How often does the average Sup Forumsack venture outside the /comy/ pages of Sup Forums? If so what boards do you go to and how often do you get told to go back home?
Sup Forumsacks on other boards
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Is there any way to see that girls asshole?
Please tell me she has a penis.
Due to the low quality of today's plastic bags odds are there is a hole in the bottom of that bag.
Stay the fuck out of other boards you autistic assholes.
I love Sup Forums for how fast the news can be received here whenever there's happenings
But I can always tell when a Sup Forumslack is on another board, how?
Because you faggots make everything about niggers, race mixing and other "political" topics of discussion on boards that have nothing to do with it
We focus on the important things baka desu
Fuck niggers.
Fuck racemixing faggots.
It isn't hard to understand.
/wg/ and /hr/ just looking for some good pics, the rest of this site is filled with degeneracy and Sup Forums is no different but its much more intelligent than the rest like /sg/ so its worth it. i came from Sup Forums a while ago but never looked back Sup Forumstards are way too degenerate
Sup Forums and Sup Forums here
talking shit on Sup Forums is very fun, plus videogames news
Sup Forums i only visit because some guys immediately load up links for the newest episodes of what i am interested in
nothing more important than a bunch of undesirables claiming the ills that they have pushed onto themselves are in fact the result of others. It's no different than niggers who think white people are keeping them down forever.
Once a Sup Forumsirgin always a Sup Forumsirgin ...
this. we're trying to make you safe again user. accept the redpill into your mind.
>Stay the fuck out of other boards you autistic assholes.
>Comes to Sup Forums
>The irony is strong with this one
I go on Sup Forums, Sup Forums, /his/, Sup Forums, /r9k/ and /tg/
I spend pretty much the same time on each of those boards as I do here.
I think I've only been told to go back to Sup Forums one, because I don't act like I am on Sup Forums. I try to avoid delving into politics when im not on Sup Forums. Have talked about race and religion on Sup Forums and /his/, but I don't go too far.
I like vidya and so sometimes venture into /vg/, after a few minutes I'm close to loosing my will to live and leave.
If I've watched a tv show or want tips for shows to watch I go to Sup Forums and after a few minutes I want to cut my own throat.
That's about it.
I hate niggers but you've got to be an idiot to think that race mixing won't end or cease. It's like a bunch of insecure faggots keep blaming others for their shortcomings with women rather than focusing on themselves and bettering
s-stay o-out of other b-boards Sup Forums
I go to fit and it's the gayest board on the chans for sure
How about you let others choose to become unlovable cynical faggots rather than forcing it upon others. You're no different than mudslimes forcing down their ideologies
I'm on Sup Forums Sup Forums Sup Forums all the time.
senpai you are still here though
You went on int i can tell
Sup Forums /c/ and /jp/ were boards I went to before Sup Forums and I still frequent them.
Protip - don't post the same way you do on Sup Forums you'll get bantz'd
Anyone go on /po/? Pretty fun desu
I've been on pol for the entirety of its existence and it's brought nothing but displeasure to me, my friends and family. What's the point of becoming "redpilled" if it only makes your life worse. It's not like other redpileld individuals here make any efforts to change how the world is. They just complain and point it out.
/ck/ is so comfy never got outed as pollack though
>s-stay o-out of other b-boards Sup Forums
How else do they expect us to pick up some dank oat memes?
Sup Forums
I only go to Sup Forums and Sup Forums, used to lurk /vg/ in cuhrayzee games general but there is a lack of Devil May Crys and Ninja Gaidens currently.
Did you read my post at all? I come here for happening and news. It's like diving into a septic tank hunting for gold half the time. I'm a masochist evidently too which is why i come here.
I was shitposting around int/ yesterday
I tried the same thing today but I apparently got shadow banned
The only time I leave Sup Forums is to go on Reddit.
You know me so well Jacques!
>visit /r9k/
>it's comfy
>Anyone go on /po/? Pretty fun desu
>That /comfy/ feel when you forget the l
/mlp/ /r9k/ [s4s] and occasionally Sup Forums and /fit/. But /mlp/ is my 'home' board for now.
I like to make fun of and expose cucks on r9cuck
sp and g tell me to go back all the time, just spreading the good word
>Did you read my post at all? I come here for happening and news.
But it's all fake news, CNN told me so.
I go on Sup Forums and /r9k/.
