>Muslim Shilling
Riddle me this, Sup Forums.
Why do Jews shill for Muslims?
>Muslim Shilling
Riddle me this, Sup Forums.
Why do Jews shill for Muslims?
Other urls found in this thread:
"Let's unite against white people"
>niggers and jews are always playing the victim card!!
Really makes you think doesn't it
Theyre the new niggers, useful mules
They hate themselves. Also they believe if the lie is strong then the mudniggers will believe this too.
I think the Muslims got the Jews beat on this one.
Muslims: just smile & lie and the infidel will accept you with open arms. Then you can destroy them from within.
Jews: Fantastic! Our plan is working! Even Muslims are dropping their culture and horizontal linkages to be put into the mixed match pot of the globalized workforce!
If you want to rule and control a population, you'll want low IQ subservient people. Islam literally means submission and arabs have generally lower IQ [than europeans]
>black holiday
>whites and muzzies present
Is it just me or are normies waking up to this shit? Or at least finally saying something.
wow just noticed that.
>Black holiday
>Only 1 black person in the picture.
Google doesn't care about colored people. They just want that even mix so that everyone is isolated even when jam packed into cities.
I've seen more and more people start talking about the globalist zionist jews.
I can't tell how much of an influence I had in that though.
They shill against white ethnic majorities, I guess.
Not pro muslims, but anti white hegemony.
they still shield themselves with "Not all Jews are bad, but" and then [naming the jew intensifies]
you should see the amazon priest and imam commercial
propaganda at its best
>tfw our government passed a pro propaganda bill last year
I'll never understand this.
Point out 1 country with less than 50% white people that has it's shit together.
Any others?
fuck off with that shit lmao every time i see a black man and white woman i fucking can't help but laugh because of you fucking cunts
>thinking that is a black man.
Blacks have low sexual dimorphism. That is clearly a black woman.
China.... Kinda.
Thinking they're smart but just being useful idiots.
Last time it happened they were slaughtered out of Arabia.
Your grandchildren will be Muslim.
It is easyer to control a popylasen of nigers. Then white ppl.
>Hong Kong
>Worst Korea
>Israel (?)
>Dubai (sort of...)
That's it, I guess.
Riddle ME this. Why is it always a Muslim woman?
because Muslim man = ALLAHU ACKBAR *Explosions*
Not just any black holiday, it's a holiday honoring mlk jr., and mlk is nowhere in the picture.
Same reason they shill for blacks.
This really explains it all, like this kike said the kikes are a step ahead of everyone else. Think critically and you'll be able to tell who the real puppet masters are
It's a deflection. They keep creating/enhancing problem groups, enemies for the goyim to hate, so that we don't have time to look at the Jews and their lies. They already have the Chinese, Russia, and maybe the Saudis lined up as the next big distraction. The clever part is that these groups are, to a greater or lesser extent, threats that need to be dealt with - it's just that the Jews either uplift or cripple them to keep any side from winning, unless a change is needed, in which case a new enemy arises the instant the old one falls. They poke and prod and twist the truth to their advantage so they can keep sucking us dry.
>Worst Korea in charge of having their shit together
Where have you been these past few months?
>Judeo-Islamic values are real
> using google
kek, why don't you invite NSA to your computer too?
>hands are crossed
>X means no or stop
Use this logic to make them go insane and have them go bonkers in wanting that shit removed.