Why does Russia, despite its huge energy and natural resources reserves, have a lower GDP per capita than Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Czech Republic, and Slovenia?
Is it because of Amerikanski?
Why does Russia, despite its huge energy and natural resources reserves, have a lower GDP per capita than Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Czech Republic, and Slovenia?
Is it because of Amerikanski?
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>strong economy
t. Trump
>Is it because of Amerikanski?
No. It's because of you. Buy more Russian shit. They make nice binoculars. But terrible toilet paper and no masturbatory products. All their cologne must also be able to be ingested safely.
Shock therapy and low commodity prices in the 90's. So yes.
Aren't Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Slovenia receiving EU shekels?
I'd say that'd have some effect on top of sanctions.
>using PPP instead of nominal
But even before sanctions their economy was shit compared to ours.
The true reason why Russia is so poor is that Russia is just fucking huge. The European part of Russia must send resources to Siberia and the far eastern parts, and that is fucking expensive.
USA is huge also, the west and east coasts are separated by harsh terrain, but there hasn't been conflict in mainland USA in 150 years. Every 50-100 years Russian towns get pillaged and burned down, the USA and Canada don't have such problems. This is why Russia wants to border mountainous terrain - the USA has two oceans that separates them from enemies, so the best Russia can do is use mountains as defense mechanisms.
well most of those shekels end up in pockets of our corrupt leaders and their friends, I don't think they have very huge influence on our GDP. We are mostly export economy and Germany is our greatest partner
Because GDP is almost useless parameter when it come to manufacturing.
Two people can literally sell eachother 1$ buttplug 1 million times and each time register it as new product. And it will increase GDP by 1 million USD.
In russia all goverment corporations get materials and other shit for production FOR FREE, and make money only by export, while USA have no gov owned companies and all of that increasing GDP.
Same with China - they have much more manufactoring than USA, but a lot of that shit is gov owned and spins just inside country.
tldr GDP is jewish trick, you want to know raw production rates
>not being in debt so much that you can never repay it
also this
Why does no oligarch invest in transportation and infrastructure?
You walk on the biggest country on the planet, that has multiple time zones, yet nobody has the bright idea to make transport faster across it.
Why arent you building the pipeline to China?
Why arent you digging more gold and stashing the billion?
Why arent you employing chechens and other mercenaries to protect the siberian wild life?
Why arent you inventing new drugs that kill all of the junkies?
Why arent you reusing, upgrading and recycling ancient soviet vehicles while you do all that?
Why arent you making your own paper?
Your country can literally survive for 300 years and more, alone!
Without ever having to import a goddamn thing from the west. Without a single dime getting out of the country
Dutch disease. Can't blame our ministers of the economy and finance too much though. The situation in the 00s was difficult, it was hard to balance between inflation targetting and keeping currency from appreciation. The only way to keep inflation decreasing y-o-y and slowly devalue the currency in favor of non-oil related industrial sector was to export less oil. But not only would it lower corporate profits, the GDP growth itself would be harmed from tight export quotas. Nobody would agree to that.
So with strong ruble and large oil exports, the Russian GDP per capita was rising very quickly, at a higher pace than the development of non-oil producing industries. So when the oil prices stopped rising, we already saw a near-stagnation rates of growth, followed by a severe crisis with the drop in oil prices.
That's it.
Because it's full of Russians!
>Two people can literally sell eachother 1$ buttplug 1 million times and each time register it as new product.
That's not how GDP is counted at all...
>Same with China - they have much more manufactoring than USA
And it is accounted when you look at GDP PPP, where prices are normalized.
It's bigger than USA.
in past after collapse of ussr it was only 25% of french per capita
today it is 70% of french per capita
in future it will be 250% of french per capita
just like Ukraine, only that Ukraine has even less non-Russian minorities
>prices are normalized
PPP is a pile of garbage. It implies Chinese products are the same value as Western products, even though actual import prices tell another story.
most of western tech is assembled in Chyna, even those iphones
We receive less money from eu per year than german politicians spend on fountain pens. Go fuck yourself.
>The European part of Russia must send resources to Siberia and the far eastern parts, and that is fucking expensive.
That still generates GDP though
In theory it's not. In practice, it's just a matter of tricking statisticians
no, it happens through gvt companies, they get to do it for free
Whatever, the products sold in China are not to be calculated as if they were the same as in the west. PPP is commie shit.
They'll have to go back to 1950s tech level to be able to exist without importing goods.
You country can't go more than 26 years back, because it never existed before that.
this wouldn't bother anyone except the big cities
how is that a bad thing?
at first i laughed, but then i didnt
I think 80 years of communism followed by 20 years of syndicalism probably explain.
