Americans what the fuck do you put in your food

How the fuck is this girl 13 what are you fucking eating there, what the fuck are you feeding children with there jesus christ.....

>vid related

some people are growing faster than others
can't see anything wrong with that



She sounds just like the girl from The Little Princess

We aren't poor so the average person gets to eat a regular meal three times per day. I know that can be hard to understand for someone like in Serbia where you have to live off of barely a loaf of stale bread per week, but I don't hold it against you.

>a regular meal
Your oldest citizens barely even remember what that is. I was shocked at how poor the quality was in even supposedly 'decent' restaurants in New York. And the portions are just stupid. I ordered a desert and got given THREE on one long plate. Those of you who don't pig out must throw away more food in a year than most people worldwide even SEE.

>complaining about the portion sizes in new york
buddy you should see texas

Serbia is like biggest meat eaters in Europe... Literally whole our cuisine consists of greasy meat and white bread... If there is no more bread or anything we eat meat then only...

You dear thing, so poor you don't even remember what a regular sized meal is.

And your country is so fat you don't even remember what a regular sized human is.

Did Donald fuck her after the rally?

shut up and get back to making guns for us.

Ah, so THIS is why I always felt a kinship for you fuckers! CCCC!

Agreed, American food is garbage. The only worse one I have encountered is British.
They have good and cheap Japanese food though.

She seems like a normal 13yo to me desu

How the fuck can you even eat it, given that most of it's made up of bits of pig and congealed blood?

Britain's catering culture was killed by third world immigrant competition, but there's plenty of good stuff at rural pubs and in private homes.

We love based Espana

shame you couldn't give some of that food to your mps

Seems like the main recruiting office is based in Squatemala.

What about her? She looks 13.

That's fake, they switched the uniforms.

No, very few members of the Polish armed forces are called Garcia.


>congealed blood
Well, we have to at least make SOME use of the blood refineries whenever we aren't culling Aryan scum.

thinking you get good food in New York

Kek it really is just a meme

Am grill, looked about the same as here when I was 13, maybe just a tad younger.

Don't 13 year olds look like that in... *checks flag*...Serfsupbia?

>all these rural and suburban retards


We use it as much or more than yous. We naively thought it might help keep the Moors out...

Post feet

you know the rules faggot

Okay jokes aside our food is full of hormones that cause earlier puberty, obesity, lower IQ, and lord knows what else. Also I take that back, I've looked 20 since I was 10. Not even joking. And now that I'm 20, I look like I'm 30, and I don't even do drugs or smoke or drink alcohol.

Don't fuck around, they look like that here too

Surely the rich (and there's plenty of them there) should be able to get decent food? Or do they not even realise what they're missing?

>throw away more food in a year than most people worldwide even SEE

Yeah, we're rich as fuck.

Feels good man.

Poor girl is brainwashed thinking she will rise in a country overpowered by mysoginy

good post

>US water
>high estrogen
Then why the fuck do I have lower than usual amounts of estrogen and really high testosterone?

And wouldn't estrogen make the girls' boobs SMALLER? I have huge cowtits because all my fat goes to my stomach and boobs, which is usually what happens to girls with too much T and not enough E. The opposite happens for girls with too much E and not enough T; they get massive hips and zero boobs.

Im also le grill xD :3 rawr omg im rly gurl xDD


Post tits.

Fuck off Oak, I'm not a whore. I'm a good Christian (read as: agnostic) girl who will only show her hideous naked body to her husband.

You are not an eternal Serb.

Refer to

Nathan knows whats up

Post cow tits, faggot.


I read a meme the other day. It was called freedom


Estrogen from the water, testosterone from a healthy diet of Micky D's and Wendy's. It balances those girls out.

Moral of the story, hydrate more. Or have your doctor prescribe some supplements. idk

Listen here u little slank, self degradation is not flattering no matter how true it is. And if you're posting on Sup Forums then you're trash so just post your tits anyway. Femanons are invariably the worst people on the face of the earth.

please get a grip

you are a fucking trap at most

While you have food in plenty, learn to grow it, stock it up. So that when times are lean, you can still be fed.

>when times are lean

Viewing statements of fact as criticisms is a worrying indication as to personal character, Edward. We eat more morcillo than you eat black pudding anyway.

Tits or

>all these years and I'm only just now noticing her fat sausage fingers
manipulative whores with their fucking angles man how do they work?

Those bags look so horrifying..

Stop making us look retarded we eat too god damn much.

the same thing you eat ever day Nikola

Is larping as a girl and not posting tits a bannable offence?

>when times are lean
>Roman Empire
Pride before the fall. Do not let arrogance blind you.

I literally drink too much water though. And like I said, according to my dentist our town doesn't put fluoride in the water, much less anything else.


