You had one job, HuffPo

>We talked about this over cheese pizza in December, Grusd.
>Soros and Bezos said that the NYT Editorial Board was to publish the punchline to Russia/PopularVote memes on Thursday.
>Nice try with shadowsliding it in using your freelance contributor bullshit.
>We could link to you today but we won't - not worth it.
>You're dead to us.

Is this the commie timeline plan, Sup Forums? Asking for a friend.

Fact check: Donald Trump legitimately one of the election.

The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

i used to stump but this dangerous man might shoot nuke. were seriously not wanting this.

>Trumo won under the rules.
>Courts should overturn this

Why does the losing side always go full fucking retard after an election? The republicans did it in 09 and now it's the democrats turn, again.

How can it be that the president has the power to order a nuclear strike, without any prior approval?
Or is it all just a scary way of starting a war?

>Lives in igloo
>Assumes he is fooling us
Hey Leaf, in 2017 "city folk" are by definition retards. Buy land, defend land with firearms, let the Muzzies suicide the brunch crowd. Thought this was common knowledge?

The president actually has the ability to send troups anywhere for any reason. After 90 days he needs approval from congress in order to keep paying for it though.

I think its 90.

And then congress has the unappealing choice of just cutting off funding forcing the action to end. That has never happened but its a check.

As for the nukes who else can make the call instantly. Mostly its just in case someone nukes us.

We need to get working on the laser defenses that will make nukes and all air based weaponry obsolete.

How much does undying allegiance cost? Hillary is broke after losing political influence


>City people all voted for Hillary.

So the 70 IQ niggers and 80 IQ spics voted for Hillary. And you think that's a winning argument?

Isn't that headline literally sedition? First amendment doesn't protect that shit.

Quick, grab the time machine.
Gore won the election!

That was my take, as well. Assuming that they picked this freelance ideologue to suicide himself as a means to plausible deniability.

>degrees make you smarter then people with non degrees

Just stop posting

Fuck drumpf and fuck white people

Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder is a pattern of pathologically dissociative and psychotic behavior, first observed in the late hours of November 8th 2016, and increasing in severity with passing time. Sufferers of Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder often exhibit pronounced cognitive dissonance, sudden bouts of rage, uncontrollable crying, suicidal ideation, and extreme butthurt.

Signs and Symptoms:

People with Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder are characterized by a persistent unwillingness to accept that Donald Trump is going to Make America Great Again. Individual sufferers often display signs of paranoia and delusion; in acute cases psychotic episodes have been observed. Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder is different from being upset about the results of the 2016 presidential election; People with TARD are unwilling or unable to accept reality, despite irrefutable evidence.

According to the DSM-V, individuals with TARD exhibit most or all of the following symptoms:

- Telling others they are moving to Canada
- Fixated on fantasies about the Electoral College
- Protesting an election no credible source contests the outcome of
- Exclamations that “Someone” should do “Something”
- Sudden weight gain
- Acute change in demeanor from pompous and arrogant to fearful and combative
- Claim that anyone who disagrees with them is some combination of Racist, Sexist, Bigoted, Homophobic, and Actually Hitler

>liberals in charge of not being traitors

Trained Journeyman > Liberal Arts Graduate

>After 90 days he needs approval from congress in order to keep paying for it though.
**This requirement halted from 2008-present. Article I also suspended currently. Should change on Saturday.

The War Powers Act is most likely unconstitutional. Nobody has bothered to challenge it though.

How's the free WiFi in Calais?

Is a brain damaged president a good idea?

Add Literal shaking to the list

>(((city people)))

>degrees make you smarter then people with non degrees
literally liberal DNA

Stop shitposting faggot

why did they used overmeme font.

What's up with Washington? I thought it was all bears, forests and volcanoes. Why so cucked?

>they're still at it

How many times are they gonna lose this election before they give up? They're at like five now.


How much do you get paid for doing this every single day?

The whole state is GOAT, except for Seattle. Same for Illinois and New York. Take away their capitals and the states are solid red. Leftists are all isolated in the cities. There isn't much demand for WordPress designers and gender studies degrees in the rural areas.

Shitposting canadian is pleonasm.

If Trump isn't allowed in then it's lock & load time.

He gets paid in (You)s and you faggots keep signing the check. Stop replying to him.

No refunds and bad loser

It's part of identity politics. Disadvantage is the new advantage, and success is the new failure. The more they lose the more they can claim to have been wronged, and nothing is more valuable to a liberal than being oppressed.

It's treason then.

Ok, That was 80's movie spooky shit right there.

These fucking oven dodgers just don't know when to quit.

Cival war if trump isnt allowed into office.



Why stop replying? It's the truth.

Don't shake that too hard.

I have been asking people where we are going to meet, but I can never pin everyone to a specific location. Short list includes eastern edge of Rockies and geographic center of contiguous 48 in Kansas. This deserves its own thread at some point soon.

When the time comes people will know where to go providing you run with the right well armed communities online and offline.