Did Germans support him because they felt neglected by the german aristocracy and Hitler offered a sense of national...

Did Germans support him because they felt neglected by the german aristocracy and Hitler offered a sense of national solidarity?

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No, they supported him because he gave them a distorted sense of security and promised a greater Germany, they bought it up after what they've faced during WW1 and he fucked them up and sometimes it is inevitable, people need to see something in order to learn it. It is like how is conditions in Turkey rn. People need t osee the true face of islam in order to question it. Sometimes it surprises me how idiot and retards human can be, so i never trust another one's judgement.

They supported him because he was a fantastic leader and one of the greatest men of the twentieth century

Except he delivered on his promise of a greater and prosperous Germany. Unfortunately the entire world was against him because Jews basically

>he delivered on his promise

He literally destroyed Germany, thousands of women were raped by the soviets, whole generation of youth lost in the war. i can't see the greater and properous Germany in this.

That is not fortune that destroyed the Germany, it is Hitler.

>t. Butthurt Mehmet mehmetoglu who doesn't linke germany because he gets bullied by them

>The whole world is at war against germany
>they lose
Wow how could that have happened?

>like hitler
>he is the reason of millions of German deaths
>say that you like Germany

i don't like or hate Germany, it is a fucking country in the end but all these bad shit happened to Germans because of this guy and you praise him.

Don't force over-aggressive policies if you don't want to get bullied by the whole world. It is still the Hitler's fault.

>Jewish commies try to fuck up Germany
>Germany sends them to Russia
>Same Jewish commies successfully destroy Russian Empire
This is why Hitler was popular

Sort of. The German Imperial military command, mostly aristocrats, allowed the Empire to be replaced by the failed Weimar state, and various factions, often lead by members of the old aristocracy later attempted to splinter Germany even further.

>He literally destroyed Germany

The Allies destroyed Germany, revisionist scum.

Who is revisionist you retard? Hitler's action lead to it in the end, am i fucking wrong here? What did he expect when he was invading whole Europe and bombing cities other than retaliation?

>Allied forces should've just watch when Hitler and his companion Mussolini burned everything to the ground.

Makes sense you faggot.

Keep masturbating to that

Why do people keep posting questions that read like thesis statements?

Why do people always blame us and Adolf Hitler?
Don't blame the victim

I am not saying Allied forces are innocent. They literally destroyed Dresden for example, but the fact is loving Hitler is such a Stockholm sendrome. It is basically retarded.

They supported him because they thought that he could repair the damage to their national pride the loss of WW1 and the treaty of Versailles inflicted.

>Build sand castle

>Castle gets kicked down by a bunch of ass holes for fun


The only reason Hitler even invaded poland was because poland started fucking up the german minority in a ceded province just to piss them off. After that everyone decided to jump down his throat and thus he was forced to go all in and fuck everyone up. Even your typical faggot historian who doesn't want to be outed as a anti-semite will tell you the same in regards to Hitler's reason for invading poland.

So let's get all this straight

1. Kicked out jews
2. Invaded poland legitimately
3. Rose Germany from the ashes of crippling post-WW1 treaties where citizens burned money for warmth into the most advanced society, technologically more advanced than the US and socially more cohesive.

Such terrible, over aggressive policies. Saving your nation, your people, is bad goyim! Be a good cuck and take my cut rabbi-sucked dick in your ass.


There were many reasons. His party was first a workers' party. He successfully implemented Keynsian measures that lead out of the great depression.
The other reason is that all other parties had disappointed. They weren't able to rule Germany effectively in the 15 years after the war.

It's pretty much the same as with Trump or the Brexit today: Voting Nazi meant saying "Fuck you!" to the establishment.

And German nobolity? So such thing after 1918. It was abolished after the Kaiser was ousted.

And then a tragedy ending with millions of Germans dead, thousands of women raped yet you still insist to defend him.

Even if your arguments were true it would not matter since he lost and German people suffered.

Yelling something will not change that and praising Hitler is the most retarded shit.

>be a cuck or die

That's all I heard.

Hitler isn't responsible for other people's actions. Kill yourself.

he delivered what he promised
there was no one in the german reich who did not have a job literally
he brought people closer together and established a sense of broderhood amongst the volk
but he underestimated the jews, he acted too confident to soon
if he would have waited a few years and gained more power then he would have won
he would have needed to work together more with the zionists and then backstab those sons of bitches
but its hard to let the people know that the jews are bad and then work together with them, so you can backstab them
it wasnt so easy
but i have much respect for hitler that he was so close to achieving his gole

Nice arguments bruh.Germany did not have to rise with war yet Hitler insisted it. Worked towards it, planned consipracies.

