Is he the most evil man who ever lived?

Is he the most evil man who ever lived?

This guy is basically Soros times a thousand.

What makes you think that?

This triggers the Kraut

nope this is

Yes i would go back in time and strangle his grandmother.

>Do not let Argentina become a world power. It will drag all of latin america along with it.

Fuck him

>Puppet being the most evil man
No, Rothschild family is

>started WWII because Germany's new economy was a threat to Britain's economic monopoly
>committed war crimes during WWII, such as ordering bombings of hundreds of thousands of German civilians
>caused the deaths of more white people than anyone in history

Among other things.

Not even the most evil person in this photo.

Why does he fucking look like the penguin from batman or some gangster in every photo. But not the cool gangsyer. The one everyone wants dead so they can assume his throne.

Look at that jew nose

I agree, FDR was horrible.
Stalin > Churchill > FDR


because he's short and fat.

I see, isn't this a spit in the face then.

>pic related new 5 pound note 2016

Not the most evil man but he sure was a mean heartless sociopath, hes up there

He did literally nothing wrong.
It was the Germans every time.

I agree. Caused ww2 and rejected the numerous peace deals with the Reich .fat kike cock sucking bastard. Destroyed Britain and it will never be great again. Pic related if you still think "muh nazis is bad man" you are a blue pilled faggot

Young Winston Churchill is kind of cute, no homo.

He started looking like shit at 25 though. Started getting JUST hair and everything.

A mix of British inbreeding and alcoholism is a hell of a drug.

This photo is a mere 8 years after the first one.
This is probably the single least flattering photo of anyone I've ever seen.
He was only 30 when this was taken and he looks like he's 65.
Don't do drugs, kids.


I don't know why I'm posting this.



Rothschild at least isnt white , Churchill is a traitor




Because Uber is fucking rad. Can't wait until the next issue where we see [spoiler]the Invasion of the US[/spoiler] unfurl.

>started WWII because Germany's new economy was a threat to Britain's economic monopoly
Inherited the war from Chamberlain.

>committed war crimes during WWII, such as ordering bombings of hundreds of thousands of German civilians

Only did what was done to us.

>caused the deaths of more white people than anyone in history

That's Hitler you're thinking of.

Patton will be involved.

Holy shit.

I need to stop drinking.

I pay for everything with fivers now.

>Hitler dindu nuffin he a good boy - the post

Human battleship "Lead in the face for the Jewish race" Siegfried will be fine.

I--I think.

>inherited the war from Chamberlain
Uh, Chamberlain was ready to negotiate with Hitler from the get-go. Churchill basically forced him into the war.

>only did what was done to us
Dresden was Blitz x100

>that's Hitler you're thinking of
Nice meme

He's right though, over 250,000 innocent civilians died in Dresden. source: Nazi ministry of propaganda

If it makes you feel any better, Churchill drank like 5 bottles of scotch a day. So unless your drinking is that bad, you won't look like Winston JUSTchill.


>Uh, Chamberlain was ready to negotiate with Hitler from the get-go. Churchill basically forced him into the war.
Appeasement doctrine when Germany had betrayed everyone.

>Dresden was Blitz x100
So what? You think I care? Payback for Warsaw, Birmingham, London, Rotterdam etc etc etc.

>Nice meme
You wish, now go prep your bull.

He was also addicted to amphetamines and other drugs.

Never forget the 6000000000 germans killed in Dresden
The krauts dind even do nuffin

Simply grandmother was raped and killed by the red army when she was just six

>>committed war crimes during WWII, such as ordering bombings of hundreds of thousands of German civilians
>>caused the deaths of more white people than anyone in history
disable VPN Hans

oy vey

Hotwheels dreamed only about sucking georgian cock.
Churchill knew commies are enemy at least.

Define "bottle".

Because by normie standards I could be considered an alcoholic when considering volume.

Plus the sun is coming up and my alarm just went off....

He did his bit to forward our aims.....

No, the bongs dropped bombs on civilians first. As a result, the Germans stopped bombing airfields seeking revenge. This game bongs the time needed to rebuild and defend.

kek, I hope he said that, eat a dick argie.

I wish he made peace with Hitler as this was an option but he didn't start WWII, autism in the third reich did

no you

what a resentful nigger. he knew this was not true, mestizos nature wouldn't allow them to be first world, unlike us in the early 1900s. He just hated us because the military government had an active policy against jews in the 30s.....

no respect for this filth



> lower image, far left