Read this article, as usual I'm ashamed to be a leaf

> Title: note to Conservative party:there is no future in Trump lite.

>"To varying degrees, several candidates for the Conservative leadership seek to unravel the conservative coalition forged by Stephen Harper, hoping to replace it with a populist, nativist movement similar to the one that elected Donald Trump."

>" either they will fail and a Harper Conservative will win the leadership, or one will succeed, condemning the Conservative Party to many years in the wilderness. Because the Trump coalition simply doesn’t exist in this country.."

Anons especially the tiny portion of red pilled anons; can you imagine if we BTFO out of the The Globe and Mail, CBC etc. the same way America and Got theirs and elect a nationalist!?

Unlikely might as well nuke us! But just imagine... if Canada elects a nationalist that's when the white race as a whole finally grew a pair!!! That is also when we will know liberalism is officially dead in the west at least for this pursue both future * hand on heart*

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Forgive typos voice dictation ( not autistic I swear ::p )

Halfway through his campaign Harper jumped on the dude Muslims lmao bandwagon and dropped something like 20 points in one week.

Canada does not have enough rural and suburban retards for someone like Trump to get elected.

>Title: note to Conservative party:there is no future in Trump lite.

Actually, there might be. That scares the fuck out of them.

>( not autistic I swear ::p )

Justin Trudeau: "I'm a Proud Feminist," Muslims "Essential" to Canada's Success


Literally every country in the world except for Canada is looking for their very own Trump.

there is.

BC wants foreign investment and immigration control.
Alberta wants viable economics for the green future of Canada.
Saskatchewan wants more Federal support for expanding its economy.
Manitoba is literally a drain the swamp.
The entirety of the East wants financial support because of a dwindling economics.

What Trump campaigned on is exactly what Canadians want. The only ones who don't are Ontario and Quebec the 2 largest 'gib me dats' province in the socialist shithole.

Yet he had the best fourth election showing since the 1890's. Nobody gives a shit about the Muslims his numbers tanked in the last three months because oil fell through the floor and the dollar crashed. CPC figured they would give Trudeau a minority and then take back control once he dealt with the damage. Oops.

Harper also only lost 50,000 votes between 2011 and 2015. The lowest 4th term drop in Canadian history.

yep and then we can finally deport the blacks

Everyone wants immigration control but they've been feeding the boomers the >muh pensions bullshit line since the 1960's. Trudeau even gets away with harping on about the wave of jobs that i've been told was coming since the mid 2000's one day and then harping on about how automation will take all our jobs the next.

Dealing with the third world immigrants will be easy. Millions will leave the moment dual citizenship is cancelled. Virtually none of them step outside of the few major cities either. 95% of the land in this country is for all intents and purposes off limits to them.

We may rise from the pigpen of shit and liberal scum, and surprise you guys

The problem with canada is that everyone here is a fucking liberal piece of shit who prides themselves on not being American

The only reason we had a "conservative" for 10 years is because elections are split 4 ways, and he never actually did anything conservative.

So no, without some game changing shit like the housing market crashing & terrorist attacks happening, I don't see any "trump lite" winning here

Slashed the sales tax by 30%, gave us the TFSA's and got rid of the long gun registry. More than any of his so called conservative predecessors for sure.

Also this is only true in the cities. Browns don't leave the multicult tax slave cities and suburban/rural/atlantic people vote Liberal for handouts and cushy government jobs. Even cities like Barrie 90 minutes north of Toronto are still 95%+ white. Why does anyone outside of the cities have to worry about third world immigration above everything else if they will never see it? That's what people say.

See it shit like this.

> the fact that he spent over $3 billion on foreign aid.

> has created no new jobs

> his economic plan is going to put us $1.5 trillion in debt etc

That just might put us through the edge, rip through this multicultural delusion, bring the Normie's away from liberalism and it's delusional fee fed filth and rise from it, as mostly nationalists/conservative at its best.

The new hair cut really suits him

We still have one of the lowest foreign aid rates in the world, and it was more than 4b just to the UN for climate change btw. At least based Harper made sure our UN money only went to women and children.

That's why these articles are written. They're supposed to make conservatives think the're alone in their views. Keep them disaffected and isolated.

