Has the swedish education gone too far lads?

Has the swedish education gone too far lads?

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Context? Are you being taught about the dangers of nazi frogs or did the teacher just pull this up to distract you while he goes to do something?

>vafan e felet med vår samsam lärare?
För många flikar. Han borde spara sina jagjags och sortera dem i mappar.

hahah fan vad man saknar skolan som man hoppade!!!

känslan när man hoppade stockholms tredje största sjw skola och blev islamofob / semi nazi

vilken skola btw?


fuck off fatttyy

Sweden, what happened? First, you were evil but respectable warriors, then you were honorable Christian knights, but now, you're just a bunch of pagan faggots and atheist neets letting Muzzies cuck you. What happened? How can we fix you? We want the old, masculine, Christian, rational Sweden back.

pänflam och fina guppati worde näg nem stockholms plicar trudjo sjw scapä spöfsua islamofob och pliv


>Finn diaspora wanting his bull overlords back
Please mongol

Jag gillar det där "jagjag". Tack för den.

Var är min dagliga rööki tråd

Please stop speaking arabic, this is an english board.

Oh, Ok. YOu want to play like that eh? Fine. But your country is becoming a literal laughinstock and meme and there is nothing you can do about it. Even fucking FINLAND is better than you at this point. Also, fuck Denmark Finland and Norway too. Norsecucks can suck it. ( No offense brother).

Jar nürtredke bilkem kämsplan man skola sina jagjags och dem sokar närum fliegin störpteg blevin suna och.

Also, not Finnish. Irish-Scots American. Nice try tho. Cuck.

kek on mac when you open up finder it opens up the last folder on your pc.

Nazi pepe infront of my class of grade 3.
>"O-oh that's for my history class"
>I don't teach history


You are the least white western country though. 63% white of which half are semitic or spic

Oh, a swedish time traveler.

mimers !?

>Irish-Scots American.
See you are all mixed, you potato nigger highlander pikey cunt

Sina jägin det kämsplan fligen rögön gillpat sunösu jar.

hans fru bedrar honom genom Guds nåd hanrej han är jävla hanrej hans fru bedrar honom genom Guds nåd hanrej han är jävla hanrej

fröu bedrigen elüke jar ärig nütrekse kämplut det sökan och dem filug suna och...

jajajajajajaja XD

Vi måste bli en uppblandade land för synder våra förfäder har det dikteras av våra tidningar alla ägs av Guds utvalda folk

Post in english you snowmonkeys

Jag knullar din mamma pojkan. Kom å sutta på korven

dar dargun fagu dgughen jargon margen

trips = backworking effect.
Svenska it is, din jävla korvspisar

Honömu måsteg det en upplanderfugen fölign av den gillat jag pänflam vadö hoppaden flikär haar det rögen.

While he goes to get his butthole pozzed by Jamal?

Can someone tell me what it's written there? I don't understand ancient Arabic runes.

det jar mummin pojkän gråssåssen på fru hönomen Guds, det gënom frågen nåddun.

>someone genuinely wants to help you save your country, which is in the shutter right now
>call him a mongol
Wow that really activated my almonds.


Prussian education system consists of obedience training and making people forgo their own interests and views.

This leads to oversocialization, the typical cause of leftism:


> 7. But what is leftism? During the first half of the 20th century
leftism could have been practically identified with socialism. Today
the movement is fragmented and it is not clear who can properly be
called a leftist. When we speak of leftists in this article we have in
mind mainly socialists, collectivists, "politically correct" types,
feminists, gay and disability activists, animal rights activists and
the like. But not everyone who is associated with one of these
movements is a leftist. What we are trying to get at in discussing
leftism is not so much a movement or an ideology as a psychological
type, or rather a collection of related types. Thus, what we mean by
"leftism" will emerge more clearly in the course of our discussion of
leftist psychology (Also, see paragraphs 227-230.)

>9. The two psychological tendencies that underlie modern leftism we
call "feelings of inferiority" and "oversocialization." Feelings of
inferiority are characteristic of modern leftism as a whole, while
oversocialization is characteristic only of a certain segment of
modern leftism; but this segment is highly influential.

You gotta learn svåerigen man.

Det måfftun ålor fögen vågan hat der åtinde als.

flurp de durgen burga flammen

Why the fuck would your teacher show that? what did he talk about when he showed it?

Jävlar vad illa det har blivit i sthlm. Var där för nåt år sen och såg ett gäng negrer lira fotboll utanför donken, mitt i vägen. Donken vid centralen

context pls OP

They're turning the frogs gay

Vad der måfftun ålleg svenska dårgen och det liråg, mittä vid hat åffogen supprösen fagen...


My apologies sir. They are schoolchildren.

samhågön desu


You are mixing german and finnish words.

Jåg talaren svåenska, duden mörönnå

bork bork

Spanjorer har små snoppar

>som man hoppade
>när man hoppade

Märks att ni hoppade AV skolan.

Söder smuts. The North will rise again!


Svåerige till ködrag är stora bruksmark delåren. Totalt har det åsgeren svåerige av 15 kugågen det vad måfften ålleg totålit såttö pakåts dröck årdul pentåsen av invåndrong till Svåerigen var, det blykums söam av hektåren pelå begökåflen och skeppen frômåsen av tyskaår.

Why arent you reviving the Falange right now?

Why do Scandinavians sound like they're gargling dick?

Spain is already beyond salvation. Too many leftists and cucks. It's pointless.

that's just the danes