>Communism doesn't wo-
Communism doesn't wo-
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Shang Hai fucking sucks, looks pretty in the pictures but its honestly a giant shit hole, one of the worst places on mother earth
What's with this shitty new cutoff me-
>a formerly communist shithole turns into slightly less of a shithole after adopting state capitalism
>gommunism totally werks guise
Is candlejack coming ba
>Economy is state run by the central communist party
>private companies exist
>Economy is state run
no, it's not
the state do not run the economy, it sanctions it and monitors it but private property and business initiatives are over the rood
it is capitalism with one party political system
>he thinks just because they brand themselves communists for the PR means they're actually communists
I bet you believe that North Korea really is a democracy too, you inbred Paki.
Their market isnt communism
>Canada accusing someone else of being non-white
Not an argument
North Korea is obviously a great place to live.
China isn't communist, they are state capitalist.
>what are special economic zones?
As an attempt to get China back on track after communist social and economic central planning and to compete with places like Hong Kong the Chinese government decided to grant certain areas much greater economic freedom. What you see in your picture is just one result of those increased freedoms. Why do you hate freedoms?
>England knowing how to po-
Their is no other country who exploits human labor more than china. Its basically the anti-thesis of communism.
(You again)
Have now been saged for communism. Thank you for your time. If you have any questions, talk to the Wise Sage at www.03.com
They adopted state capitalism after they realized communism was a meme. Don't you know anything?
What is g-
The West is proabably more Communist than China,at this point.
haha dude look at my fucking gay shit memes aren't i just the funniest cunt ev
Hey guys I think there maybe a sni-
>over working 2/3 of a bilion people to have a function middle class and growth in major cities
works when you've got ant behaviour and shitloads of people that are willing to jump from factories from building too many iphones for to make a profit working with a consumerism based capitalist system.
Either you're dumb or retarded.
China isn't communist you retard, it's state-capitalist.
>capitalism made men free
They must've ditched the one child policy cuz they kept losing them in the smog.
>top down government planning is unique to communism