I don't think we should raise our foreign aid it's just fucked to think that America/UK/France spend 2-3x per capita than what we spend.

Yeah you're delusional, Most of the west is becoming less ignorant in regard to Islam and seeing it for what it is. Thank God. However it was guaranteed to happen you just had to let enough of those fucktard's becomes apparent there's a problem

The problem with Canadas immigration policy is that we take in the top 0.0001% of each country. They never chimp out during the first generation and rarely the second, but by the third you get third world shitheap cities ruined like Surrey is now.

Reminder that there is zero reason at all for immigration into the west

Do you live in Surrey too?

I was actually kind of sad when it ruined the whole "Sikhs are bros" myth

Don't be intellectually dishonest. More than three hundred thousand Canadians (ie. white) were made millionaires due to Chinese immigration just in Vancouver since 2001. It's also not clear that taking the top 0.0001% of each country is economically damaging in the short term it probably is the opposite. Obviously longterm it's a disaster. My point is truth matters if the problem is to be solved.

Sikhs have killed more Canadians than every other group combined. They never integrate, only hire their own, and stuff 15 people in a house so they don't have to pay their fair share of property taxes. Animals that have no place in here.

I live in Ontario/Alberta depending on oil prices. I have family with business in Surrey.

Thats the other problem, the boomers who make up the majority of the country like the shitskin flood, it props their housing prices up

Exactly. They take loans out on their massive homes if they didn't sell it and downsize. Either way the majority of this money is blown on garbage instead of investing it and passing it down the line.

I don't care considering we barely have oil refineries in capable of dealing with our God-given gold mine the tar sands which is why we are 15 in exporting refined oil yet have the second largest oil reservoir in the world ( third overall ) and America is number one yet they is 10th for largest oil reservoirs. It's because we ship our bitumen to them and they actually have plenty of refineries capable of dealing with it, it's pathetic talk about take it up the ass.

We should not be spending shit, suicide epidemics in the north a bunch of garbage going on, immigration ghettoes the shit holds they make in the big cities etc disproportionate crime rates that never went away just because we don't categorize it because it's "prejudice".

Exactly he was responsible with the foreign spending at least. what's disgusting was when the stand in conservative leader confronted him about giving 10 million dollars to a organization the Harper government had good reason to believe had ties to Islamic extremism. He responded like about a little boy caught touching himself "uh,um,uhh,ummm"...

They tried the same thing in America and everywhere in Europe, they broke through it for Trump, the UK even broke through it for Brexit I think more will follow. If we do then we know it's over!

>Obviously longterm it's a disaster
I don't see a good reason there
Wealth comes and goes and a country built on a poor foundation will not last no matter how much money foreigners pump in.

Taking the best from other countries only hurts those countries as well.
If we wanted to be serious about solving the problems with immigration, we would minimize our presence outside of the west. They need to find their own way to prosperity.

Wtf do muslims even do? All i see thrm doing is working at corner stores and cellular booths. Doesnt seem very successful to me

THIS!!! Although I don't think Islam will reach enlightenment and sovereignty organically like Christianity and predominantly Christian countries did (and let's be honest Christianity was never the shit stain on humanity and Islam is). So personally I wholeheartedly believe the world should put sanctions on Islam as a whole and all work together to enforce them to make it happen. It's been 1400 years of this shit since it started it has never entirely stopped not even close enough is enough.

I hope you find your straya. It's not turnbull or abbott

"If you fuck your cat, the dog wins." - Justin Trudeau

How they haven't rioted over this i'll never know - maybe they think it's "Progressive"?

>Trump can never win the presidency

You don't have to believe in anything, need not hope for anything, you simply have to win.

Turnbull and Abbott are mere pawns.

Yeah that makes sense but the real question is why is Justin into bestiality?

>condemning the Conservative Party to many years in the wilderness. Because the Trump coalition simply doesn’t exist in this country

sounds like famous last words.

Canada will get their own Trump, for the same reason the US did.

A leftwing meme president that fucks up everything he touches.


US-Canadian Union soon fellow Americans.


i mean exactly

damn auto-correct

Its too late, you slipped and now we know the truth is buried somewhere

The conservatives need to all die! Communism is the true redpill.

the secrets are hidden in lincolns head.