Ask a psychopath anything

Feel free to ask anything you would like to know, and I will give you an honest answer.

Psychopathy is misrepresented nowadays therefore we keep ourselves on the down low.
My goal is to give you a real picture.

If I give Jim 5 bananas and Jane 3 bananas, how many bananas did I originally own?

what does your vagina taste like?

Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

underage larper reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

8 Jim bananas?

Kill innocent people is wrong
Listen Jesus, please

What's Aleppo?

Has anyone ever been as far as decided to go seemingly more like?

Who diagnosed you and do you have any feelings for them?

So you are a Serbian phyco. What did you torture wild dogs?

How did you start this monday?

Are you a genuine, diagnosed Psychopath or just feeling a little edgy?

I never killed nor would kill anyone.

The chances of getting caught would be tremendous and I could risk spending decades in jail.

Logically, there is no positive side to this.

Train A, travelling 70 miles per hour (mph), leaves Westford heading toward Eastford, 260 miles away. At the same time Train B, travelling 60 mph, leaves Eastford heading toward Westford. When do the two trains meet? How far from each city do they meet?

But you already gave us a real picture in the OP. It's that doubles guy everyone loves. You blew your shot and now we have the real picture with no effort on our part

Why dont u kill urslf

But you want to.
Deep inside.
Let go user.
Leeet gooo

Genuine. Diagnosed by 5 psychiatrists, first time at the age of 7. Broke a kid's jaw first week of school and threatened him if he tells anyone. He did.

Woke up at 6:30, took a shower, applied cream, currently at work. Not very busy.

President Elect Trump?

What are you doing in Croatia?

There is insufficient information to come up with answer, we do not know who any of the bananas belonged to, and for all we know, you could have been passing out the bananas on behalf of someone else.

If you are an atheist the egg came first. Some proto chicken gave birth to a modern chicken (in an egg)

If you are a Christian the chicken came first. Created by god.

If you are something else. You are irrelavent.

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Self diagnose psychopath? Because psychopaths don't refer to themselves as psychopaths or even acknowledge majority of the time.
Your probably just and edgy underage.

Act of killing is an emotional act. I am detached of any emotion therefore I don't see any joy in it.

Digits confirm that you'll kill someone within your liftime, checkem

How are you feeling on the inside?

Moms gonna FREAK


Ma ubi se pedercino, prestani LARPat fredi

K Psycho/Socio bro, we're in the same boat. Do you like booze? Because I'm digging into a lot of homemade wine this evening. At least personally it makes me more likely to engage in hedonistic activities with the opposite sex

Being a sociopath is much better. All the freedom of a psycho but with emotional intensity to make it taste better.

Same thing you fucking fat idiot

But it isn't an emotional act user.
Its curiosity.

did your grand dad worked for ante pavelic?

omg do u have multiple personalities???/ xD

No it isn't. Educate yourself.

The act isn't emotional but most reasons for killings are. Its an insane level of risk to kill someone nowadays for little return and just killing because you can offers nothing substantial except work and responsiblity

It's hard for me to explain how I feel.
I can clearly see I am different than the other people. I hardly relate to dramatic/emotional situations. I can understand why people are emotional but I can't relate to it.

I set my goals high therefore I'm a major workaholic.

How about you go to college first you dense retard. Or maybe read a fucking medical journal at least.

I don't drink alcohol nor do drugs.

His dad.

No, I fake my personalities in front of people to mirror themselves therefore to throw suspicion off myself. I'm very good at it.

How is year 8 going for you user?

No, it is a egg from a proto-chicken. So you first have to have an egg to have a chicken egg.

wew le wicked internet guy :o

plz dont hack pc :///

Stop larping you faggot. Psychopaths wouldn't waste time with this bullshit

Real psychopaths don't call themselves psychopaths, because they know there's no such thing as a psychopath

Different human cultures in different continents and time periods develop arbitrary moral boundaries about what constitutes "normal".

As recent as the late 1800s in England, public executions by guillotine were watched casually by families with children. By today's effeminate standards, watching someone being beheaded is "brutal" and "psychopathic".

It's just a spectrum. Some people feel moderate remorse, some people feel a lot, some people feel none. "Psychopathy" is the artificial flag poles set up on that spectrum by each individual society and culture.

You're just a blue pilled, emotionally sensitive faggot who still lives at home and is still inironically inspired by Heath Ledger's Joker.

I would recommend it. It's the only time I actually feel a little normal though I have freaked out about my mask slipping a few times when I'm with other people. Got a significant other? Ongoing relationship with the opposite sex? Cheated on a spouse?

If you do not like this thread, there are many others on the front page.

>His dad.
then your condition is pretty much understandable, since it's inheritable. do you have knowledge about your grand-grandfather's acts, if yes, can you talk about him?

I have been seeing shrinks since I was around 12.

Psychopaths are much more grounded and rational. Sociopaths are more erratic and overly emotional.

A sociopath is far more likely to hurt or kill someone in the heat of the moment. Where as a psychopath is more likely to wait or not engage at all.

I like this thread it's a very nice thread

Both are alternative names for antisocial personality disorder

I'm single. I can't last long in relationships. I have cheated on every girl I've ever been to and ended the relationship by accusing her of cheating and being insufficient for me.

I avoid alcohol for the same reason. It could potentially end my career if the mask falls off.

