Will Serbia remove kebab, once again?

The prime minister of Serbia seems pretty pissed of, and we all know there is a big kebab infestation problem in Kosovo. Tu you think it might happen?

You're either a serb or a kebab according to serbs

Who the fuck cares what goes on in Slavistan.

When the inevitable day comes and the EU collapses Serbia is going to remove kebab from Bosnia and Albania once again because nothing will be stopping them

nope, at least until the occupying forces fuck off from the premises (bondsteel)

desu the zergs should've been genocided/cleansed immediately post ww2, too late now

I dont give a fuck, but if there will be war, Vajdaság/Vojvodina WILL BE INDEPENDENT ! ! !

According to kebab

>The prime minister of Serbia seems pretty pissed

>The prime minister of Serbia seems pretty pissed off


We have elections in 3 months. This is a political stunt.

Nothing will happen. They just want their asses reelected.

If NATO don't fuck with them when they try, maybe.

NATO and the EU are breathing their lasts breaths, Europe will soon return to good old infighting, genocide and chaos

Maybe in 10 years, maybe in 50 years but it will happen



wait, what the fuck happened

>He's even worse than a jew. He is - may allah forgive me for saying this - an Albanian

Tell me, dear shqip. How's your 9th generation blood feud going?

Well this happened


Oh, w/e

true heros

Absolutely based servs.

>mfw when shqip slimes actually planned to rig the railroad with explosives to derail it

All slime must die. The more painful a death, the better.

Inside of the train


Impossible. Serbs ARE kebabs.

>Stir up shit
>get reckt
>everybody thinks you're a genocidal dick now
>We dindu nuffin, we good whitey boys, Srbia strong, plz Russia help


Do you see this shit?

Serbs as usual instigating shit with their neighbors.

And they the gall to paint it up a church train so if anything happens to it they can claim christian victim hood and pity points.

What a sad bunch. Sup Forums just eats up their remove kebab rhetoric when they are worse than kebab


Leaves are worse than kebabs, Trump is building the wall on the wrong border tb.h