Sup Forums because I like video games and arguing about them and /r9k/ because the demographic is the exact demographic that makes it very easy to troll.
I'm the guy that always and incessantly posts race shit and starts fights between niggers and whites. I don't even really care about the arguments, it's just really fun to rile people up and troll them. And I usually do if from both sides, a white supremacist, a nigger, a gook. It's just so easy to bait fags.
I kept seeing the Sup Forums was right again meme 5 years ago on Sup Forums and /lit/ the rest was just redpills
>pol is a single hivemind with one set of views
>literally not reading for more than 5 seconds to see extreme differences in viewpoints
Can't stay off of /po/. Once you take the paperpill life is never the same.
About 8 different boards regularly, ~10 more infrequently.
Like, once.
>watch tv
>notice every little multicultural, racemixing thing on a commercial or show
>watch movie
>notice and complain about every little leftist thing
People hate being around me now because all I do is complain about Jews.
>watch Steelers-Chiefs game last night
>see commercial for Amazon thats a priest and an imam buying each other knee pads off Amazon so that they can pray on their knees in their church/mosque
>loudly sigh and say "what good goyim! The priest and imam are "friends" and buy shit from the rabbi"
>people I'm watching the game with yell at me for being anti-semitic
It sucks man.
only Sup Forums and /sci/
Sup Forums and Sup Forums basically feel like the same board.
Found the commercial. Just look at this shit. I want each and every one of you to tell me you wouldn't complain about this shit. Obvious propaganda to normalize muslims and make people okay with them. Political propaganda on a commercial.
Sup Forums, Sup Forums, /fa/ and Sup Forums master race reporting in
KYS cuck.
>loudly sigh and say "what good goyim! The priest and imam are "friends" and buy shit from the rabbi"
Saw this before Christmas watching a game with the wife, once it was over we just looked at each other like "really?"
It activated my almonds desu.
>>watch Steelers-Chiefs game last night
>>see commercial for Amazon thats a priest and an imam buying each other knee pads off Amazon so that they can pray on their knees in their church/mosque
>>loudly sigh and say "what good goyim! The priest and imam are "friends" and buy shit from the rabbi"
>>people I'm watching the game with yell at me for being anti-semitic
I mostly go on Sup Forums and /k/, but sometimes I go on /fit/ for laughs.
If you visit Sup Forums, /r9k/, /lgbt/ or /mlp/ regularly (because you actually like the board), you should reconsider your life. Being bitter is not the answer, swallow the happiness pill and the positive change-pill!
What did he mean by this?
>Being bitter is not the answer, swallow the happiness pill
>B-but what if ponies make you happy?
Your lifestyle choices are poor.
What kind of faggot sticks to one board.
You don't have to visit every board on Sup Forums but if you visit only one board, you're a fucking internet """"refugee"""".
Everything has to do with politics. Especially popular culture. Hence me being very active on Sup Forums, Sup Forums & /lit/.
Strangely some people there are easily triggered about what we have to say. Sad to see they claim to like diversity, but not diversity of opinions.
>Because you faggots make everything about niggers, race mixing and other "political" topics of discussion on boards that have nothing to do with it
literally confirmation bias
obviously you don't notice the Sup Forumsaks who don't engage wantonly in the above behavior
>Oy Vey better keep the truth hidden from everyone else!
>What kind of faggot sticks to one board.
>You don't have to visit every board on Sup Forums but if you visit only one board, you're a fucking internet """"refugee"""".
Plus those dank oat memes on the other boards are pretty tasty.
What did Kek mean by this?
I used to go on Sup Forums a lot more, but now it's just abunch of waifu faggots finding the next no talent skank who sings over other people's music to jack off to. So now I just go to the share threads whenever I wanna listen to something new, and otherwise I'm here.
asking the important questions
>literally confirmation bias
obviously you don't notice the Sup Forumsaks who don't engage wantonly in the above behavior
This, so much this.
But it's clear he fell for the Sup Forums is one person meme.
Asp, /DOOM/ general, and /jojo/. Sometimes /k/ or /x/ for storytime innawoods spooks.
Nothing positive ever does anything, I was born into the beating heart of liberalism, I cannot seem to understand how to feel anything but bitter rage.
