This is the guy that you supported.
This is the guy that you supported.
He is 100% right
We should disband the Nato after we get rid of the EU and become friendly with Russia
Give me one good reason why central europe and russia shouldn't get along? Even just germany alone could achieve great things with russia.
US+Russia Alliance for global domination? Why not?
Fuck off Remain faggot.
>"P-please don't dissolve NATO after Brexit"
He is right on all of them. Cmon dude its time to stop the self delusion
Do you even know that the leader of NATO is a known corrupt politician who has contributed to Clinton's Foundation?
From the same country where they have discovered a pedophile ring 2 months ago.
Great Russian-Germanian Empire when?
he's right
nato is just a vehicle for weak and cowardly states to be inappropriately cocky, because americans pay for their protection.
Fuck NATO. It doesn't benefit America in any way.
It's going to be entertaining in eastern Central Europe again.
When Trump is serious with only half of his Russia policy then there are difficult times coming ahead towards Germany.
In June, when either Fillon or LePen are in the Elysee - both cuddle up to Putin - then another brick in the sanctions wall is gone and it's more or less Germany alone.
That forces Germany finally to make a step towards the solution of the future of this region which will - again - stand inbetween Germany and Russia and relies on one of them. I hope we can settle some border disputes that were conducted after Yalta and the fall o fthe Berlin Wall and maybe even have a big conference like there was after the Napoleonic wars or the 2 world wars.
To clarify the situation in that region and make the countries like Ukraine into well founded nationstates could open up the possibility to finally have a sound cooperation of all of Eastern Europe way to Central Asia and up to Vladivostok. That's the most important pivot of the 21st century for Europe: to leave behind the East-West dichotomy and focus together on everything East and South of us.
This is too much. (((They))) can't possibly let him do this. NATO is how the US exerts its military when trying to influence the European countries. Some user in another thread posted something about how Jew controlled USA is trying to brainwash Estonia about how great diversity is. NATO Is key if the us is to continue doing this. There's no way (((they))) would let NATO dissapear. Also the money in arms contracts that they're making.
Fuck the UN, EU, NATO, Vatican, IMF and ECB
Fuck every international bullshit
Don't people who post this stuff realize this is why we voted for him?
Is Germany going to be forced to re-militarize?
desu the election of trump is literally the starting point for peace on earth... amongst the civilized i.e. whites
>implying that will last more than 2 seconds
Everything he said was correct.
Fuck NATO, Anglo union. Only countries who actually spend 2% on their military.
Do you actually believe this?
There needs to be a new nuclear deal since the old deal with Russia has completely fallen through.
>mfw Russia starts territorial disputes with Germany again after everyone leaves Germany to fend for itself because the eternal tueton destroyed Europe for the 7th time in 1000 years. Which causes a war which everyone stays out of and Russia wins and imposes Versailles treaty tier punishment on Germany because they have a military and not a bundeswer full of women and cucks. Which causes the leftist failed government in Germany to be thrown out and reviled while a far right leader blames the Jews for Germany's loss in a costly war and quickly rises to power amid hate for leftist cucks which causes Germany and consequently Western Europe to become ethno-fascist and far right. And by this time the United States Jew money printing machine has printed
Too much money and Russia has so much influence that the usd is nolonger the world reserve currency and loses all its value causing the Jews main parasitic host to die and lose its power. Meanwhile nazi Germany 2.0 has started another holocaust but this time its an actual holocaust with real gas chambers and the Jews can't call their main host country (USA) to save them so Europe and western civilization becomes white and great again and doesn't have to worry about Jews anymore
Versailles treaty was pretty lenient and never enforced, it's literally a meme to justify militarism
>t. frenchie
>Is Germany going to be forced to re-militarize?
There are already these carefully crafted ideas of an EU army that are floated by Berlin often enough. They also get the approval of Poland, Hungary and the Baltics immediately.
But a real contributor would at this point only France be ofc. If they change their stance after the election (or even leave the EU) then there is practically nothing left of an EU army. No battle ready troops in any sufficient number, nor nukes, nor enough jets to secure the airspace of anything larger than Lithuania.
At the same time Germany dropped a lot of the hyper-pacifistic attitude it had just 15 or 20 years ago. There are no "Easter-Marches" for peace any more, the public opinion is critizising the politics for the Bundeswehr being in a desolate state and recruitment isn't going that bad, now that we (temporarily) suspended the draft.
All this together with a more confident role that Germany assumed over the last 5 years (in the Ukr. crisis e.g.) could lead to a militarily independent Germany again that's not just an American airbase and military hospital.
it's a fact though, if it were enforced we'd have fucked germany up the moment they started rearming, read in 1920.
>doing anything against its gas supplier
We're giving you a deal too, britbong. Get ready for economic freedom from the EU.
You Brits mad that your not going to get a free ride anymore?
and nothing came of that
read any serious book on the effect of the Versailles treaty in reality, not in the mind of Hitler and you'll see that the only thing it hurt was their pride, Americans and Brits were pouring massive investment into Germany and it increased tenfold wen Pidzulski left power and germany became the Bulwark against bolshevism.
>French army invades the ruhr and basically ransacks the place while beating up civillians even after Germany flat out says it's struggling with paying back the crippling reparations post ww1
>HONHONHON le baguette! The treaty of Versailles was not enforced!
Yeah ok
This. Germans shut your fucking russian cock sucking mouths.
