A painful but necessary discussion, were you beaten as a child Sup Forums, and if so how were you beaten and what effects have you noticed in your adult life because of the beatings?
Beaten as a child
My father used to use the belt. The biggest issue I had with it was that it was like he enjoyed it. Like he was taking his anger out from his shit job on me.
It made me rely on myself rather than leaning on others.
Nope, I had good parents so I didn't chimped out
It made me hate myself and now I hit myself in the head whenever I fail at something
I can't even play video games because if I lose, I start hitting myself and get really angry
Sometimes I will play an easy game where you can't lose like some types of puzzle games on my telephone
Was just thinking about this an hour ago.
>3rd grade
>Say I'm sick so I don't have to go to school
>Tons of other people do it so why not
>At house
>Schools over at this point
>Mom is talking to my dad on the phone
>Tell her I wasn't sick
>"Okay user just told me he wasn't sick"
>She hangs up the phone
>Go into pantry to get food
>She speedwalks over to me and throws me on the ground
>Pins me down and starts yelling in my face about how I lied
The more I think about it the more angry I get.
>be six years old
>play connect four with my dad
I feared the wooden spoon and the belt.
It worked out well, I don't have any record on me.
I was never beaten. Wish I was my parents are far too soft and raised soft children
Define "beaten."
Knocked around with closed fists?
Hit with a tire iron?
I really hope you're not serious about hitting yourself, but if you are please stop, especially if you do it over your head
You got some serious problems mate you must have been beaten bloody
I was spanked by mummy a few times when I fucked up.
Don't listen to him! You are a bad goyum! Punishment is the only way to improve!
Yes. Because of it I excelled in school, but I also have sadistic tendencies towards women.
I was beaten up by my mother at my 18 birthday because I refused to attend my brothers phone call.
I have a lot more stories but I am too fucked up to tell anyone
From simple spanking to hitting you in the face with their fist to using wooden spoons, extension cords, kicking you and even more violent and dehumanizing ways, whatever you were subjected to.
Romania, I've a quick serious question for you; how often would daughters be raped and/or prostituted? I don't necessarily just mean gypsy.
>I have a lot more stories but I am too fucked up to tell anyone
Go on Modibro. This is anonymous.
Only after I did something stupid like skipping school to play Starcraft.
>I hit myself in the head whenever I fail at something
This is called autism.
I was softly spanked by my dad when he would come home from work tired and me being the jackass I would run around and make noise while he was sleeping. I didn't feel any pain but to me, the sole thought of being spanked made me scream like I was beaten to death. Other than that, he never touched me, nor did my mom.
I love my mom and dad. Learned a lot from both. Guides of my life.
quality quads
Get help pls ;_; You deserve better than this, unless you are a nigger, jew or south american
My parents threw me out when I refused to go school.
My school was 30 miles away
I was in kindergarten
I once hit myself in the face to try and get my mother to stop yelling at me.
children abuse from parents happen when they're nenligent and have failed any other work arounds to build up authority, as they lack virtue, comunication and negotiation skills, they resort to violence
it teaches it's okay to subyugate other human beings to impose your will just because of a superiority complex when you're not
it's the way of poor dads to discipline their children, they've failed at life and they're failing to control their kids, so they use violence
rich dads discipline their children with individual responsability and austerity
peaceful parenting is the redpil poltards refuse to take, because half of you are socialists scums that deserve to be trown from helicopters
My parents commanded our respect without the use of force.
My dad would literally Mike Tyson me like a ring champ
we're talking KO and everything
I was spanked by my dad when i was naughty, i always thought i deserved it.
Now that i have a child of my own i know better.
you must be a huge sick fuck to spank your children as hard as my dad did.
Fuck off you retard. Violence is good.
