Triggering scandashits starter pack
>he hasent taken the Balkanpill
Since I just brain blasted you
Thoughts?? Emotions??
I1 master race?
Other urls found in this thread:
So Kurds are white?
Polish vikings confirmed.
I is the weakest haplogroup of Europe. You got buttblasted by Neolithic farmers carrying J and G2a, who in turn got raped to extinction by R1a and R1b.
This is the true redpill, along with the bogdapill
I1 isn't Balkan.
I1 is pure Germanic.
It's the berserker gene, the gene of strength and intelligence in Europe.
The balkans have it in excess because they got Germanic'd by Thracians who were originally a Germanic tribe from Scandinavia.
I1 originated in Scandinavia.
But we persist as the roaming, storming butthurt who pop up here and there.
Proper breeding leaves evidence.
>tfw you will never be a true Germanic
You must be some Syrian cuck.
Birger Jarl was I1. Bill Clinton was I1.
It's the haploshit of manly men.
He's almost right though. Our I1 ancestor and your Balalaikastan I2 ancestor were brothers 30000 years ago.
There's practically no connection between us and you.
We are Hyperboreans, you are the mud hut dwelling niggers.
I think this has to be related to vandals tribe. That's why sardinia is deep blue and italy isnt.
No it's not. I1= Hyperborean god men I2= mud hut dweller scum
Sarditrash don't got any I1. Only Nordic godmen do.
>Our I1 ancestor
You people came from Asia though.
Retard detected. I'm I1 myself, I1-L287 to be specific.
I'm a firm believer in the theory that I1 originates in a real life Atlantis.
I think possibly this Atlantis could be the island of Shetland which has evidence of high civilization but I'm not entirely sure.
It originated west of the Ural mountains, it's still a European gene except it's bordering.
Reminder: Fins and slavs arn't white
What the fuck are you on about? I1? Ural mountains?
It's a northwest European marker. Pre-Indo-European.
We were in Ireland before your R1b faggots came along.
I think the high civilization is found here mainly but later stages on Shetland.
From Shetland we went in all directions.
Real life Atlantis is doggerland, but a subgroup of R1b are the decedent of doggerland
lol sarditrash. Sardinian dna is studied because it's unique. Do some research.
This :
And in particular this :
Sardinian pure masterrace, finncuck :') and for your information, Atlantis has been associated with the old kingdom of sardinia
Swedish vikings spent a lot of time in Eastern Europe.
> R1b are the decedent of doggerland
Retard. R1b doesn't belong in NW Europe.
Doggerland is related though but the culture persisted on Shetland in my opinion.
Silly. Finns are White. They look Hwhite to me.
>Race is geneocentric and not genocentric
>t. non-white roach rapebabies
Literally what l1 and l2 are (scandis and northern Europeans bein l1 and balkan niggers being l2) are pre-aryan European populations.
When will people realise haploshits have absolutely 0 to do with race.
The Pashtun of Afghanistan are whiter than Finns
But they don't have any I1.
Reminder that a country like Serbia has a lower gdp per capita the than a country like Costa Rica and thus are not white.
We south Slavs are mainly I2 and Scandis are mainly I1. I also don't see the problem with the I haplogroup.
Problem is Indians took our land.
These are not the same thing
Balkans sucks.
no czechs? garbage image and false.
So what I got from this thread is Bosnians are masterrace
They're literally our mexico running drugs and refugees.
Still I is only found in scandashits and balkanlars nowhere else all extremely rare races
I1 is the cuck y-dna haplogroup.
t.beekliwitz kikestein
Those are Syrians/Turks +Albanians
I would say Albania is europes Mexico
>Those are Syrians/Turks +Albanians
Every single one of them is albanian you retard.
I did say Albanian you Greco rape stillborn I literally said they were Mexicans of Europe
Still those haploids are consistent in Sweden and Balkans nowhere else thier both of the borreby type In conclusion:RARE
Probably fall under Belorussian/pole/German\
Balkans are not white
Meme map you got there feather
I'll leave this on the desktop for you son
An Atlantean Finnish. Now I've seen everything.
You sure told me, Chink-Chan.
Picture related.
*blocks your path*