>feels bad man
Sup Forums is by far my main board, but i visit /k/ decently often.
otherwise if im exceptionally bored i often visit Sup Forums and /r9k/, usually for the ylyl threads, or oddly enough to talk to the lonely and hopeless and try to help them get to a better position in life with what little advice i can give.
it helps i think with my own sense of confusion in life, as i have absolutely no idea what i want to do with my life at all. i dont want ot just jump from one shitty "it pays the bills" job to another for sure, but otherwise i just....
oh, and if im really in the mood for a laugh ill visit /x/. those guys are some creative autists if nothing else.
Sup Forums
/sci/ for random space elevator threads
/k/ like once a month maybe?
Well it looks like I'm nazi nerd then
>want tips for shows to watch I go to Sup Forums
I had the same ideal with Sup Forums and Sup Forums. Fucking terrible. Don't trust their opinions.
Often, mainly:
>Sup Forums
/fa/, /ic/ and /lit/.
Sometimes I take great pleasure in photoshopping people's faces.
Sup Forums
banned twice recently just for responding to political posts.
/K/ /O/ /hist/
True happiness is defined by quality, not quantity. It is a force from within that is unaffected by materialism. You do what you do because you ARE happy, not because you want to FEEL happy.
What is it you do BECAUSE you are happy? Do you sing? Do you help strangers by action? Are you more tolerant of small mistakes? Do you tell important people you love them? Are you appreciative of what you have?
If you do things to BECOME happy, you will find a never-ending road leading to degeneracy.
"How do you become happy then?" You might ask. Change who you are and let that change be a guiding star for others around you. Find joy in the little things that aren't materialistic or slothfull.
Change from within, user. It is the true path to happiness.
Sup Forums controls most boards (Sup Forums for example) after the GG happenings
porn boards and the slower hobby boards tend to be less Sup Forums than the faster moving ones
Sup Forums isn't controlled so much as very friendly and cooperative
Sup Forums is my 'main' board, but I lurk on Sup Forums just as much as I do here.
Sup Forums and /jp/ as well.
I tend to keep politics and other Sup Forums related stuff out of my posts when I post on other boards though.
My other board right now is /vp/... (I know...I know)
I stop by /k/ every now and then...
My home board used to be /lit/, but lefties won that board a long time ago...
/o/ is a fantastic board, but I have very little reason to go there.
Sup Forums and Sup Forums would be better if I wasn't being told to go here all the time...
Sup Forums is the worst board I've ever frequented...Hell might be a lot like Sup Forums.
Sup Forums, /his/, /tg/, /wsg/, /f/, and /qst/.
/gif/ is all degenerate cucks, gays, and interracial fetishists. It's funny because for every BBC thread, there's like one or two Sup Forumsacks causing a shitstorm with the whole thread with people that are basically redditors.
Outside of Sup Forums, Sup Forums is basically reddit. Can't even say nigger on Sup Forums without getting banned.
Due to the spacing and general sappiness of your post I can tell you frequent Reddit often.
One thing is for sure, you don't visit /biz/ ever.
>Pay denbts Greece monkey
Let me help you help yourself. Read my words and recognise their truth.
You can still dislike people and not want foreigners in your country. But people will like you more if you like yourself. Hell, they might even agree, because you know that guy who's against immigrants? He really loves his country and he's really likeable. I like him too!
I'm not an average Sup Forumsack, but I visit /n/ daily and swing by /sci/, /diy/ or /k/ on occasion (and /gif/... but that doesn't count). Of all the boards I visit, only /k/ and Sup Forums are active enough to hold my attention for more than a few minutes.
/o/ because car guy
/r9k/ look for funny green text stories
Sup Forums because anime
>What's the point of becoming "redpilled" if it only makes your life worse.
So is your solution just blindly going through life without being awake to the cuckening that is going on in our society?
>Yes goyim, no need to be redpilled at all, true happiness is being "normal", now get as many digital friends, likes, and upvotes you can, this is true happiness.
Sup Forums /fit/ Sup Forums /ck/ Sup Forums
I actually never go there, I dislike their "holier than thou" attitude and their smugness.
The only time I wandered in there was through a google search of a gun I wanted info on, but their "it's sooooo epic xDDDD" L33T sp34k ruined it for me.
I did get the info though
I post on /nederdraad/ and /sino/ on Sup Forums. I go to /r9k/ and krautchan Sup Forums as well sometimes. People don't tell me to go home often because I am quite moderate for Sup Forums.
doing gods work