>He was kicked out naked from HIS OWN apartment by his friends who came to visit him in his new house. He wanted one of the friends to leave, he started to yell and threw his stuff outside and hit him in the face. Other guys stood up for their comrade and they turned tables: they stripped owner naked, pushed him outside instead and continued partying while their naked host was struggling outside trying to open the door. 20 minutes later someone called the police and reported there was a naked guy trying to break into someone's apartment. He was mistaken as a robber and arrested, still naked, while his "guests" kept partying in his house...
Naked man locked out of his own house and mistaken as a thief
lol funny but how is it political
the friend he wanted to leave was Arabic. Other friends stood up for Arabic guests and kicked out naked owner. Acutal metaphor of situation in Europe.
and it's not funny, it's fucked up
I am not trying to victim blame, but who invites a bunch of people into their home at once? That is a good way to get your stuff stolen.
Ahhh yes, the autistic Polish poster who keeps spamming this shit since 2015.
Some great """friends""".
How is he autistic?
Are you just jealous that his country is much whiter than yours?
Did he want him to leave because he was arabic
doesn't matter, it was his house so he could ask anyone to leave and they should listen
It's not white. It's full of slavs.
What he should have done is threaten to call the police or better yet, not invite a bunch thugs into his home.
>not white
Well I bet he won't be inviting them over again
It was kind of too late for the second option and from what I know he actually called the police before he was kicked out naked, the same police officers he called arrested him later.
Couldn't he just ask his neighbors to call the police?
Typical police. What country was this in?
police didn't help him, they took him naked to jail to sit with other men there with his butt out.
Quite an unfortunate event. How is life in Poland?
better than in Russia it appears
>What country was this in?
Do you really have to ask?
I mean, a good neighbor would lend you a towel and explain the situation to the officer. You meet your neighbors before purchasing a new house.
t. friendless autist
What does the average Slav look like? I am guessing something like this?
I have a few real friends, not a bunch of pretend friends who will lock me out of my own house naked.
lol, burger how can i even begin to explain the average european women to the average american woman. I wont bother kek, keep on thinking you have it good with your lardwhales lmao
This is why I train everyday.
1. Your not overpowering me in my own fucking house
2. I look fucking awesome naked. I genuinely wouldn't feel embarrassed.
But still, the police are fucked up for doing this.
thats a Finn you dummy
stupid friends, stupid neighbours...stupid country
that's what I'm saying! This guy must have regretted all of his skipped gym days
>how can i even begin to explain the average european women to the average american woman.
Care to explain?
Do Finns really look like that?
Btw we dont see him being arrested, we dont see him being kicked out. All a little suspect to me. Maybe its just some random dude who got locked out.
You should be physically fit, mentally fit, and you should also a have a firearm and know how to use it.
I would legit love to own a gun but cucked nation and all that. At least criminals observe the law, view that guns are illegal and then proceed to obey the law. Said no one ever.
Also in that situation, wouldnt you be arrested for shooting someone. Its not a life or death situation. More embarrassing than anything else
It sucks here in the US, I can't speak for other countries but there is something seriously wrong with at least 70% of the population.
>Poland has no banter
This video is posted every month with a different story
If your and/or your family's lives are in danger, you should not care about breaking the law. The law is meant to protect citizens, not empower criminals.
If this is not a shitpost, and you are serious, you should probably kill yourself as soon as possible. You are beyond hope of ever having friends
He obviously did not know those people very well considering they betrayed him like that. Don't let people you do not know into your home.
If you want to remove a mudslime from your home you go to the gun safe, load several rounds of 00buck and remove that vermine swiftly and efficiently.
>go to the gun safe
The burgers right, someone who strips you naked, and locks you out is no friend. Unless its a friend you met on Craigslist then who am I to judge another mans fetish
> hurr only faggots lock guns away hurrr
> oh no my 2 year old child killed themselves! Thanks Obama
For the love of god I hope you have no children in your household.
look at that skinny pale ass...he wouldn't do shit, not even tried to remove his guest if he wasn't drunk. He was drunk for sure, that gave him courage, but it didn't gave him muscles to face consequences
Put it out of reach of your child and teach them to not touch the guns. When they turn 13 years old, give them access to the firearm in case they need to use it.