I just know that he was a poor violent guy with no career whatsoever therefore I can talk about him but there is not much to say.

>If you are a Christian the chicken came first. Created by god.

WRONG! Evolution is accepted by the pope and the catholic church. To answer the question: The egg came first made by some inbred birds who created the mutation we call chicken today.

Why does he wear the mask?

Yes, but they have distinctions for a reason. I refuse to be called a psychopath.

>I just know that he was a poor violent guy with no career whatsoever therefore I can talk about him but there is not much to say.
did he killed people?

This is completely true. However if you posess a good knowledge of psychology, you can estimate your situation and further tag yourself given the estimation.

Most likely. I've never asked my father because his life wasn't very significant nor sparked my interest much.

Millions of people tune into beheading videos on liveleak. Humanity has barely changed.

>implying that catholic opinion matters

Get real, normal christians are Orthodox

Who says I don't like it? I'm the emotional one, remember? Calling people fags online gives me emotional joy. You, however, claim to be completely logical. There is nothing to gain (for someone like the person who you claim to be) from making this thread. Hence I call you a faggot larper. Nothing personal, kiddo

He said Christian, not catholic. Now go enjoy your idolatry faggot

nice double think

t. leaf

He did not state if he had any bananas left after finishing the above transactions or if he owned them to begin with you double nigger

>Most likely. I've never asked my father because his life wasn't very significant nor sparked my interest much.
it's interesting because you got that condition from him. maybe you'll learn something from his life which would be later useful to you, who knows.

If the trumpets that sounded the apocolypse were blown by someones butthole.... would we all laugh before the suffering?

Are you publicly supporting gay rights,refugees and the rest of leftist bullshit to appear genuine and compassionate?

My girlfriend found out I pretty much fucked her best friend last night so I abused the fuck out of my waterworks and am waiting for her to do something I can use as an excuse to dump her and get her best friend attached atm. And man when I first thought I was about to slip when I got high I gtfo and drove home. Though I still socially drink even though I'm a lightweight

>there is nothing to gain

These threads always have an interesting fact just like the one you've given. Therefore, to spend my free time collecting useful information is a gain therefore logical. It is like putting a pieces of your own puzzle.


Can you make friends?


A real psychopath would never make a thread like this.

A narcissist though would.

>we keep ourselves on the down low.

You do realise "down low" is slang for homosexuality right?

How would you fix all the black and brown people in Europe?

Here's your reply.

Yes, I have a few gay friends and I am the member of leftist political group. They really like me because my humor is sharp but they have no clue I use them for my career.

How did she find out ?

He died a long time ago. Times change, so do we. The rules that applied then couldnt be applied now.

real psychopath would never admit that he is a psychopath. You´re just full of yourself, get the fuck out

Would you rather fuck an abbo or run accross a field of razors and cobwebs?

Hardmode... both at the same time.

Yes, I'm very good in the crowds though I prefer solitude.

The problem has to fix itself. The hate amongst the races will just grow stronger and a bubble will burst at one time.

Narcissism is practically part of psychopathy.

No he wouldn't unless medical records prove otherwise.

creeping feeling i am sociopath various reason enjoy lying and when manipulations come together do it when bored no murderous tenancies try to keep it on the down-low because dont really want to know if i really am one for fear of repercussions

i do have Borderline Personality Disorder diagnosed so may be it (not OP)

I'm not trying to make this sound like I'm being mean or in the sense that it is usually used (a meme), OP.

But you have Autism.

Dumbass friend didn't obsessively delete our text log and my annonying gf fucking went through her phone while drunk. I had to bullshit with her in hysterics for 2 hours but I got my way.

>He died a long time ago. Times change, so do we. The rules that applied then couldnt be applied now.
but we are on the same mental level ever since we became homo sapiens, we were just developing moral standards by the time, as some user explained here , so the same rules still may apply.

have you considered to try some introspective drugs like lsd and/or mushrooms, alone? it can be very good for you to know more about yourself even more than you are aware of. i recommend it.

What do you do for a living?

I have tried both LSD and Mushrooms during puberty. Sadly, they had 0 effect on me. No hallucinations, laughter, nothing. Tried few times just to make sure someone hasn't sold me fake goods.

I work as an analyst in the bank.

I am too paranoid to have such conversations over a Facebook.

What is the practical reason behind doing this thread? What do you gain from this?

maybe to gain knowledge on how people would react to a confirmed psychopath although this is not a good testing environment

I try to evaluate how you people perceive us so I could further perfect my social behavior.

Is it wrong for me to impulsively want to feel the blood of my enemies running down my face, body and hands as I slowly watch a knife pierce through their flesh?

called it

oh i though you didn't since you say that you don't consume alcohol

but it's weird that it had no effect on you. maybe you should have taken higher doses

Just make sure you're not cheating on someone with a virgin too. God it was ridiculous
ASPD doesn't mean you can't laugh or have fun

6 grooillion

Well, it's interesting. I don't know if you are bullshitting, but if I knew you were an actual psychopath in real life, I'd stay the fuck away from you.

Next question. What do you think of the Jews?

do you live in zagreb

Those are the signs of a sociopath.

We are different, we do things to gain knowledge not gain victory or revenge.

I was institutionalized at the age of 9 because I killed my neighbour's cat. There is a myth told to the children that if they eat sausages a little leprechaun will be in their belly. I fed the cat to the sausages and gut it open to try to find the little leprechaun.