Sup Forums, what races do you think would cooperate in a global race war? Noone is neutral, all out war, so who woyld ally with who?
Sup Forums, what races do you think would cooperate in a global race war? Noone is neutral, all out war...
If it was a full blown race war, would most likely be USA. Britbongs, us Aussies, NZ, Germany, Kankerfags vs the Middle East, Pakistan, Pooinloos, and other 3rd world shitholes.
Flips would probably ally with whites, just so they don't get BTFO, also Japs would do the same.
Israel would try playing both sides, hopefully ending with them being collateral damage when the ME gets bombed back to the Stone Age.
Probably the people with the same skin color as me
India might side with the Brits desu, Pakistan with the Chinese, Japan with whoever is against the Chinese.
What, shitskin?
'Stralia would loose against superior emu race
America, new Zealand, Australia, Canada basically everywhere where English is a first language.
Damn right, but on a serious note, I don't want to see any more male emu-female australian propaganda, my brother fell for the meme and his kids look fucking disgusting, and I think that eggless birth is unnatural desu.
It will be every white man for himself.
Every single non-white ethnicity in the US bloc votes Democrat. The liberal whites will side with their "black brothers" until they finally witness first-hand that they don't really give a shit about equality.
At least white Europeans are more grounded in their heritage and cultural identity, and have fewer shitskins. White Americans are seriously fucked in this scenario, but we would still win (that is if the government is somehow neutralized or actually willing to assist in the ethnic cleansing).
Who gave you permission to get out of the cuckshed, Sven?
In Russia we have a joke:
Two men are on the trial for beating up two black guys. Judge asks the first one
-Why you did it?
-He stepped on my leg, I looked at my watch and decided that if he won't move in 10 seconds I beat him.
Judge turns to second, kinda old grey haired guy.
-And you? Why you started beating the second?
-What should I've done? I se a guy look at his watch twice and then start beating a black guy! I thought this was planned nation wide!
but we are black bro
Nyet, drug moi.
rural and suburban retards vs city people
Swede: When you would normally use 'him' or 'her' in the place of your unknown, you use whom. For example, "To whom was this sent?" > "To him this was sent."
>no mention of China or Russia
Russia would be a quintessential white ally, maybe at the price of poland or czech or whatever. I think Asians in general would be pretty pro-white, though China/NK might use it as an excuse to get rid of perceived barriers to geopolitical goals.
Come to the fruited plains and shoot AR's and Moist Nuggets with us, comrade.
remove all non aryans
but you are arab
we're about as arab as you, user
Go back to your cuckshed Bjorn.
I'd be delighted to.
rooftop koreans
All races will turn against whitey. Keep having these wet dreams on here because your recessive genetic line will be gone in less than a century.