>European beta male
Not surprising no wonder western Europe is the biggest joke in the world
Usually just by my dad's hands, but sometimes baseball bats or whatever he could get his hands on. I'd say a good 75% of the time I'm in fight or flight mode, especially around people. Things startle me very easily. My mind always trips up. I also remember hearing my brother screaming and pleading for my dad to stop while he beat him, too. I have severe depression and substance issues now, at 25. Not playing the victim, just saying.
i was neglected. not deliberately though. i was forgotten about.
only once or twice and it was completely unnecessary, I think when a kid is really crazy then you have no other option, but I was a good kid so the only outcome of this is me distancing myself from my father, I'm sure if your kid is normal then beating will only have bad results
I was spanked a lot as a child, and punished inappropriately. But during highschool my parents argued constantly, my father drank more often, and beat me on two occasions (strangled, kicked, punched). I was bullied throughout school, and my homelife meant that I lived in 24 hour misery. I became more aggressive after my father first beat me. I initiated several fights in school, acted impulsively, skipped classes, became rebellious in school. When I was at home I'd play video games, or listen to Japanese noise music on high volumes if my parents were shouting.
I also hit myself in the head, but only under extreme stress. I've also made a habit of clawing my scalp fiercly when I'm upset.
>my mother believed in spanking
>my father pretended he believed in it
>mother agreed to have father actually do the spanking
>when ever I was bad my father would bring me in the bedroom for my 'spanking'
>he'd take off his belt an hit the mattress so my mother would think I was getting spanked
>I'm 35 now and to this day she doesn't know her plan to make my dad the bad guy backfired
>they divorced when I was 17
>mfw Dad stayed with her long enough to guarantee I didn't get abused, then ditched her ass
Those people are the way they are likely because of shitty upbringing environment, probably involving abusive parents.
>were you beaten as a child
Beaten by my father until the age of 14, when he left. He had enormous hands, he didn't really need other tools.
Beaten by my mother until I outgrew her at the age of 12, plus the yelling and condescension and insults because she couldn't hit me anymore.
Mил oн нa мaмa и тaтo
Suffering builds character. Using Memeneux's peaceful parenting philosophy doesn't prepare people for the violent nature in the outside world since children don't experience any at home.
A fast yanking up and belting was enough.
Grandparents used mental punishment that was worse. i/e if you do X, nonsensical Z will happen. And sometimes being jokingly chased with a knife.
Some of the better chads I know had to dodge bullets if they misbehaved, so there's that.
>And sometimes being jokingly chased with a knife.
holey shit now thats fucked up
(will try it on my kid)
>sometimes being jokingly chased with a knife
Bulliedfag reported in
I was bullied the entire time I was school, and had pretty bad physical incidents from bullying, but it stopped when I found some girl in the school party when I was in 12th grade, who was my first gf, and my bullies had respect for this.
I personally think it made me more self-conscious and anxious, but also give less fuck about people's opinions, because when you experience bullying, it teaches you that no matter what you do, people always find a way to humiliate you, if they really want to.
Also, my hate against the normies and the mainstream started from school bullying.
It's so fucking funny how me, an actual victim of years of abuse, feel much more comfy in the Sup Forums than amongst liberals, who were never there to protect me when I got beaten, but are always there when a bullshit microaggression happens.
No, unfortunately not. Was raised anti-authoritarian, so could pretty much do whatever I wanted - and I did. Grew up to become a 30yo directionless NEET loser.
Holy shit I do that too
I didn't get beat excessively, only few times in life but with fists and it kinda scarred the fuck out of me
i always hit back they stopped pretty soon after
will to power you pussy cunts
>I hit myself and REEE
That's autism user, you don't get the tism from mr leather
My dad beat me good and proper
I don't condone blaming anything in life on your parents or lack of upbringing
I'll beat my kids too
Nothing hardens a kid more than a good go with a belt or electrical cord
No school yard bully could bash me I can take hits like a UFC fighter
Beatings aren't fucking required to not a be a NEET, the hell is wrong with you?
>I was softly spanked
Sounds hot
Yeah. I was. Pretty relentlessly. Dad was either at work or taking classes. Step mom came from alcoholic, abusive father. I haven't ever laid a hand on either one of my kids ( they are now 12 and 15 ). Kind of ironic too, she is SUPER nice to my kids. Never ever yells at them. She still " tried " to give me shit when I was almost 18.. I was 5'10 at the time, she is 5'2. Almost killed her. Maybe that is why she was decent with my kids?