Get those floppy pancakes out for us autists. I haven't fapped today.


poisons chemicals mercury bleach pesticide
and then we irradiate them with microwave radation and sometimes chemical radiation (the food not the people)

vaccines are little ufos and cause breast/testicle cancer and manboobs and low sperm count
matresses are satellite dishes warned!

hmmm, that really opened and closed some voltage-gated potassium channels

that's because women in general tend to age like shit

Bovine growth hormones and estrogen compounds in every beef product, including milk

It's insane.

Nah, my mom and dad look at least 10 years younger than they really are.

I have to defend burgers in this. Eating on resturants are often waste of money since they only give you crumbs for 60$ meal and the the more expensive the meal is it gets smaller and smaller. When i eat out i wan't to leave full and not worry about getting hungry two hours later so i rather have to much food than to little. Throwing away food is wastefull but i don't think forcing resturants to keep wasted food will help either. My own personal take is that left over food should be frozen and send to famine areas but even i know small resturants/shops can't afford this.

Female height growth peaks at age 13.

>beret is cool
>implying you won't be sniped first because you look like an officer wearing that french hat and are taller

I went to Vegas for a week and nearly needed surgery when I got back to England

Absolutely disgusting food. Have never pissed out of my arse so much in my life

All the >English cuisine memes used to make me laugh, now I just shake my head whenever I see an American flag. Fucking disgusting food, never again

Why would you need surgery just because you ate some food? Also, why would you go to one of the most degenerate places in the world?

Estrogen in the water.

He's "delicate"

>send to famine areas
Fuck off, Sweden.

I too would nearly need surgery in England if I ate food from Las Vegas

>go to restaurant
>complain about being given TOO MUCH food
The fuck is wrong with you?

How dare you insult our fine cuisine? We have delectable yumyums. Sausage and mash. And crumpets. And softboiled egg. Our food is superior. Beef Wellington.

Here in Brazil they also have big asses and breasts by that age

must be literally impossible to keep your daughter untouched

It's done to a ridiculous degree. Have you no shame about having food thrown away, or do you not even realise you're being served enough for two people?

>Eating on resturants are often waste of money
Unless you have a job, in which case the time you save on not cooking the food yourself will be worth more than the money you save
>Throwing away food is wastefull
It's not more wasteful than wasting your time cooking. There is no moral superiority in the wasting of resources on one thing rather than another; if you waste your time cooking you have destroyed resources (your own labor) the same way that you would have destroyed resources when you throw away food. There is nothing inherently special about food that makes it morally questionable to waste it and not other things.
>My own personal take is that left over food should be frozen and send to famine areas
This is because you lack the understanding of the issues of famines and of the logistics of the situation. Constantly shipping food to countries will 'crowd-out' the native food market, and in the long run make the situation much worse than if you had not helped them at all. The logistics of the situation would also make it much, much more expensive to ship the food to other places, especially when it isn't shipped in bulk and has specific temperature requirements. This would be a huge waste of resources.

The last 100 years have made it extremely inexpensive to produce food, and "wasting it" (which actually means providing better service, quality control and value for money for the customers) is efficient. Spaniards should feel shame over being unemployed, not by throwing away food.

1. You're supposed to share it
2. You're supposed to bring home the leftovers
Maybe you should consider getting some friends so you don't have to learn this from a Russian hacker facebook meme page

>if you waste your time cooking you have destroyed resources (your own labor) the same way that you would have destroyed resources when you throw away food.

This is just stupid. A tiny amount of time and effort is spent on cooking, which would otherwise probably not be used on any other activity at all. The value of labour not carried out is just an abstract potential thing. Food on the other hand has had lots of value put into it - land, labour, shipping, fertilisers, irrigation. It really IS shameful to have all that go to waste, just to feed saprophytes in a landfill somewhere.

God, I'm so glad I grew up in poverty, to know the value of things.

>A tiny amount of time and effort is spent on cooking, which would otherwise probably not be used on any other activity at all
On what do you base this? People with demanding jobs may require others to cook for them in order to perform their demanding job.
>The value of labour not carried out is just an abstract potential thing. Food on the other hand has had lots of value put into it - land, labour, shipping, fertilisers, irrigation. It really IS shameful to have all that go to waste, just to feed saprophytes in a landfill somewhere.
Hold on there, you are not applying the same ruler to the different things. Labor not carried out is not an abstract potential thing. That is like saying money not spent is an abstract potential thing. Clearly that money came from somewhere, just as your ability to carry out labor is fueled by other things. And in the same way, food that is not eaten is simply a biochemical process where an organism grows from the soil and later returns to it. The labor, fertilizers etc are used with the knowledge that part of the food will be wasted, that is part of the entire process. Does it also bother you that there are wild trees in nature with fruits that aren't eaten? Does it bother you every time wolves kill a deer without eating it?

were gonna build a 2nd wall for you canada it will be like game of thrones

Why do teenage girls have horrible eyebrows?
Why don't their mothers teach them how to do eyebrows?
They start getting generally good at 19-22

>"btw i'm a grill"
>not a whore
Guess again