'Jesus was an Arab'
How to respond to this?
'Jesus was an Arab'
How to respond to this?
Hail Odin!
He was an ancient Israeli (not the european kikes you see today)
God is greater than race. Jesus is white for white people.
>How to respond to this?
By worshiping the gods of your ancestors, not a shitskin kike.
Still a jew. Your bible says so. Hail Odin!
Did you pull a chenk and darken that image?
Anybody who thinks that "Arab" is an accurate term to describe an ethnically Jewish person is a retard and cannot into basic geography. Also irrelevant because he was Jewish. Ethnically, religiously, culturally, geographically etc. Jesus' ethnicity is only a debate because people want to warp Christianity into supporting their own ideologies
jesus was a semite, and last I checked jews aren't the color of mud
Who cares? Arabs don't listen to him, and, even if they did, I'm not Christian.
"Jesus never existed."
He was a "nordic" alien. Thats why he was light skinned, tall, could perform miracles and come back to life.
By simply showing the many catacomb paintings that show him as white not fucking brown.
And your ancestors and their gods did what that was worth worshiping?
Oy vey, are you implying that jews are arabs, you fucking nazi?
Nothing wrong with being a Jew.Trump has lots of Jewish family members and he said that he would increase aid to israel.
>inb4 putinbot
>we wuz miracles n shiet
Holy kek,I thought only blacks pulled this but apparently whites do this too.
>"The most accurate depiction of Jesus ever"
It's literally the skulls of three people found in the middle east all morphed together.
Jesus was a Jew. A self hating Jew.
"His biological father was a Roman centurion"
Why would Jesus choose to be an actual subhuman? and apparently God fucked his mother, some curry goblin deep in the egypt? Nice try you kike, its gassim time.
He's a mythological person, never really existed.
Existing populations who did not interbreed with Muslim converts from Africa basically look like Europeans with slightly large noses. Light complexion, often light eyes, European features. That is what Jesus probably looked like. The Arabs as a people are a mix of basically everywhere Islam conquered in Africa and the Near East. A lot of black African admixture.
It's true and proud yuropeans killed him. The End
>half tribe
>half southern european
and im supposed to think he looked like something other than ashkenazi?
Wooooow dude. I didn't even do anything and I'm being crucified.
Who made up this image. I can understand why he was made dark, but why did they make him look like pic related?
He was Aramean. The Arab migration into the Levant didn't happen until 600 years after Jesus had died.
His skin was olive, not coal
Aren't Mizrahi Arabic Jews?
*Burning bush ignites*
Jesus ressurected, whatever skeleton they used it wasn't Jesus.
him looking "not out of place" doesn't mean that if you frankenstein a bunch of faces togheter you get to call it Jesus.
there was a drawing made when he was alive, he did not look like that.
feel free to be a sperg and start contradicting me
why is it always a muh heritage american that goes full autism?
This image was made by Jews. Jesus was aryan.
This letter was sent from Pilate to Tiberius Caesar. It's authenticity has been verified and it is currently stored in the Congressional Library in Washington, D.C.
>One day I observed in the midst of a group of people a young man who was leaning against a tree, calmly addressing the multitude. I was told it was Jesus. This I could easily have suspected so great was the difference between Him and those who were listening to Him. His golden colored hair and beard gave to his appearance a celestial aspect. He appeared to be about 30 years of age. Never have I seen a sweeter or more serene countenance. What a contrast between Him and His bearers with their black beards and tawny complexions! Unwilling to interrupt Him by my presence, I continued my walk but signified to my secretary to join the group and listen. Later, my secretary reported that never had he seen in the works of all the philosophers anything that compared to the teachings of Jesus.
Don't let any kike turn you away from Christ.
Raised by single mother.
Dated a whore.
Had possession of food/liqour he couldn't explain.
>middle eastern
>2000 years ago
try harder faggot, he was a fucking jew. Whats so hard to understand?
arabic did not exist back then.
they are Arabized Aramaic Jews. Arabs were not always the dominant ethnicity in the Middle East. Prior to the Islamic conquests the Arabs had been migrating north into Mesopotamia and the Levant, but were one of many groups that living in the region. It wasn't until centuries after the Islamic conquest that Arabs finally became the majority in most of the places they'd conquered.
Alright, so what?
Are you racist or something?
>Unironically believing the Roman propaganda that was used to trick Western Europe into following (((Christianity)))
'no he wasn't he was a semite'
paganism is atheism for retards foolish enough to deny God yet still sensible enough to admit there has to be at least one for the universe as a whole to make proper sense
He was a Nazarene. He would have looked pretty similar to the modern Lebanese
Oi vey
>Arabs didn't exist 2000 years ago
Are you dum?
does that mean that this man is literally the second coming on Jesus motherfucking Christ?
He probably was. The selling point though was that islam wasn't around yet.
but all white people have jewish ancestors
the image has been darkened from the original. We have no idea what that guys skin color was, its just a guess. Or his eye color
so in other words he just looked like an ordinary jew, blond hair s a minority everywhere outside of scandinavia, doesn't mean blond people don't look ordinary and not out of place in france or ireland
lies, white people are descendants from Thulean Aliens that landed on our planet long ago
they existed in arabia 2000 years ago, there were barely any in the levant. Apart from semitic languages they had almost nothing to do with each other. Its like calling british people russian or some random slav / baltic nationality.
Its like comparing londoners to siberians
He was, he was born in Palestine and spoke Western Aramaic (proto-nabatean which is modern Arabic). He was an Arab.
10 percent of Arabs are Christian you ugly hooknosed jewish faggot
Wtf I guess I'll take in refugees now
>Jesus was aryan
He had brown hair and eyes. Probably a Mediterranean white