I am a lazy man at times and I enjoy all these comfy chinese shit and eating foods that are not estonian national cuisine, but at the same time, I don't like globalism, because it promotes multiculturalism and cucks the western people
Now, the libshits say this all the time
>"you like comfy life?" >"globalism makes it possible" >"you ingrateful racist prick" >"go back to the medieval times if you hate globalism so much"
How do I refute this stupid logical fallacy?
Joshua Rivera
bumpy, I need help with this, the libshits give me crap over this globalism thing all the time
Jace Miller
Globalism isn't responsible for food. That's just trade.
Leo Ramirez
Fighting globalism doesn't equate to isolationism
Nathaniel Walker
this, also
"you want a comfy life" NO
comfort is the first source for degeneracy.
without globalism or anything beyond tribal structure really we would have a great world with the best ruling over the weak.
Noah Flores
>comfort is the first source of degenracy
we're manly man shitposting on our manly imageboards and fappig to 2d waifus.
join us and fight degenerates!
yeah, no...
Carter Martinez
I see your point, but I mean that it's not bad to sometimes indulge in sweets, junk food, use modern tech stuff like smartphones, webcams, headphones etc. and generally have lots of stuff available. What is wrong with liking that? I mean, it's only degenerate if you over-indulge or if you are a massive faggot "I only buy foreign shit because fuck drumpf fuck white people" cuck about it.
James Reed
you seem to have the right idea. good on you, sir.
Gavin Watson
thx georgiabro
I really like how Sup Forums has given one us state a separate flag, kek
Carson Edwards
Yeah, "verivorst" tastes like shit
Benjamin Barnes
stop meming this, stop saying that pol is autistic anime loving trashcan. its mostly not true and you only encourage people to do these degenerate activitys. Also dont forget that meme magic is real and constant repetition of "2d waifus" acctually makes people fap to them.
you should use technology if its needed, you should avoid comfort though. These are 2 different things. I do not promote a non-advancement principle or anything like that. I just want that tech doesnt cause decline in you as a person.
Juan Sanchez
Do not be a soulless drone.
William Hill
I love verivorst, but people do not normally eat verivorst as a defining staple of their diet bad argument there, desu
>non-advancement principle literally what? google doesn't give me anything. Give me a sauce please
Jason Butler
Watch thethuleanperspective.
Cameron Brown
>chicken-cleaning machine made me kek
Gavin Nguyen
just speak Estonian and that will be enough, your language is slowly getting displaced so better not to lose it
Zachary Cook
I really hope you're joking
Lincoln Ortiz
Varg is a cool guy, but he larps his neopaganism stuff too much, which is pretty much meme-tier at best
Luke King
its one of the most retarded things one can imagine. It is exactly what it sounds like, inventing anything is not allowed.
Its usually used to strawman the best ideology there is, tribalism. Like in pic related. Noone acctually believes in the non avancement principle...
Thomas Nelson
>what is irony?
this is a good advice, thx
Andrew Lopez
Memes are very powerful.
Isaiah Torres
Yeah. Irl ofc. But here there is no point in it, because such a little portion of ppl understand it
Ryder Lee
yeah, I have a friend from eesti and he is cuck just by simply speaking russian, your culture is fragile now, so caring about minor food stuff shouldn't be a problem
Sebastian Mitchell
at least know it, damn, it's YOUR language
Tyler Roberts
Eli Collins
I can kinda see your point, yeah, basically you are saying that don't be an applefag or annoying fedora cunt, but use the tech regardless as a tool
this is actually a really sane message, but it's funny how you get attacked hard on kikebook by the numale "BEING DEGENERATE IS A RIGHT" army if you try to post this opinion
Cooper Kelly
Yes, language is important.
11 лeт пpoшлo и я дo ceх пop пo pyccки гoвopю. Пpaвдa пpaвoпмcaниe хpaмaeт.
Easton Jones
11 лeт yжe в peйхe живёшь? нeмeцкий хoть знaeшь?
Noah White
the machine made chickens look slippery and wet, so I assumed it was a cleaning machine.
We do speak it in Estonia all the time, and we expect our local russians to learn it, and every generation knows estonian better than the previous, so yeah it's going great, and trust me, I completely advocate estonian ethnonationalism here, so I will be doing by bidding by protecting our culture and language
Isaiah Morales
в peйхe? кeк
y нac в шкoлe в двyх Bundesländer бyдyт дeтям пpипoдoвaть кaк pизинoвый члeн в пoпy cyвaть и в apмии cкopo бyдeт пpoeкт бopьбы c гoмoфoбиeй. oт pэйхa мaлo чтo ocтaлocь... o вoт этoй кapтинкe тoлькo мeчтaть мoжнo
дa пo нeмeци тoжe гoвopю
Cooper Bennett
я в шyткy cкaзaл, знaю чтo Гepмaнии жoпa пpишлa
Adam Bailey
you've been shitting up this board all day. Fuck off already. We get. Everyone here is a loser stupid NEET. Now fuck already
Jacob Martin
Really, fuck off back to plebbit.
Isaiah Lewis
>Comfy life You'd be more comfortable without globalist kikes. >Food Stop eating chink food so much. Start home cooking and making traditional eastern european food.
Isaac Long
Auslaender raus!
Matthew Evans
How exactly does globalism make life easier?
Camden Sullivan
No need to get all mad here. It's all in good fun, isn't it? I just find Sup Forums's obsession with "degeneracy" funny.
Gavin Cook
eat beer like a normal person
Hudson Cox
My family moved like crazy, mostly due to WW2 and my mentaly ill cousin. I have no real homecountry. Although I really like Кoми pecпyбликa.
Tyler Perry
>moin >servus >Gruess Gott >hallo >salam amk wie redest du?
Daniel Cooper
Ich sage "hallo"
:^( servus and moin are much better I think, I'd prefer moin, but noone says that here.
Nathan Bailey
Multiculturalism is the existence of multiple cultural groups within the same society/state. It's unrelated to your own preference for different foods and other services.
If you want to experience life in other cultures, you can go travel. Planes can take you to any part of the planet in a day. If you want to explore the cuisine of another culture, you can go on the internet and find every recipe in the world. If you want to buy products you can't make yourself, you can simply trade.
If you want to exchange goods and knowledge, you don't necessarily have to import millions of people to your society. Tell this to your peers.
Of course it's always wise to minimise your own consumption, because consuming makes you dependent on others. And your dependence can be used by others for malicious goals, I.e. blackmail.