People who voted Trump ,how does it feel to be Putins Bitch ?
i voted for bernie
feels pretty good
Putin promised me an awkward but adorable 7/10 slavic qt in exchange for my Trump support
Stop trying to drag us into your war with Russia.
It was all over the news, the whole election I mean, and I still didn't vote. Am I a disgrace to democracy?
You're just suomi.
I've been noticing that smaller redpill threads and several nigger hate threads have been autosaged and outright deleted among others. we have mods working with leftypol and antifa fucking this board up. turn up the redpills, goreposts, and nigger hate posts to 12 guys. drive them out or redpill them.
There is no need for a war . Just some Political sanctions .
How's it feel to be Muhammad's bitch?
How does it feel to be Putins Bitch ?
Fail troll faggot. Please re-elect her so your country can become New-Kandahar.
Lol , please stay in your country controlled by a different Country
I'll take Putin over Saudis (you know, the people who helped with 9/11) any day
Don't make us defeat you for a third time.
Actually, if the Russians hacked, that would make Putin Trump's bitch.
>german flag behind her
Mama Merkel would be ashamed to be associated with such a barbaric country.
I feel sand of niggers itt.
Why are shills so creatively bankrupt
>I'll keep it in mind user, thanks.
Your shill is fail. I seriously hope you're not getting paid.
>i'll take this form of cuckory over that form
well i do declare
like the ones that defeated you in a theatre? remember them? how many dead slav?
Sorry bloke, i voted for Bernie
time of their life
If you're blue and you don't know.
Where to go to, why don't you go.
Where fashion sits.
I mean, I don't see what the big deal is. We make a deal with Russia, let Putin take over Germany and it's vassal states in the EU, and the US and UK split up the Western hemisphere. What's the problem?