Is this what we have become?
Is this what we have become?
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nigs gonna nig
White male, long hair, skinny as fuck, obviously retarded or pre op tranny. Why do blacks always pick on the easiest targets?
When animals attack.mkv
Don't mind the nigger and the wigger.
Look at the people around them - beyond pathetic
write an article about it on the Daily Stormer, that'll show em.
Why are niggers so thin-skinned and easy to enrage?
>Oh hey look OP the cuck is posting this shit again
Because they're niggers.
what is sad is that the other white male encourage the black male to get one of them. Back in the 50s I can assure you that the black male would have get the ass womp of his life and he would have changed his life all over to become very dedicated in school and respect his peers.
Why do niggers always get physical when you call them a nigger?
It's like they're incapable of not resorting to violence.
Holy shit those twitter replies are some of the most retarded shit I've ever seen. I love how nobody cares that the white dude was attacked.
I know the white kid was going to get his ass kicked but why did people held him down instead of stopping the black kid from instigating a fight? It bothers me how people can let this happen right in front of them act late.
to be fair there's no worse insult than being called a nigger
Maybe if racist America didn't systematically oppress African Americans and create a system to keep them poor, they wouldn't act like this. They would have better opportunities for employment and education.
You did this America. This is what you get.
There's no worse insult, its demeaning on 2 different levels
>historically - reminds them that they've been slaves
>racially - reminds them that its a worse to distinguish them as lesser
especially since its a white faggot from america with long hair, its just insulting really
Sup Forumscuck in real life
why is this not on youtube yet? i cant watch twitter videos
Turning up my oven just for you.
>t. Tumblr
Yep, pussies who can't say shit in real life and run like bitches when you actually sperg out and do
Where do you think you are?
so they decide to act up and, in fact, confirm that the guy calling them a nigger was correct
>niggers are irrationally violent
>this is a negative on whites
>that run
>reminds them that they've been slaves
the black people of today haven't been jack shit. This is why "cracker" as an insult just makes me laugh it off because I'm not a slave owner and nobody in my family ever was. Niggers need to toughen the fuck up and learn to take an insult without chimping out
>resorting to violence over having your precious little feelings hurt
>niggers are actually this stupid and immature
Because they have no fathers and are raised by women who get no consequence for their actions.
Thus the men acting like emotional women doing stupid shit. Thats why they always say they dindu nothing, because the moms act that way with no repercussion and don't see the bad in it.
So when someone calls you out in front of everyone you just stand there tipping your fedora while claiming you're superior for not acting irrationally? Fucking cuck, I bet if someone on the street called your daughter a slut you wouldn't have the balls to do shit
please keep Sup Forums inside this cursed site
>the black people of today haven't been jack shit.
culturally they've been behind the wheel, most music today is founded on the backs of black contributions. Scientifically or something tangible, there's not anything really
Nigger is the end all be all of insults, there's no other racial equivalent to it, it's a litmus test for insults a benchmark to gauge other insults "its their nigger" or "its just as bad as nigger" it has so much power behind it, i wonder if there's actually a study or an article about this word because it still has immense power even when segregation ended
Because they are pussies
yes that kid is pure pol. the way he runs is fucking gold
reading whose twitter comments made me realise USA is fucked. Would hate to be a white man growing up in united nigger and spicland.
I'm so happy I never went to school with niggers.
>calling a nigger a nigger and not being ready for a fight
Clearly doesn't have a father figure in his life otherwise he would have known you can't banter here without being ready to fight.
Words only have power if you give it power.
Damn. Nicely laid out correct answer man.
How is Nip-land, Private? The toilets are clean, I presume? But for real how easy is it to get laid if you're a soldier? Sure the 2D cartoons glorify Nip women but they still have to be somewhat cute, right?
Hence why white flight is a thing.
to be fair, unless you can fuck em all up in some way (more people, gun whatever) it's kind of stupid to call them niggers.
He assumed the fight was broken up and people would do that thing where they hold the other guy back
The white guy looks like a faggot just as much as the violent nigger trash
The problem here is he talked shit in front of a feral ape without having the means to defend against his predictable behavior
White kid is a dumb faggot and the feral ape is a subhuman monkey
>Call someone a nigger
>Be in no way prepared to engage in fisticuffs
...Why the fuck does that keep happening? That white kid was a nigger.
>Words only have power if you give it power.
but nigger is the 'forbidden' word, its worse than kike, chink, gook, shitskins, and all others put together, there won't be a national outcry for saying gook but nigger is the word.
I definitely think its more of a "black people wont forgive white people for slavery" so the word itself has power simply for that reason alone
I don't get it, you say nigger and you're calling them black in a derogatory manner
Mick is just short for a popular Irish name, like "taig" is just anglicized Tadhg
I'd probably make an effort of loafing someone around if they said it to my face though
Hurr mah honor culture, don't you have to get back to fucking one of your cousins.
Intelligent people are reluctant to do an animal brawl.
But that kid's dumb, intelligent people also tend to avoid possibility of close quarter combat.
Triggered nigger
> its worse than kike, chink, gook, shitskins, and all others put together, there won't be a national outcry for saying gook but nigger is the word.
There was outcry over stupid shit like the Washington Redskins, the good thing about Trump being elected is that now the press will save its gunpowder to focus on criticizing policy and real issues. Outrage culture will disappear if people are smart
>if people are smart
But you grew up as a mongol, so? At least niggers has got top tier cool folks, unlike you autistics..
