Redpill me on death, Sup Forums
Do you think there is an afterlife? Reincarnation?
Redpill me on death, Sup Forums
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>tfw to smart to die
I have nothing to add to the subject at hand. I am very interested in the evolution of this meme though. Very strange.
Share your secrets
Your life is a simulation that repeats itself.
Think of it like Groundhogs Day, exept you're making the exact same choices over and over
We keep dreaming, we have lucid dreams, nightmares, realistic dreams, collective dreams, were probably dreaming right now
why are you thinking about death m8 you got cancer or some shit tell Sup Forums
I wouldn't expect a brainlet to understand
Removed this image file at once.
>tfw 2 smart too believ in afterlife
where was our beforelife then spirit cucks?
What are you basing your theory off?
Saved. I've been hoarding these like a jew with gold.
I believe the spirit is usually destroyed along with the body. You have to achieve enormous spiritual strength to achieve an "afterlife" and even then, ultimately your soul will be destroyed.
consciousness does not die with the body, but the ego does. consciousness itself is a substance that exists in a timeless higher dimension and descends into the body to live out a life on earth and do its work to change itself in the higher dimension. aspects of yourself like your wisdom, ultimate desires, memories, and aspirations will carry over life to life (your memories will be deeply buried, accessible only with special work), but aspects of yourself like your tastes or skills or talents or how funny you are all die with the body.
want to find the ultimate redpill?
search for a guy named Fulcanelli.
I believe we all come from a huge clusterfuck of souls. Over time this clusterfuck gets partly corrupted. In order to keep the corruption from spreading the part is seperated and put into quarantene, casted onto earth/this plane of existence making this world basically the purgatory. Satan rules on earth/this plane of existence, at the very least symbolically through materialistic desires, egoism and egocentrism etc. with each choice you can either give in to satan, or resist him. if you manage to resist him, and cleanse yourself you will be able to ascend once again, if not you will stay here until the end of days.
Cease that at once. Stop exploiding my images you thief.
Perhaps, but from I understand the lesson you must learn is to live this life as if it is your only life.
read the bible autist
>to intelligent too live
No afterlife. No reincarnation.
The only people who fall for that shite are those without the balls to face their own mortality.
This a dream, let me prove it to you.
>read the bible
I only read from the non-fiction section kid.
Q. What is the difference between this post and a steaming bucket of fresh dogshit?
A. The bucket
>tfw to intelligent to think about mortal issues
>Do you think there is an afterlife? Reincarnation?
We have no evidence of what happens, so no one knows.
I've already alerted the authorities.
Enjoy the pokey brainlet scum.
We have no evidence of anything though
Does not matter
Be a good person and keep an open mind, but do not be gullible and don't fall for "Do X or eternal damnation". Whatever is after life can come when life ends.
By its very definition, you can neither prove nor disprove the existence of such a thing, so all you can do is take the one life that you are certain that you have, and spend it on what you deem to be a good life.
I guess it will feel a lot like it did before you were born
>I only read from the non-fiction section, kid
Does energy leave when a body dies?
If yes, how can we get energy from eating meat and uprooted plants?
Death is a point of no return between consciousness and unconsciousness. One day when you're dead the matter in your body should be taken up by something else, by dirt that gets eaten by larvae that gets eaten by birds (essentially allowing "you" to fly).
Of course, with humans current burial habits this is less likely. Cremating means we burn the energy off of the body, making it less nutritious. Coffins seal us away from the elements that would like to feed on us. All is well and good to avoid spreading disease/bad smelll and save space, but it's a bit sad that it will be that much harder to live on as something else.
We have to disagree with everything you said though.
There is no such redpill. Nobody knows.
And as for me I prefer to keep on my own fanfictions to not fear death.
Stupid dumb, thiest scum
True Detective: Season 1
The true knowledge artisan knows that this is impossible know. One should not focus on the perils of death, but to make the most of the unlikely privilege of even having an existence.
you're just gonna get the same 4 answers
>not afterlife, cease to exist
>no one knows
>some new age hindu shit
>christian afterlife
Although I'm religious so instintively I would tell you the Christian answer since that's what I personally believe, I'd say the best unbiased answer would be that no one really knows since its impossible to really measure something like the soul/spirit world etc. but that doesn't mean we should rule it out. The fact that conciousness is even a thing not to mention the natural universe existing is pretting absurd in itself as it is, and the thing that empiricists tend to get wrong is that they only put into consideration what the physical senses take in and all they can really sense in this bodily vehicle is the physical world and fail to aknowledge there are other planes out there that we are incapable of measuring, everyone likes to hate on plato but the allegory of the cave can be a good example.
oh good choice goy!
the only logical answer is that it's going to be exactly the same way as before we were born
you don't remember anything do you? exactly, you will cease to exist.
Evening fellow peer