Why the fuck would anyone want to live here?
\Good thing no one does eh retard?
I'd live there. You scare of a spider? faggot?
>Australia, literally almost half the size of Canada's population.
Australia isn't real you fucking idiot, its a myth to keep you away from this part of the world.
I have never seen proof of Australia.
No one is flow to 'Australia on holiday' either you are sent to central Africa.
I've got to go, I have said too much already they will know.
jesus christ, please tell me that picture is a shoop...
Nice hacker code you got there. I prefer laughing skulls myself.
Its real,but the snake is small.
Its a hash code, says 'Fuck America'.
australia has some fucked wildlife, maybe it's hell on earth
Why would anyone want to live in America?
we never leave the house
I love these types of videos. Post moar, please.
Better giant spiders than niggers.
Australia is a myth. Also it's full.
Fuck that shit, i'm never going in the ocean again!
whoa...I didn't know they were that few. Only 23.13 million, you guys better be real fucking careful about immigration, thats a tiny population
>that lil cunt baiting the blowfish
Fuck that fish
Cunt I can do this very thing with my cock
implying that we would argue with you about that. We're the ones trying to stop people from coming.
does anyone have more of these? I love these types of videos.
"they have no brain nor eyes, reacting only when triggered". i didnt know they had feminist fishes
we have some of the most poisonous animals in the world
it literally rained spiders in 2015
and weve lost a war to emus
yet i still feel like aus isnt that bad and america has it worst with wild life cos of bears and mountain lions nd shit
am i the only ausfag that feels this way?
Don't worry, country is full. We couldn't let in immigrants even if we wanted to
America is the far more dangerous, they imported shitloads of vicious wild animals a long time ago, and for a while they kept them under control, but then some fuck heads gave them the vote
Because some of us arent soft cunts.
Australia's climate is actually fucked
Every summer i think "she'll be right, It's not as hot as I remember it being" then It's just as fucked as always
God bless my dad for enabling me to get British citizenship so I can return the Motherland if I ever want too
Who knows maybe in the future there will be more jobs inland so I can move somewhere in the Great Dividing Range where It actually gets moderately cold and summer doesn't last 9 months of the year
not wanting this in your morning coffee
it was 32 celcius at 6:30pm in my loungeroom today
Check, das pretty cool mang
Checked and we have no winter really anymore, I am looking at moving to leaf land just because i want some land with a cabin and a foot of snow each winter.
In the UK you better buy a fucking castle if you want some grass with it.
Fucking nope
>also it's full
of nightmares.
How do Australians defend themself from spiders and shit?
Do you always keep an eye for them?
>tfw tremors are real
Mr. Limpet was a dumbass.
Oh, you wish you were a fish?
Have fun with that.
I've seen like 3? spiders in the past 12 months and all of them were huntsman
Spiders wander into my room alot. Huntsmans on the wall. Wolf spiders on the floor. I just let them be. They are only hunting.
what if... what if you are the prey, user!
Check in boots before putting them on and under toilet seats before sitting down. Not hard.
I literally woke up at 6am with 2 spiders on me the other day. Send help.
then you dont see them, its that simple.
ill see at least 2 huntsmans a week in my room reliably. i used to kill them but after the great spoidah war of 1997 weve signed a peace treaty and now theyve joined the human/emu alliance againts our common foe the wasps/abos
literally, dare i say it
i laughed but its most likely true
Never see them. genuinely have not seen a spider (even a huntsman) in years in my house, we basically run a ducted aircon year round so the house is always chilly because fuck the heat, so it's not well suited for insects and other crawlies
bro your like 100x the size of a spidr as an adult male you dont need to defend yourself. just let them crawl over you and carry on.
you onlu get bit when you freak out that makes the spider freak out, so its two retards freaking out
We let in about 200,000 a year
you motherfuckers think ya deadly!?
It's the only place in the world where you get the chance to punch a kangaroo in his bitch face.
Good thing you nuked them with your "tests" at Emu fields
Imagine if the fucking things coulf fly.
