What kind of fucking caveman doesn't have a computer in his office

What kind of fucking caveman doesn't have a computer in his office

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hes not very good with the cyber

I don't know whats more disturbing.
His photoes of himself on the wall
The printed money under the desk
Or that framed menorah

All he needs to do is call up Barron


he's too stupid to work a computer, he can barely read

Based Trump, he does not own a computer, so he cant be hacked, the man is untouchabel, 4D chess master

why the fuck do we insist on continually incarnating these creatures? referring to women and blacks.

He doesn't need it, he does all his communications via his smartphone.

>cannot afford an actual desk to store his shit in
>literally uses cardboard like a hobo
And this is the guy that will rule over the free world lmao

Canadian the Record, 2017's CTR

Looks like Obama ordered a pizza.

>hanging trophies on the wall is bad

His office is cluttered but comfy

compare with Merkel's sterile commie den

really makes me think

Why does she has a painting of Trump?

His brain is the computer.

Office thread?

and god only knows what deep dark shit is going on in there

Merkle's office is far more aesthetic than Trump's desu

also, messy desk = shit tier

Nice. I giant switchboard that plays different funny sounds on every button. I always wanted one of those.

The second beast in the book of revelations is www

is that a sheet of uncut bills?

>living out of a cardboard
>Mr President we need your opinion on xy it's urgent
>Yeah just let me search through that pile of shit in my cardboard. I'll will call you in an hour

He prints his money

>what are laptops
He is always on the move.

Also dat jew art on the wall.

>That Black Globe

What an incredibly shitty thread. Many world leaders don't have computers, as well as Warren Buffet.

You only need a computer if you cannot compute these digits

A black fucking globe. How fitting!


one that doesn't get hacked

It's so he doesn't waste all day fapping to porn

If I remember correctly, the painting behind her is of a Jewish founder of the EU, who wanted to turn all of Europe into a multicultural project without any borders, races or religion.

Uhh, he reads books douchlord!

He rejects the transhumanist jew. Good for him!


That's not a menorah.

Trumps an idiot. What a surprise!

Oh really. even in ass backwards 1990 Russia when they had barely electricity Putin always had a computer



Looks comfy, except for his vest.



Designated shitting office.

>and this.. is our sons room

How does a freaking tweet! /s

>Office of the leader of Germany
>Needs an extension cord
>Doesn't even have a map of Germany, instead some impressionist portrait that looks like it was drawn by a 5 year old
>The picture is also not straight
Was the office planned and built by one of her beloved rapefugees?

That is an ugly no-taste painting, her lamp sucks, looks like a random 'deal' from ALDI, her PC screen sucks, the place looks bad so do her clothes she should feel bad

The kind that doesn't get hacked.

I like how the office has that certain feel of low quality shittiness that is so ubiquitous in India


A billionaire one apparently


I didn't realize people who perpetually lose wars still have pride to judge others.

This is the worst office, where are german symbols?

Of course! Sup Forums is a board of peace and office spaces.

A billion in debt

Messy desk = actually doing work in your office

at least his globe isn't BLACKED

It's actually weirder than just a menorah. I'm surprised it isn't causing more of a stir in this thread on Sup Forums of all places. That's the tree of life, a symbol in Jewish Kabbalah.




Someone needs to do an edit of that Hitler photo that adds a photo of himself ala

Comfy af.

>Party flag in background.
That from when he was PM

But he's a master hacker! He's been personally hacking the west like forever. CNN and BBC said so, so it must be true.


Is the Good Goy award?

Fucking idiots. Who is the monkey still using a personal computer in this age? Niggers in africa. Get progressive you SJW nutheads, learn to smartphone assholes.

The kind that don't want to be watched over.


Is this office gulag?

What a retard

Surprised by the attention to detail.

>No computers

Except the phones on his desk and in his pocket are actually technically computers.

Trump doesn't need computers to meme. Computers need Trump to meme.

The computer is embedded in his cranium.
He is way more Borg than you or I, we will be assimilated, resistance is futile (and just plain crazy; looking at you, Rosie)

Why is there a Putin portrait?

if you let brown people sit on your chair, you win

What's with the multiple telephones? That is, why have multiple physical telephones instead of a switching telephone?

His desk was a pool table

I wonder what he's looking at...

It's a prize Jews gave him

>MFW to smart to need a computer to work

please bite.


She actually doesn't even use her desk. She uses a part of the meeting table.

Ça moi je vous demande si je ne travaille
>What kind of fucking caveman doesn't have a computer in his office
Someone that doesn't want his whole life put on WikiLeaks

secure lines that are always open

It's not that he's a cuck. He is just a naive idiot.

Baka what yu do in my office?

>has a painting of putin
>it's crooked

U have a woman jew cuck for a leader. And you keep electing her like eating your own shit after it comes out your ass.

>globe is literally BLACKED

Its like a religion to them. Unbeliebeable.

Before and after rise to power.

>This is tech support, how may I help you?

They're POTS lines and have multiple hardware for redundancy
