Is Satanism the true red pill Sup Forums?
The elites must know something we dont
Is Satanism the true red pill Sup Forums?
The elites must know something we dont
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No, it's just simplistic ideology for egotistic edgy teens. That's goes for LaVey's satanism and Ayn Rand fanbois (for these two practically the same, but LaVey is more autistic)
Any form of "theistic" satanism is just New Age for goths.
Red pill me on "True will" bros
What does it mean precisely?
the elites are fucking stupid because they worship materialism and the ego
they are weak
Elites understand the importance of education, social interaction and appropriate marriage.
The elites get embroiled in ceremony such that what they are doing becomes..essentially..satanism. But fundamentally, what they start with, is not satanism but mysticism. They just go astray because power is corrupting. This is based on my own personal experiences with these people.
That said, the group, throughout history is unbroken. They had been recruiting since around 800 BCE by my estimates. The last 100 years, we saw, many people who rejected their recruitment efforts. We've also seen failed products. Both have become more outspoken with time. That is exactly why they're getting exposed now. They went too aggressive with their recruitment and as we all know, loose lips sink ships.
It's real simple leaf.
Luciferian ideology states that:
>Might is right
In addition the masses (goyim, meaning human cattle) can't be trusted to make decisions on their own behalf.
They worship Lucifer, God's eldest son, the fallen angel who was banished from Heaven after St. Michael (Jesus Christ) defeated him in his plot to overthrow his father and rule the Celestial world. Lucifer is said to be the brightest, most intelligent of the Angels. The word Lucifer means "bearer of the light".
>Might is right
They worship other demons like Baphomet and Minerva, Moloch etc. but that's basically the gist of their ideology.
>They had been recruiting since around 800 BCE by my estimates.
Do you have any research you could share pertaining to the Synagogue of Satan from this time period?
>They worship Lucifer, God's eldest son, the fallen angel who was banished from Heaven after St. Michael (Jesus Christ) defeated him in his plot to overthrow his father and rule the Celestial world
what kind of Gnostic-mormonistic-Jehovan-bydlo tier sect is this?
>If we use these big biblical names it'll make us sound legitimate to retards
t. cult leaders
I do. I'm making a post eventually for this topic, but time is always hard to find.
>The word Lucifer means "bearer of the light".>
It's also a Latin word, bible was written in Hebrew then translated to Greek before it was translated into Latin. I'm curious to see some opinions about the word "Lucifer" meaning "son of the morning" and "light bearer" and in the Greek and Hebrew text apparently Jesus was "son of the morning" and light bearer".
What this is supposed to mean is, when the church calls Satan "Lucifer" they are actually doing it to insult God.
I don't know enough about this but, I think you haven't fully stated all the facts.
Furthermore, to my response to OP's question. Didn't Satan offer Jesus the governments and kingdoms of the world if only he bowed to him and worshiped him? So Satan already owned these powers. He the elites are just Satan's bitch.
They are not satanists. I bet they contact aliens and inter-dimensional beings, but none of that is supernatural. They grew up enough to believe in fairy tales.
That's Luciferian ideology. St. Michael came down to Earth in human form as Jesus Christ to defeat Lucifer's plot to control the Earth, as he did in Heaven.
I'll keep an eye out, I guess.
>The word Lucifer means "bearer of the light".
nope. you mean "Lucifel". the "-el" refers to the light part. once he fell and made Hell his kingdom, they started calling him "Lucifer".
>be an atheist and take down the man!
>magic is still real though
goddamnit, latin do you speak it? Lux - light, Ferre - to bring, to carry, LuciFerrus - the one who carries light, there is no other meanings.
I've heard everything from light bearer to morning star. But the emphasis is that he was the most intelligent and powerful of the angels and disagreed with God's plan to rule.
but I learned about that stuff though. I don't have the source because it's been ages.
so I can't tell you if it's misinformation or not but it sounded convincing enough I guess. I think it refered more to hebrew rather than latin. I don't remember.
pretty sure your definition isn't wrong either.
This. There's nothing elite about the elitist. They deceive because they've been deceived.
We're rich, boys.
>I'm sorry I had to.
kek works in mysterious ways.
the original name in hebrew is heylel, and literally means "shining one", "morning star", "light bearer"
when they were translating the bible into latin, they also translated his name into lucifer, which means light bearer in latin
lucifer didn't start the war in heaven, it was satan who lead the other fallen angels
aight. could have been a translation error then from my source.
Satanism, and the occult in general is basically homosexuality with chanting. Ritualized butt-fucking to commune with Demons.
I wish.
Satire is the true red pill.
>The elites must know something we dont
Bluepilled thinking, did the Aztec priests and elites know something we dont as well?
No. Satanism is just a shitty fanfiction on shitty Torah fanfiction.
Anyone who believes this is magic is stupid.
>Is Satanism the true red pill Sup Forums?
No, it's the bluest of all blue pills.
>The elites must know something we dont
Wrong. The elites know the true nature of 'reality' itself, but some of the masses know the true nature of 'reality' itself as well (admittedly not many though).
It's a natural philosophy with nothing to do with actual supernatural. It' s more of an acknowlegement of our animalistic needs:
>Satanism is not Devil worship. That comes as a shock to many who haven’t explored our philosophy and it is the prime misconception outsiders have regarding the Church of Satan. Our founder Anton Szandor LaVey asserted this stance from the beginning. Over the years, individuals with the need to feel embraced by a deity have claimed that Dr. LaVey somehow came to believe in a literal Satan. If we examine his work, it is clear that he never changed his mind about this, nor was belief in the Devil ever some secret “inner circle” practice of the Church of Satan.
We Satanists understand that both truth and fantasy are needed by the human animal. It is a step towards wisdom when one knows with certainty which is which. Man relies on symbolism and metaphor when building a personal conceptual framework for understanding the universe in which he lives. He has always invented his own gods using his carnal brain. From The Satanic Bible: “Man has always created his gods, rather than his gods creating him.” However, this act of creation is usually denied. History shows that the founders of religions claimed personal contact with the deity fabricated through their imaginations, and legions of followers bolstered that fiction. There is nothing wrong with fantasy, so long as an individual knows he is using this controlled self-delusion as a tool for dealing with existence. For we skeptical, pragmatic Satanists, it is wielded in the ritual chamber. Reliance on fantastic constructs becomes dangerous when the believers in spiritual religions dogmatically insist that their personal or collective fantasies are real in the world at large, that they are the only absolute truth, and then wait for the myth to guide them or try to force others to share this delusion. That has been the source for countless wars, as any student of history can see.