(((A.C.L.Jew))) has paid for the sponsored twitter spot today. Which means #PeoplesOath is trending ALL DAY. They are idiots. It's a perfect hashtag to subvert.
So what is Sup Forums's oath?
And how do we spread it.
(((A.C.L.Jew))) has paid for the sponsored twitter spot today. Which means #PeoplesOath is trending ALL DAY. They are idiots. It's a perfect hashtag to subvert.
So what is Sup Forums's oath?
And how do we spread it.
Other urls found in this thread:
Heil Trump :^)
Thought that read
>Defeat the constitution
at first
Nah, it just means "read the constitution as a living document in the same exact way and nuance that we liberals believe is best."
Which is worse.
I don't get it, what's the people's oath?
>Defend the Constitution
...have libs ever even read the constitution?
Do they think Trump is going to quarter troops in their homes or something.
Actually, if the Republicans get enough states+counties to propose constitutional amendments in 2018 they should spend their time trolling dems by trying to repeal obscure amendments no one gives a shit about.
Is this pro or anti trump?
1. go to reddit /r/news
2. news story titled "Israelis donate winter gear to Syrian refugees en masse"
3. JIDF shills everywhere
4. downvote and expose them
To stop Trump's racism and to stop him from using the corporations and media to destroy our country.
In all honesty, its bad bud.
Check out this ad from the campaign. It speaks for itself.
>"we the people"
>allows open border internet to use said hashtag to be exploited
>an "American Civil Liberties" union
The oath of loyalty when you join the armed forces. The (((ALCU))) is a Marxist organization trying to stir up a revolution.
Be sure to check out what it really means friend. It's all about normalizing:
>dreadlock negro
>true american
i can't handle this shit. this is why liberals think they're principled now, they see on fucking ad like this and it imprints in their brain.
>picture of a nu-male in the ad
Since when do liberals give a shit about the constitution?
OH look at what I found we can make our own here.
LINK: peoplesoath.org
>Red filter
Rev up those helicopters.
>Comparing Hitler to Trump
CTR,Hillary is still paying you?
The ACLU has betrayed its roots. It defended the right of the KKK to march decades ago. Now it is for oppressive laws.
Nigger your swastika is backwards
This is Sup Forums,where all dumbfucks gather,me included.
When did liberals suddenly become enamored with the consitution?
I thought it was an outdated piece of paper written by cis white men who deserved to burn in hell for being raycists.
sounds pretty communist tbhfamalamalamalamalamalamalam
>People Soath
It sounds like some sort of soylent green frappucino product.
think site is overloaded not loading
I found 2 bugs, one is if you type past the limit it turns lowercase, the other is if you delete words they instead Multiply. Is ACLU really that incompetent?
Someone put traps and niggers chimping out
Maybe even gore or dicks
Yeah I am sure it will probably crash as the days goes on as well.
I believe it was ACLU that stood for Ku Klux Klan and Confederate flag. Because 1st Amendment. Such a based organisation.
I was kind of hoping they store all these somewhere. Or at least have a wall with all the recent ones popping up.
Fuck, copy pasting the entire navy seal pasta causes the webpage to freeze.
how the fuck did we let the civil liberty organisations fall to the left?
Same here in Emuland - the civil liberty organisations get up in arms about popular leftie issues, then go entirely to ground when economic freedom becomes an issue.
pic unrelated
ACLU begins to question its views on censorship a little more kek
This. But liberals are allergic to unfiltered reality, so...
I fucking broke it
It's because Trump sucks the NSA's cock and will let them have everyone's browsing histories and chat logs. Trump is actually subverting the FBI to further empower its rival letter agency the NSA. Political intrigues and he's not even sworn in. Get ready for thatcheresque unemployment and social decline too.
Need more trigglys. That's what these people really look like.
Best one so far desu
too easy
Wonder if it's better to be funny, or be subversive. Would Sup Forums be interested?
I love how all these liberals didn't give a shit what Obongo did.
All these wars, all these spying laws, all these murdered civilians.
Triggly puff is gonna trend again today. Guarantee it
I will certainly uphold the US Constitution, but not in they way they imagine, I'm sure.
First Amendment = Frog Amendment
To repeal religious freedom and the second amendment
Go visit the Argentine National Museum of Butthurt.
not in this life
It's morning asshole.
Ive only seen it from the train, should visit, most likely have some cool old planes and guns
fuck america to be t.b.h.
nigger capital of the world.
time to form new rhodesia
you dont say "Christian-American" brothers.
god, it's propaganda
Unlikely. The British confiscated most of them after the Argentine retreat.
>defend the constitution
>take a bullshit online oath to defend the constitution
>won't take it for real and actuality do something like put on a uniform or become an actual citizen.
Fuck, I think that Hunter might have been on to something back in 2005.
better yet
>keeping their promises
i hope you guys are twitting those not just screencapping them
>a fucking spear
No wonder you chaps lost. That's some Poland-tier shit.
I tweeted some.
>oathbreakers confirmed for time travelers
fuck you chink
>not signing it "A Big Guy"
One job user
They haven't been able to defend the constitution for decades. Why do they think they can start now?
-sorrest losers of all time award-
Nov 2016
yeah, i did.
lets see how many jihadist followers i get
To anyone who thinks all this leftist "REEEEEEEEEE"ing is due to Donald Trump, you're wrong. Prepare for this reaction when anyone right of center wins the presidency; this is how badly they brainwashed the youth of this nation.
trump's not even right of centre, he's a mere centrist and a liberal
To add, I love how partisan leftists Democrats are suddenly pro CIA, pro constitution, pro free trade patriots who gasp at the notion that our """intelligence""" agencies could mislead the public for nefarious reasons.
Really makes you think
will his scholarship at university be revoked due to an unfortunate turn of administrative event?
Fuck you faggot