America wants Russia on our side against China. China is fucking stupid and crazy at the same time, trying to take over SEA TRADE ROUTES. No one does this. Except the Chinks of course. They need to be stopped.
>read any serious book on the effect of the Versailles treaty in reality
>written by a frenchman
>in a frenchman reality
Yes tree now fuck off
this is the state of Sup Forums in 2017, historically and politically illiterate retards spouting Sup Forums tier """"""""""""""banter''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' because they are too stupid to know better.
Fucking reddit garbage fuckers.
Free ride? Do go on
He is right though, the NATO costs the US Billions of dollars.
NATO is obsolete
He who insults the God Emperor must be destroyed!
>trump says something true again.
>the sound of communists and liberal screeching.
Everything seems normal.
Fucking trips of truth nigga. Trump has balls to say things that other people don't dare think because the truth goes directly against (((the narrative))).
It's true though. What for the most part hurt Germany economically wasn't the Versaille treaty, but the economic crisis of '29 and how the German government reacted to it
Good, this scam has gone on long enough.
still better than hillary
Nazi uniforms are sexy. Why were they so goddamn metrosexual.
>Do you even know that the leader of NATO is a known corrupt politician who has contributed to Clinton's Foundation?
Nazi believed strongly in psychological warfare and the Occult. Designed uniforms and architecture to be impressive and inspiring and focus 'light' occult forces or some shit.
Trump did nothing wrong.
>FUCK the EU
>NATO is just the US vassal state system
We're probably the last country that will boycott them over Crimea when you all walk away from that. The Russian-German trade of oil and gas worked even in the darkest times of the Cold War.
Besides, I argued for a big conference with Russia to clarify the state of Eastern Europe further up.
>elects Trump
>calls other people cock suckers for Russia
Habib, we didn't need NATO to cruise over to Europe and cockslap the continent for either world wars, and we don't need it now.
It's just an institution for military welfare to lazy, useless, liberal Europeans.
Didnt sign up for this, get rid of Trump!
NATO is mostly funded by Americans. By this I mean that while our countries contribute it's much smaller in cost.
We get more out of the deal than the Yanks. Canada as a great example has a poor air force. We fly very old CF-18's and from memory have 120 of the old cunts.
Of that 120 we have I would say less than half are combat worthy at any one time.
Soooooooo, we can't really defend our own air space. This is why on 911 on my way to work I saw a pair of fully loaded F15's sitting on the wingtips of a Korean Airliner. They where escorting it down the Fraser River as it was out of radio contact.
First time I've ever seen missiles on a military jet. Those F15's SHOULD have been CF18's but we had none able to intercept so the Americans did our job.
Hence we get more out of NATO than the Yanks. It's very much one sided.
If krauts wouldnt backstab us it would last very long as really we dont give a fuck if they genocide jews gypsyes or any other non-slav people
NATO sucks. It's a modern terrorist group.
All middle east knows it.
Fuck you Brit. Always out of the loop.
Some of these little faggot yurops constantly screech about how evil and racist America is while we provide a large percentage of their military deterrent.
Yeah America is evil and racist, here you can go protect yourself now since you refused to pay your fair share beforehand.
Yeah, economically our countries are made for each other. You've got plenty of resources and need machinery and processing facilities and we have no resources at all but plenty of engineering goods.
And also on a human level Germans and Russians usually get along quite well. And that means something after we have fought each other in two World Wars and we were split in the Cold War.
>France is independent
>Sarkozy gets into power
>puts France back into NATO integrated command
>suddenly everyone goes full retard and we go on to destroy the middle-east-north-africa against our 1000 years old doctrine regarding the region
What about German women? Are they fuckable?
Why should we pay billions so scandies can play with their socialist tinker's toolkit and import rape machines?
Let them foot the bill when Russia comes overhead. We're always the fat dumb Americans to be looked down upon until an evil Russian jet comes within 3,000 miles of one Swedish radar and then it's time for us to protect everyone again.
no they all look like babushka for some reason
As it should be.
For the same reason we don't have a military alliance with a lot of other third world shit holes.
This desu
Really couldn't care less about a country in Eurasia that barely affects our dealings at home unless we let them.
Bye bye Europe. Go back to mommy.
I don't disagree that NATO is bad, but kek.
All the middle east also knows that a 2000 year old pedophile heard voices in his head and attributed it to a divine source, so I wouldn't rely on their judgement.
NATO is useful as fuck as a provider of common standards. If I had my way I'd force all EU countries and Russia to ratify STANAG and all EU regulations in regards to electrical and communications appliances, then CTRL+ALT+DELETE all other agencies.
Technology, culture and economy would improve within half a decade.
(Hidden perk of removing NATO: It means nobody is any longer obligated to protect Turkey from being BTFOd by the dozens of enemies they've made.
you mean shoe polishers from the land of po?
>What about German women? Are they fuckable?
Age almost as badly as Anglo women. Almost.
Even without NATO the US would always militarily support Canada simply because its strategically valuable to have strong friendly countries that you share borders with to guard against land invasion.
fuck nato. i hate europe. they can defend their own faggot asses.
It's not about defending Europe, it's about territory control, placing radars and weapons there, feeding the US with both intel and money for US military industrial complex. NATO is essential an extension of US military, that's why it is still around and why Russia is angry at its extension after Cold war, "missile defense shield" in Poland and Romania, and US military buildup right at Russia's border.
>EU army
No thanks