Trump offers deal to Britain and Russia

So Trump says he will offer a free trade deal to Britain, and a deal for Russia in which they get sanctions removed in return for a reduction of nukes.

Thoughts Sup Forums?

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God we're lucky. Our government was being pressured to disallow Trumps entry into the country and now he gives us this.

It probably just made him more determined desu

>free trade to Britain

So long EU.


>Pre-Brexit free trade deal

>Post-Brexit free trade deal

I wanted to post: "Enjoy lowering your industry + environment + privacy standards to US levels" but then again it's the UK...

So now that everyone knows Trump considers Germany a competitor that he cares nothing for, are Germans going to be this insufferable for the next eight years?

What are you talking about? US arguably has better privacy and industry standards than the UK



>Trump making moves to ally more closely with non cucked states

Most excellent

haha u fuckin mad hans?

first ww1, ww2 and now brexit when will you krauts learn that you can't defeat the british at anything


A Trump deal will be a real trade deal, no tariffs and free trade. There will be none of this harmonising regulations bullshit.

>get sanctions removed in return for a reduction of nukes.
>reduction of nukes.
That's not a good deal, Donald.

oi you cheeky bastard!
do you have a license for that banter?

Lol buttflustered.

this desu


Back at it again with the Allied forces!

fuck off farsi shit

US-UK-Russia super alliance when?

Why is the ARYAN so resentful, bitter and jealous of Britain and America being successful?


Germany also so butt-blasted all the fucking time.

Seriously Hans, just give up. You've tried to take over the continent 3 times now. You surely realise by now that it's never going to happen? You get so close and then just get cucked by the US and UK at the last minute EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

Uh oh, allah snackbars about to start flying.

I'm so happy Germany is going to be the next red menace we enter a cold war with. You won't make out as well as Russia did

you fuck off you terrorist funding takfiri crypto zionist

Can't wait for liberals to start arguing that it's a good thing if Russia has more nukes.

go and beat your back and worship ali you fund terrorists zaydis and hezbollah

Every fucking time, every thread, every single thing that points toward the UK being successful and these posts happen.

If it's not Germany it's Poland, if it's not Poland it's Romania or Bulgaria.

Jesus fucking wept.

That's a load of horse shit and you know it.

Now kiss.

>"my GOP will be a 'worker's party'"
>drumpf is literally turning GOP into socialists
>mfw amerisharts voted for him

Hand you've been BTFO by Brits for the third time in a century lmfao go and get trucked

As for standards, at least Americans aren't autistic about the curvature of a banana you EU cuck

So it is agreed? We will pursue mutual reductions in our nuclear arsenals by detonating these weapons over the Saudis?

Which one is the bad guy again?

>Comparing Trump deals with Obongo deals
Germcuck, just stop being retarded already.

The only people that signed that petition were shitskins and unwashed lefty retards, it was never going to come to anything.

You know it'll happen.

>Trump wants to reduce Russian nukes. And he thinks this is a good thing. t.sally khon

you're both are obsolete countries desu

If it's smelly and brown, it's gotta leave town.

you are obsolete human lucky that your mother did not abort you

the people we fund don't move to the west and blow themselves up and drive trucks into crowds of people christmas shopping

saudis and israelis need to fuck out of the middle east and return to your british masters

The arguments here were never anti-trade. The problem is the EU's ridiculous insistence that free trade cannot exist without free movement and EU dominion over our legislation.

>even Sven is calling you a cuck

The old forces of Britain the US and Russia are aligning again to take down the German menace. It's beautiful.

What a time to be alive.


Allah and Mohammed both suck pig dicks in hell and get fucked by donkeys wearing strap ons that are coated in pig grease.

Suck on that one Abdullah bin Faggot.

>they get sanctions removed in return for a reduction of nukes.
Not gonna happen.