>There was outcry over stupid shit like the Washington Redskins
not as much as there would be if it was "the washington niggers", also 'nigger' was career ending even before 'outrage culture'
Imagine when whites are 20-30 percent of the population, it will be open season on whites. Just look at South Africa for what is to come if we do nothing...
I'm glad I never had to go to school with niggers. Sucks to be him.
lol look at the pussy white americans just letting another white american get bullied by a nigger.
That sounds scary senpai. Although I'm sure there would still be area's in the flyover states and up north that would still be OK niggers hate the cold when there's no gibsmedat big city around.
Warrior/violence gene.
We already created Liberia for them you ignorant cunt
why do amerinogs turn into apes at the very mention of the word nigga. the cunt literally sprung a him.
Black bastard triggers the male animal pretty had.
I work with a ton of them. I ignore them all for this very reason.
Cruel fucking world we live in. Multikulti is a failed experiment.
see you in jouvie, bitch
i cringed hard
>warrior gene
Why the fuck is it called this. Legitimately triggers me, should be called dindu gene.
Yeah. Or maybe just because they act like this, our system keeps them poor, without better opportunities for employment and education--but that's uncomfortable so whites blame racists, and blacks blame the system
The zipperhead has the correct answer
Harambee level chimpout.
Skinny as fuck.
I've seen 13 year old girls with more muscles than him.
Seriously, if you want to have long hair, you need to be stronger than that or you'll look like a pussy
It was nicknamed the violence gene until it was discovered to exist predominantly in niggers so the name was predictably changed to the warrior gene.
Finally, someone who gets it. Anytime you have a question about niggers, such as "why do niggers ____?
The answer is always "because they're niggers".
Because their mental development stopped when they were 5 years old.
If you watch it carefully, they don't have any emotional maturity. They make tantrums, they are incapable of dealing with responsability, they have wishful and magical thinking processes, they can't feel and understand nuanced can call it "culture", but if you ignore the skin colour like the leftists claim we should, then anyone can see that from a psychological point of view they are clearly mentally ill.
Because that's the average white teen nowadays.
White boys are such pussies, stick to being internet tough guys and keyboard crusaders. This is what happens when you run your racist mouths in real life.
>Why do blacks always pick on the easiest targets?
Laziness; lack of motivation.
Why does a pack of hyenas only pounce when the prey is much weaker or dying?
Niggers are animals, and should be controlled the way we control animals. Once they get violent, you put them down.
That midget is gay ass fuck. Fucking spastic short legged autistic tranny bitch.
>freedom of speech
>cant call nigger a nigger
>implying every 'racist mouth' is a little beta white boy
oh you'd be surprised that it's not just whites
>so they decide to act up and, in fact, confirm that the guy calling them a nigger was correct
This argument is retarded, if you're going to call a black person a nigger you better be ready to fight. If you weren't a pussy and someone called you a word that meant you were a lesser race then you would do something too. This whole "I'm taking the high-ground, fuck fighting" is the reason why so many whites are pussified faggots, just like you.
actually, its you crazy fucks that keep fucking up our civilization. I'm all for equal rights but if you're gonna act like a bunch of animals and start shooting at people and say fuck the police and want police to be dead. If anyone is creating racism against blacks then that is actually the blacks themselves. These days, the ones oppressing blacks are blacks themselves. This is coming from a white/European hispanic.
but their brains are smaller so they're gonna chimp out over anything. :/
[usual Sup Forums victim blaming] [no white pride world wide exceptions] Why would this stupid faggot call him a nigger and expect anything nice to happen? The fuck was he expecting, a hug? [/no exceptions][/victim blaming]
what about "rural and suburban retard"
Because they are niggers
No, it's because they are niggers. The nigger was violent for no reason before he even called him that. Stop making up excuses for subhuman trash.
>$0.80 has been deposited into your paid cop shill account
Go LARP and shill elsewhere, "Pedro but white."
they'll chimp out and shoot each other over which Jordans are better.
Not everyone tired of niggers is weak and feeble.
Your time of glamour and financial assistance is at an end.
Whiteboi is Sup Forums incarnate. Retarded ass run. Aspie vocals. Screeching tardism. To a tee.
the Hispanics aren't always mixed, there are also white hispanics and black hispanics and probably more commonly, mixed/brown hispanics. Hispanic =/= Mestizo.
pol without the internet and monitor to shield them
You know what? I wish we were like that.
I wish some white guy would post a video of a nigger being shot by police on Twitter, and white people would take the piss out of it. Not Sup Forumsacks, but normies.
Just think when the media is BTFO'd, cops are allowed to do their thing, and more people are allowed to CC, niggers are basically going to get picked off left and right. Considering how many of them commit crimes if we encourage others to carry we'll see lots of self defense shootings and might even drastically reduce their presence.
Of course the left is gonna scream "muh ethnic cleansing"
At worst it might spark blacks to move more aggressively against whites which will cause more of them to die since nogs aren't very good at organizing. Then the only nogs left are the ones who had enough common sense to not get themselves killed.
>The nigger was violent for no reason before he even called him that
not making excuses for the kid in the video and you didnt even refute my argument which makes nigger the worst insult