably but then glance occasionally with contempt confuse them in their understanding of how best to manipulate you.
Be overt and align with their whims but only momentarily, then fuck off and not even look or acknowledge their existence.
sapiosexuality is not the true love of intelligence it is just a women's construction of narrative to explain what the fuck is going on.
Keep tugging the strings of this game and when theirs an opportunity to get laid she wont turn it down, she may never know if she will get another chance
Dream girl fucked by your alternative personality?
women are attracted to intelligence if it's in the right (aka: profitable) fields.
intelligence in a man is a means to an end for them; not the final allure. it's just another way that said man might possibly be able to procure material wants and social status for them down the line.
it's never solely about the virtue of those attributes within themselves, but rather what those attributes might be able to net them down the line.
don't be a fool. don't get yourself played by this.
>communications manager
their job is to tow the blue line. you do it so long eventually you believe it
find a nice simple girl who is kind and loyal and will cook for you and blow you without some tedious hassle about it.
forget these bullshit artists.
all these women who try to spin their love of "intelligence" like it's some unabashed fetish of theirs are vain posturing idiots.
Maybe some people desire a partner that doesn't shrink at the thought of an intellectual conversation?
Someone who reads and loves to learn and expand themselves?
Not hard to understand really.
This! It is like making new friends. The vast majority if people does not become friends based on the level of intelligence you and that friend are at.
You become friends because you share hobbies, personality traits, interests, politics, and because you're friendly towards eachother.
Nobody fucks intelligence, and you sure as hell dont become friends with an insufferably arrogant autistic spergy asshole with a high IQ
What you are describing isn't an attraction to intelligence, it's an attraction to success. While correlated, they are very different things. Also note how you don't say YOU should provide any of those things as well.
No, they are just pretending.
Most women are superficial.
> why Cicero was more important than Caesar
Why do normies like Caesar so much? He was a self serving opportunist and got what he deserved
>tfw to intelligent to be unattractive
Women are attracted to men who make them feel inferior
What do women mean by any of the shit they say?
When a woman says she likes "smart" men she doesn't mean red-pilled like us, she means some dude who has some general culture knowledge and who is not a complete monkey. In actuality they hate intelligent men, i know that from personal experience i'm a Mexican intelellectual
youre retarded
women get off on your domineering abilities, not intelligence
tfw I ca'nt find anyone to talk to about higher level matters, or matters of any impotance (above shoes/makeup/tv shows/celebrities) other than my mother. This is why I love Sup Forums, even Sup Forums; people don't type like retards and religion, politics and cooking are my only interests (other than poker- WHY DON'T WE HAVE A GAMBLING BOARD?!), so I can just go to the boards that will keep me on my toes and expand my knowledge and understanding. Can't do that with anyone irl, male or female.