"Workers party"


Thanks papa Trump


Thank you based trump

We love you America

Diplomacy in action

iran is the only thing in the middle east preventing a total takeover by western backed terrorists

>you will live to see the US, UK, and Russia ally themselves in a NatSoc bloc against globalist EU and China

your terrorists only kill muslims, you are anti-muslim state

Well and you're lucky to survive abortion

Are they not insufferable now?

Germcucks on suicide watch

The Anglos are going to fuck you up again m8

>nat soc

abortion is illegal here

we don't kill all our children like russians do

>your terrorists only kill muslims
And that's a bad thing?

>Thoughts Sup Forums?
nato is dead

ww3 near certain now.

He fucked up good.

I don't see anything about "free" trade, just a necessary post-Brexit trade deal.

So we are siding with Iran. Got it. Thanks.

Harsh, but fair lol

America is going to bail out England stay mad

Why do Anglos always get so upset by posts on the internet?
Seems silly.

we protect muslims. wahhabism is takfiri ideology which commands its adherents to kill other muslims.
wahhabis are the ones going around bombing crowded markets and destroying holy islamic shrines.

I was thinking the same thing, with all those missile defence fucking shits America has been setting up, reducing their fire-power would be retarded and Putin won't go for it.

At least there's a chance Trump will listen when he explains it though, King Ape wouldn't comprehend such a thing.

no you just wait till they're grown up before you kill them

Why are you so upset over us being successful? Shouldn't you be happy that at least one country in the EU is going to break free and become successful? God knows you've fucked the rest of them beyond repair.

only Obamas anus-licker wanted to sign the deal, some of your real politicians even argued how this stupid idea even became a topic

you worship shrines but not god, that is why the shrines are destroyed

russian state kills more people than ours does

I see no problem. Based... Iran?

Based Iran, based kebab removers. REMOVE WAHHAB!

He's a top bloke.
Fuck the EU.

We stand shoulder to shoulder with our Ameribros.

>you worship shrines but not god, that is why the shrines are destroyed
So you have no objection to someone blowing the Kabba up? That's good to know.

>in return for a reduction of nukes.

>America is going to bail out England stay mad

well time for death in northern ireland again.

nato alliance dead.

trade war and economic collapse


I had some hope for more from trump but he is a russkie cuck.

You started it Fritz. We're just finishing it. Like always.

i think there is an argument to be made for its destruction

I want to be a part of it PLZZZZZZZZZ, like the good old days

Think that guy with the scimitar wants to talk to you.

prezident män thö män

paying respects to the dead is not a form of worship or idolatry.

wahhabis are just fucking retarded so they can't figure this out.

You just said no shrines, so the Kabba can go, the prophets tomb and all the other shrines can go that are in Saudi.

In fact your country itself is a shrine, it attracts Muslims from around the world. So in fact one could make the case that your entire country should be obliterated.

I love this man, and the love is growing, no homo.

Putin just won't sacrifice russias defence in favor of """"sanctions""""" removal. Not in this universe, it will take much bigger than this. At very-very least he will have to also accept Crimea as a russian territory.

>implying anyone on the planet doesn't think Saudi Arabia being obliterated would make the world a better place except Saudis

>W-we don't like the EU either h-honest
*Britain leaves the EU and is backed by the world superpower*

Stay cucked, Herman Von Abdullahreich.

Do I seem upset?

>like always
Hiding on your island and waiting for America to save you?
Okay, fair point.

Amazing! This is what we expected. Great guy! Bless him.

we can have debate within islam

yes it is, why would you worship the dead?

>Do I seem upset?

just go to israel already, you fucking kike.

wahhabis will lose mecca and medina and when that happens the entire middle east will shift and iran will be on top as it rightfully should.

Free movement too? I wouldn't mind flitting over to the states.

This is great

Iran should change back to Persia though, the west will like you more
Do your nations hate eachother because of differences in religion or is there something else behind it?

They've become too intelligent for intelligent thought and criticality.

Why dont you just go to palaSTEIN and die isle nigger

I think it's time now.

>brits finishing anything
The only thing you managed to do by yourself in the last hundred years was Falklands.