She threw me down steps. Beat me with whatever she could get her hands on. Put my head through doors / walls. Tried to stab me once. Hit me with a telephone ( old rotary dial phone ).
I was in an accident few years back, entire family died. Diagnosed with PTSD. About 2 years after diagnosis, realized it wasn't from the accident.
Nice! Your dad sounds like a cool guy.
My childhood was oddly similar to this. I would say the effect it had on me is that I can't form close personal relationships with people. I have a hard time empathizing with other people's pain.
was a good boi so no
Make sure you do the slow Jason walk
Left out the part where I was 5 and played outside late one time and was chased inside by a man in overalls and pig mask heh
Pain is a pretty universal language even kids will understand.
If you were, you're now crazy.
If you weren't you're now a pussy.
That's what happens when you beat your kids
Never beaten, hardly even argued with my parents. Still became resentful and hang out on Sup Forums all day.
Sounds like a great dad, nice
what a nice thing to do
A sort of Warning for everybody.
If you suffer from Trauma, DONT ever go to psychiatrist.
Look for a clinical-psychologist. They do that sort of work best.
Psychiatry in most cases prescribes meds that can demage your health severly.
No, but my drunken dad, besides not being violent, left a negative mark.
I dont believe in beatings because, at least in my case, it would not brew respect, but rather hate. My father was never very fit, by the time i had 14 years i could easily beat him up (actually, i almost did while he was drunk).
So no, im quite sure there other people like me, so i really cant defend beating if it can have the opposite effect. It is enough to break a lot of families.
I should add I knocked him out at age 15
Right hook to the jaw and he dropped
Kids can be absolute shits a lot of the time (we've all been to school, or a supermarket where we see them acting up) but beating a child to ease your own stress and frustration is degenerate, and it should not be what you do to try and mold a child into an okay person.
what a thug
did you assrape his unconsious body to strenghten your alpha traits?
Yes I agree
Psychiatry is a pseudo science and they get bonuses for pushing meds onto people
I'm sure there maybe some psychs out there who actually care to do their job and give proper help to people, but most aren't like this
I went to a psych once and I was there for less than 20 minutes before walking out with some pills that would have altered my brain chemistry. 5 minutes of questions is not enough to give me such pills.
If they were a real doctor/scientists, they would take your blood or do an MRI or something and make a scientific analysis before giving you brain altering drugs.
Female with 1 sister, 1 brother. My dad raised us on his own while working.
We got the belt for lying or stealing. everything else was groundings etc.
All 3 of us never steal or lie and value honesty in others.
And if it was somewhere in between abuse and nothing (just being hit once sometimes when you do something bad) you're now a normal person.
>the effect it had on me is that I can't form close personal relationships with people
My condolences fellow user, I don't have that issue. I do have a problem trusting people, but that comes from a completely different issue altogether.
Na na na na ....
I was in an accident few years back, entire family died.
dude :(
>I was in an accident few years back, entire family died.
dude :(
Things that never happened
Jesus you guys are a bunch of whiner pussy ass faggots.. our parents beat the shit out of us with whatever they could get their hands on, it kept us from being fucking mongrels and degenerates.
>I went to a psych once and I was there for less than 20 minutes before walking out with some pills that would have altered my brain chemistry.
Every person i asked, who told me about a visit to a psychiatrist, told me the EXACT same story.
> 5 minutes of questions is not enough to give me such pills.
Absolutely. Very potent Drugs, long lastng effect, they need more info to do that theoretically.
>they would take your blood or do an MRI or something and make a scientific analysis before giving you brain altering drugs.
Yes, but since there is no reliable way for anybody to measure the level of neurotransmitters in your brain, they just go by the "chemical imbalance" Theory.
Stop trying to justify parents beating the shit out of their kids. Correcting your kids with a flat-hand sometimes is fine, but actually beating up your kids is nigger tier degeneracy. If you NEED to beat up your kids for them to behave, you're not raising your kids right.