Pardon my French.
I would be mad but that was accurate.
I forget, did anyone still live there?
Now I can't help but imagining what it would be like to have one of those worms attack your foot. Horrifying.
Nah. Spiders have to worry more about geckos than me. The Huntsman and Gecko are eternal enemies.
I read the upper case lines in "that voice".
>mike jones
cmon m8 u can do better
found these cunts in my shed the other day, redbacks and baby snakes are common in my yard but i'd never seen evidence of interaction between the two until pic related.
I spent my early years growing up in the bush, as a general rule, if you see an animal it isn't scary. Be afraid of what you can't see.
It's not that small actually. Golden Orb Spiders are some of the biggest web spinners, they have leg spans almost the same size as bigger tarantulas.
spiders and all other dangerous animals in australia kill only few dozens of humans in a year. this is not a big problem.
Since Aussies have spiders big enough to shoot with a BB gun...I-Is It legal to actually shoot them with BB guns?
yet me nan has twice the size of your cuckminister's balls
Grew up watching Animal Planet as a kid, can confirm accuracy
yeah muslims are more dangerous
>be American
>get shot
No use being afraid of big, relatively harmless spiders
>The blue-ringed octopus, despite its small size, carries enough venom to kill twenty-six adult humans within minutes.
>Their bites are tiny and often painless
>The venom can result in nausea, respiratory arrest, heart failure, severe and sometimes total paralysis, blindness, and can lead to death within minutes if not treated.
>No blue-ringed octopus antivenom is available yet
but you might be one of them
QL is pretty comfy and I enjoyed my time down there. It's no where near as bad as Aussies make it out to be.
I remember poking one of those with a stick just to see the blue rings. Was fun.
I'm Australian AMA
What kind of a retard would you be to even hold one
Thanks Satan I wanted to sleep
How much poon did you slay?
Dumb cunts get distracted by the government stopping 'muh boats' and think we're doing well when in reality, we're being overrun, primarily by chinese and indians.
We're just as fucked as the rest of the western world
>Australian documentary
>'this creature is incredibly dangerous and can kill with a single bite. Let's pick it up and see what happens'
We aren't allowed BB guns. No fun allowed here.
God I miss that madman :ยด(
Only shows me again that Aussies are a very special breed and they need to be protected.
>What kind of australian would you be to even hold one?
Larger wildlife, you have to be somewhat isolated in the woods (km or two) & have bad luck to be fucked up by a bear. Not saying can't happen, but being loud & singing or something will usually scare them off before you run into them. Otherwise, hitting something with your car is about as dangerous as it gets (can't speak for the southern USA however).
Australia, your insects are huge & fucked. Sometime you see a huge spider in Canada in the woods or your yard, but nothing like a snake vs something huge & fucked. Also, not having to check my shoes before putting them on is comfy.
>That satisfying crunch when putting your shoe on when some cunt tries to make it his home.
>bb guns
>implying our government would trust us to own such dangerous weapons
Yeah, it's just not the same when you watch a wildlife documentary without this mad cunt. He really loved those animals
>tfw you're camping and when going to sleep you feel something move in the bottom of your sleeping bag
How the hell anarchnophobic persons are able to live at australia?
I can't even LOOK at those pictures, and they are just fucking pictures, low res pictures at an monitor
I live in a rural town, only been bitten by 4 spiders of significance, the deal is just make sure your house is clean and always check your shoes, toilet and coffee pot.
I'd post a picture of a ridiculous huge spider web I found in my backyard with slide attached ..
But I don't want to fucken dox myself to you autists
I remember that episode when his favourite croc in his zoo died.
He cried like his kid died.
>Live in a rural town
one of the top 5 most venemous spiders in the world is chilling on the wall less than a foot from my keyboard now.
all he wants to do is walk around and catch insects.
>being scared of spiders and snakes
>using the pressurized jew
2 seasons, floods and fires..
>Showing images depecting .001% of American population.
Try harder
Fucking hell, that was disappointingly accurate.