Why does MEDIA continue to LIE about SATANIC CULTS? What does movie industry gain from whitewashing RITUAL MURDER of three inoccent children in West Memphis? Why there was not a single conviction in any convictions in numerous SATANIC molestation trials in 80 and 90 despite TONS of evidence? Is it just AMERICA that is so corrupt or is it more widespread?

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Satan is a meme. There may be some misguided people out there doing bad things in the name of the fork-tailed cartoon devil, but don't give it more credit than it deserves.

Fuck off shill. Then who kills the children? Who molestes them? Just google "memphis three".

Mentally ill kids. You're trying to make this more than it is.

Things used to be way creepier back then.
This cult murdered a bunch of women, and then cut the breasts off raped the whole where the breast used to be, then they would cum into the breast and eat it.

And back in the 70s and 80s in Texas, male child prostitution and murder was so widespread


It protects the same european elite that owns said industry and all subsidiary companies how is this not common logic.?

>still believes satanism isn't real

Jimmy saville was a satanist who raped kids in morgues, he was also good friend of british royalty

Satanic Cult activity has died down over the past 20 years, but it used to be so widespread.

I never said misguided people don't do bad things because they're fucking stupid enough to believe in satan. People do bad things for lots of reasons.

satanism is more about self worship and the aquisition of power on this plane.

we dont sacrifice unless there is proof it will gain us something. those kids were just playing edgy anti christian games. real satanists dont give christians a second thought.

I DON't know but NOW I am wondering

It was a fad once.

Read about the occult. Dark occultists exist and they control the world.

Ritual murder and pedophilia is used to create obedient slaves. Also a lot of so called "elites" are psychotic mass murderer ivan the impaler types.

>they control the world

It wasn't not a fad. It was easier to get away with things in those days,. Ritualistic rape and murder was easier to hide. You can't get away with anything today.

You do realize your evil acts are just going to reverse polarity and end up with thousands of years of near utopia on earth for a while right? Until it reverses again into evil.

You fucking morons have destroyed the balance of moral systems on this planet. And the dark luciferians use you like pets to avoid karmic consequence.

>ivan the impaler


> ivan the impaler
Don't you mean vlad the impaler? Anyway don't mention him in the same category as the (((elites))), all he did was protect his homeland and remove kebab.

Satan my master!

Cuck, heres a true satanic band.

Gorgoroth is gay.

>Gorgoroth is gay.
I'm not the faggot that posted venom.

truely based. the film dracula untold shows this well.

>why does the media lie about satanic cults

Because the media is run by a satanic cult. SRA (satanic ritual abuse) is not isolated from elite power accumulation, in fact it is a part of it.

Furthermore, when satanism is mentioned in mainstream news it causes chaos- people get very scared and commit outlandish acts against "satanists" like metal bands etc. A prime example of this is the black metal fiasco that become international news and drove outcasts to commit random acts of violence.

They want us scared but not scared enough they lose control of us. Satanism has always been a hot potato.

Another thing to be aware of is SRA in relation to child abduction and trafficking, many of these abduction cold cases were perpetuated by and for satanic elites.

Fringe satanic groups do not sacrifice people or even act violently on the whole. This is disinfo.

>dracula untold
Mostly hollywood garbage if I'm honest, I wanna see an actual historical accurate Vlad the Impaler movie.

He thinks 'ivan' was a vampire...

Lol. Stupid idiot.

Its because they rule the fucking earth

Kill yourself you demon worshiping faggots.

There is nothing new under the sun Sup Forums,
Be mindful of whose agenda you might serve

>Satanic Panic meme
Go back to Facebook, grandma

be gone, the power of Christ compels you, leave this thread