>cuck or die

Saying hitler is not responsible for other people's actions is like saying islam is not responsible for muslim's actions. does that make sense? i don't think so you illitirate fuck

>established a sense of broderhood
I think this is correct. He was a socialist, democrat and a populist. It's pretty fucking ironic that it were the egalitaristic, democratic intellectuals from the elite who paved the way for Hitler, he only knew how to make use of egalitarianism and mob politics

The war was a direct consequence of the Polish massacres on German people living there. Hitler didn't want to go to war yet, but he had to to protect the German population there.

The treaty of versaille cucked us extremely and (((jews))) who backstabbed us in ww1 took over the regime/lobby

Afd education detected

So you are telling me Hitler is completely innocent about his ambitions. So he went into Soviets to save ethnic Germans as well? To all the way to fucking Moscow?

This is like talking to AKP voters, very interesting stuff.

He knew stalin was plotting to backstab him, and he was right.

The one and only ambition Hitler had was to free his people from the slavery imposed upon them.

Well before the any shot was fired the Jews of the world officially declared war on him, there's plenty of evidence outright proving it to be the case.

Yet you keep insisting Hitler is some demon incarnate who was nothing but an egotistic shithead out to fuck his people for his own benefit. That's simply not true but I wouldn't expect a turkroach to understand or care to understand.

Evidence? Please show them to me?

So you deny the fact the Hitler's actions lead to millions of people dead, you try to defend this he was trying to save Germans but in the end more Germans died.

>Free his people from the slavery

Yes that is what he offered, instead he changed it with another slavery resulting in death.

>i wouldn't expect a turkroach to understand or care to understand

nice ad hominem

>lose WW1
>become african tier shithole
>WW1 hero shows up
>eventually elect him
>he turns your country in a world power in less than a decade
>w-why did they support him?
I don't know user.


>This is like talking to AKP voters, very interesting stuff.

Nice ad-hominem, you utterly self-unaware faggot.

>Evidence? Please show them to me?

Google, do you speak it? Literally all you have to do is type "Jewish declaration of war on Germany". Is that so hard? Did you even make an attempt?





Literally the first four results. So hard. So terribly a difficult endeavor.

>Yes that is what he offered, instead he changed it with another slavery resulting in death.


You're just being autistic at this point.

>Be a cuck, take it in the ass, or die!

I told you evidence and you are giving me what?? Anti Nazi Boycott LMFAO

>Nice ad hominem

I answered him at first, i replied someone else's comment.

>give me liberty or give me death

i'm sorry? did you say liberty?


Ernest Hemingway
Albert Einstein
Niels Bohr

The chief function of propaganda is to convince the masses, whose slowness of understanding needs to be given time so they may absorb information; and only constant repetition will finally succeed in imprinting an idea on their mind. -Mein Kampf

What a fucking defender of liberty you fucking idiotic ignorant illitirate retard. Go jump from a bridge.

He was a deranged homosexual, like the rest of the Third Reich. And they were working with the Zionist Jews.

Despite voting for Hitler over Hindenburg in 1932, Spengler found the Führer vulgar. He met Hitler in 1933 and after a lengthy discussion remained unimpressed, saying that Germany did not need a "heroic tenor [Heldentenor: one of several conventional tenor classifications] but a real hero [Held]".

The Hour of Decision, published in 1934, was a bestseller, but the Nazis later banned it for its critiques of National Socialism. Spengler's criticisms of liberalism[20] were welcomed by the Nazis, but Spengler disagreed with their biological ideology and anti-Semitism. While racial mysticism played a key role in his own worldview, Spengler had always been an outspoken critic of the pseudo-scientific racial theories professed by the Nazis and many others in his time, and was not inclined to change his views upon Hitler's rise to power. Although himself a German nationalist, Spengler viewed the Nazis as too narrowly German, and not occidental enough to lead the fight against other peoples. The book also warned of a coming world war in which Western Civilization risked being destroyed, and was widely distributed abroad before eventually being banned in Germany.

Spengler spent his final years in Munich, listening to Beethoven, reading Molière and Shakespeare, buying several thousand books, and collecting ancient Turkish, Persian and Hindu weapons. He made occasional trips to the Harz mountains, and to Italy. In the spring of 1936 (shortly before his death), he prophetically remarked in a letter to Reichsleiter Hans Frank that "in ten years, the German Reich will probably no longer exist" ("da ja wohl in zehn Jahren ein Deutsches Reich nicht mehr existieren wird!").[23] He died of a heart attack on 8 May 1936, in Munich, three weeks before his 56th birthday and exactly nine years before the fall of the Third Reich.


Like in this whole thread?