My dad beat us with an aluminum yardstick, it was intense, on average thirty strokes of whistling pain. I hated him for at least ten years but since I was more intelligent than him I worked through it. I don't respect or love him and the day he dies all I'll feel is emptiness. He's a moron that never learned self discipline.
Your dad did well by you.
no i was not
I can atest for psychiatrist story on brazil. 5-10 minutes long talk, gave me the pills. However those were much weaker ones than the ones i heard about, even checked the internet /other people. I did take it for while, but dropped the shit.
Mother knows best.
Teacher knows best.
Government knows best.
And then I took the redpill
I was beaten with a flying pan as a child and now i love to beat women with the palm of my hand which represents the flat surface of a pan....... that's what the psychiatrist theorized.
Sounds like horseshit to me - my ex keyed my car and took money out my wallet without permission of course i slapped the fuckin bitch
I was beaten by my mother up to the age of nine or so. There were two things that scarred me the most. First that when my mother beat me she would scream and shriek incoherently, almost to the point of jabbering. The whites of her eyes, lips curled back with spit flying off them while slapping me chaotically about the body and head. The second was seeing my father's face in the background, distressed, knowing that what he was seeing wasn't right, but doing nothing anyway. He tried a few times to convince me that I had provoked the beating, that I was deserving of it somehow, but never told me why I was deserving.
I ended up as a suicidally depressed alcoholic who was terrified of anything unknown. If I failed I might be subject to the shrieking again. I've dealt with most of the trauma and understand my past but still occasionally wake-up with soaked sheets, hearing my mother screeching, a child crying "NO" and my heart trying to punch its way out of my chest.
I felt murderous rage reading parents discuss how much corporal punishment was too much, their reasoning being that after all you're riding the line between your child loving you and them fearing you.
my dad is sad he didnt tho, and now it's too late since he would get killed
is yours on same boat?
>And then I took the redpill
And you found out that they all just are a bunch of confused children, who dont know shit.
Stepdad once used an ore so he could get both of us at once. Otherwise it was a composite paddle he drilled holes in, sometimes a leather gun belt. Screaming, spitting ect. I beat kids up in school. My brother too. Even the big ole niggaz. Tyrone was 3 grades up. Standing between the bottom of a hill and a fence pole. Ran down at full speed and bounced his head off of it. Stabbed a kid in the hand mid swing. That was knarley. Anyway got in trouble with anger as adult, got help, straight and narrow now. Brother's still nuts. Bar fights, 1 shootout, arrested around 10 times. Yeah he never got help.
yeah I was tormented. I would have my pants pulled down and was told to close my eyes so I wouldn't know when it was coming.
I'm severely mentally ill with more than 1 personality disorder. Somehow I didn't become a serial killer, so I'm thankful for that.
The biggest bullies when I was a kid who would regularly beat and mock faggots all grew up to be the biggest virtue signaling retards. Liberals are huge bullies, make no mistake. They simply changed their reasons for doing so.
The effect the beatings had on me was I can't open up to people, there's always a barrier. This led to my ex wife cheating on me which only made it worse. The last 15 years I've been friendless and alone but I've made peace with it. Writing this makes me a little sad but there are much worse situations.
Right on Ivan. It's important for everyone who is suffering from abuse they received to try and understand that their parents were just kids raising kids. They didn't know what the fuck they were doing (just like you). It won't get rid of your resentment, but it can help you to understand.
I was never beaten but always feared beatings
My dad must be redpilled as fuck
remember my dad slapped me or something and i guess he felt bad so he told me i could slap him back.
i figured it would hurt him more if he was left with his feelings of remorse than if i slapped him because then he could feel it was tit for tat so i declined his offer
>understand that their parents were just kids raising kids.
Thouhg Understanding is one thing, Acceptance is another.
I wasn't beaten, still I am a failure of a human being
They justified it with bible verse about sparing the rod and spoiling the child but the mandela effect removed the verse. Maybe the beatings will end now.
best I can claim was verbal and psychological abuse
interesting observation, haven't really looked at it like this