Put it out of reach? Like inside a safe?
Holy fuck just lmao at this autistic retard with half the posts in this thread, just kys
Okay that is fine, you can use a safe. Hope you can open in time before it is too late.
If you don't lock your rifles and handguns up you are asking for them to be stolen.
>just kys
Should I live stream it?
I would have at least ONE gun unlocked so that you can grab it real quick. Also, if you don't lock your house up you are asking for it to be broken into.
Victim blaming is completely fine so long as you understand that people have different thresholds for when personal responsibility is relevant.
Take the stereotypical example of a woman getting raped. On one extreme people think a woman not covering her arms is a form of seduction. On the other people think a topless woman traveling alone at night while completely drunk is perfectly reasonable behavior. Both parties agree that people should value their own lives, but they disagree on when someone's completely incompetent at it.
We are whiter then you, fucking burger. But we can make this meme a reality and then you will see that losing slavs was a great mistake.
>We are whiter then you, fucking burger
Got any proof? You can show us your hand
Quick and easy solution. Takes a second to unlock and no child or robber is going to get into it without people noticing. Gotta bolt it though
Has no-one asked why he was naked yet?
If someone threw me out of my own home right now, at least I'm fucking dressed properly.
It say in the description that his "friends" stripped him naked.
You could also try putting it in a good hiding spot that only an adult can reach.
Oh yeah, so he was stripped naked.
WTF, what sort of gayers did he invite around?
edit, 6 pages of street signs to click on...fuck off
His fault for not building a cuck shed like every other responsible male member in Europe
Whoa, what's with the fucking attitude?
You have lost your freedom because of materialism. Either that, or you have too many niggers around.
>You have lost your freedom because of materialism.
So you don't mind random stranger going into your house and scoping it out? Why not just leave your doors open all the time? I let people that I know won't betray me into my house.
Sup Forums used to be a community but ever since guardian journalists started lurking, well you can see for yourself
>letting subhumans into your house
>being friends with subhumans
invite the arab, cuck your shit up
With friends like those, who needs enemies?
The thing about an electric safe the potential vulnerability to EMP damahe? What if the dial pad is damaged? Wouldn't that mean you cannot get the gun out? Your life depends on this.
"it just a prank bro"
I have always wondered how people can put up with those college room-mate "pranksters".
All have a key to unlock as well. Usually there is a plate on the front face that you need to pull off, takes a second or so, and you have key access. Electronic safes are more convenient than the dial ones so it's worth it. Don't fall for the biometric crap. When you need a gun several seconds of sweaty palms and shaking is going to fuck up that access point
If you live in an area away from large population centers, you do not need to worry about thieves as much. Especially if you have a fence around your property.
Niggers and Jews are everywhere senpai
Generally speaking, rural areas are much safer, cleaner environment, more freedom, etc. Higher quality of life IMO. Do you grow your own food?
You could be an MMA world champion and still be easily overpowered by 4 people.
Beta males will flock to anyone posing as Alpha. It's how it's always been.
Once they start giving a fuck (usually around age 25+), they either grow a personality or become total degenerates (i.e. going for a "career" in YouTube video making).
Good point, I better become a fat slob. Brb cancelling the gym membership and ordering pizza.
I think his point was that you should be a good fighter but should also have a gun.
Can't grow shit, big city, no land
Which city? Are you imprisoned in the city? I am sure you can move somewhere else. You actually can grow food in apartments as well. It is a potentially life saving skill and can save you money.
unfortunately Finns really do look like that. There are fat editions, too.
Anything that could be added to make his cuckening worse?
White people are not imprisoned anywhere nigger.
At least there white. Do they behave in a degenerate manner?
So you can leave whenever you want then?
fuck off with this thread
youve been making it for years now
So your saying that the same exact Polish man has been making this thread about this one event for years?
Do you think he marks a date on his calendar to post this thread every year?
I could invite 30-40 people into my house and have zero issues. These are hand chosen people of course, but it's still a solid point.