Russia was always poor
So was most of Eastern Europe for that matter
actually we are really rich, one of the richest, the people have always been poor
The people are the country
Culture of USSR brainwashing will only disappear with death of last carriers of it. So, around 15-20 years or so we'll be finally free from this human trash.
it's sad thinking that by using some degenerate stuff like capitalism you would probably be all rich cunts
Because Russia is a western colony. Every year tens of billions of dollars are transferred out of the country to UK, Swiss, France, Geramny and the USA instead of going into production development. You can even point to the center of colonial administration - 90% of wealth goes directly into the UK.
Poland is the biggest receiver of european funds, they've free trade in the european market and they send millions of polish plumbers in all the corners of the european union, romania kinda do the same.
Eastern expansion of the eu was a mistake.
I think it may be the first time I read a non autistic comment about russia from estonia/baltics.
capitalism drove the classes even further apart, but I must say more people live decently as ever before
this is sadly true (but I wouldn't say 90%)
>than Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Czech Republic, and Slovenia?
We don't get gibmedats from EU and have army.
And after that you'll have to wait until the last of 90's born scum die? Go back to po/rasha.
now show per capita
Basically the more natural resources your coutry has the shitter it is.
Slovenians are the best Slavs 4ever
What do you mean by that? Do you mean foreign mining companies. Or do you mean just banking.
That whenever someone makes money in Russia, he transfers it to the West.
everything, from foreign controlled companies, to banking and audit of the state and state controlled companies
Nominal is even more meaningless. I think that the only use that GDP has is to monitor dinamics of the economy in one country, not as dick contesting tool between different countries.
>quick, we need to make an excuse about why Africa, dispite having everything is so poor!
>this bullshit reason seems to work!
The US is full of nature resources too. As is China. Fuck off with that leddit tier theory.
He doesn't know what the word "colony" means and uses it as a derogatory buzzword. Drain of capital is a big problem still.
Because Russians are cowardly deadbeats and they're scared of the tsar autocrator. Bolsheviks tried to change that, this is why so many Russians supported them
All in all Russia was on the good path as long as it had strong boyars and Sobór Ziemski. Once those were destroyed by Peter I, Russia lost any social vitality
>everything, from foreign controlled companies, to banking and audit of the state and state controlled companies
You're saying it as if the rest of the world doesn't drink coke, gets audited by Big 4, and advised on deals by Goldman Sachs and other Bulge Bracket banks. It's a shame that so far we don't have such a global brand that would compete with the current giants, but it doesn't mean we are a colony.
Want to hear a joke?
Russian agriculture.
It's truly sad how many of their people have been forcibly starved to death. If I was Russian I would wake up every morning and wipe my ass with a picture of Stalin.
Because all money earned by selling natural resources goes to oligarch bank accounts in offshores and nothing is invested in Russia itself.
Take you for example.
Germany doesn't have a lot of natural resources yet it has good geography. Half of your country is on European Northern Plain, meaning you are flat, you have sea access without freezing and navigable rivers.
Meaning your historically low transport costs of goods have allowed for easier accumulation of capital and even development of industries and society as a whole.
Same with Benelux, northern France, north Italy, south England. And especially USA because of Mississipi.
Russia in contrast has high development costs of just about everything, no navigable rivers connecting the country horizontally and no coast on the major ice free trade route. State always did and always will have a role of the resource admimistrator. Free enterprise in such conditions on the scale of previously mentioned countries will never be possible.
Can any Russians help me?
I read years ago about how corrupt politicians and researchers forced a faulty method of seed germination on farmers for years. This method involved soaking the seeds in water before planting but I can't remember the name of the (now defunct) science.
Does anyone remember?
Maybe this.
I know what a colony is.
It's not just money drain, it's a brain drain and partial sovereignity.
For example, after ((( ))) shot a boeing over Donbass, it's black boxes were transferred to London. They remain there still and noone ever mentioned what is on them for the last several years.
Russia goes to court over Ukraine's debt where? In London.
Russian oligarchs go to court against each other where? In London.
Stolen money goes where? To British Virgin Islands.
Really makes my almonds dizzy, it is as if Russia is in fact governed from the UK, but is is certainly a wild conspiracy theory.
in 2016 we overtook you and the us in grain exports and are currently no. 1 and growing
>governed by UK
partially, but that's why the russian hysteria is at a 30 year high!
things are changing
Most of the ukrianian workers we get here could use some more grain if you know what I mean.
yes you can blame the Amerikanski
China is mostly desert and Mountains though, while India is surrounded by two massive coastlines.
Thank you kind sir, feel free to invade us anytime
no need for that, our diaspora is fairly succesful at subverting your political procesess and we are on track to install our plant Robert Herjavec in the next elections.
we will see what we want to do with canada after that