>Get into this game I was just gifted by my gf
>You can date and marry anyone is this game user
>Fall head over heels for Robin on first sight
>I'mma marry that bitch so hard
>Walking back from a hard day at the mines
>See Robin standing with the local Token
>Walk slowly up to Robin
>H-h-hey Robin, who's this chap?
>He's my husband
I even get blacked in games now, how can white men even compete (pic related) I don't know how to feel anymore Sup Forums gift me some NatSoc memes so I can feel relevant.
Starjew Valley
Other urls found in this thread:
Tits or gtfo
>gonna try and get on Robins good sige at the egg festival
>night time comes after festival
>can't find robin
>head towards the Bar
>see Robin and Black guy walking out of the bar together
>she is following him]
>I follow both of them
>it's 11:45 at night
>she follows him right into the house together
>they are fucking each other after the egg festival while I sit outside the house
why can't I kill anyone in this game like in skyrim?
Sheeeeiiiiit was about to buy this game.
I'll buy Owlboy instead.
Do your part and steal him her away from him.
Or just download the mod that turns him white. Boy, that shitstorm that mod brood up when it first came out.
I find it funny that they let you marry their racemixed daughter. No one did, of course.
Dude, you don't even know.
Demetrius is Robin's second husband, and the two of them neglect her white son from the previous marriage.
Demetrius is also a pure autist who does nothing but act adversarial towards your character the entire game.
In the original script, Penny, one of the ACTUAL eligible bachelorettes, had a whole backstory where Demetrius got her pregnant at a very young age, and she had an abortion.
red head with black guy figures as much
you cant make this shit up
Do I purge the Starjew from my computer with fire or bleach?
Wait wouldn't that be cheating on your girlfriend?
Honestly, the game is fine. Quit getting so triggered.
Robin is low tier anyways.
I'm never buying this game wtf.
Only if I get the pixel pussy, then it's cheating.
proofs? I'm fucking 4 hearts in with Penny and if it's true she's fucking
Go ask in /vg/, they followed the game from start to finish, development-wise.
Seriously though, Demetrius is fine. He is autismal as fuck and has some of the most hilariously stupid scenes ever in how retarded he is.
ew, its ruined now
what the fuck are you on about
I went for the grocery cuck's daughter, the purple hair girl. She likes pumpkins so just give her a few during the fall and you're set. She plays videogames with you and is probably some sort of witch.
once entertainment becomes political it turns into trash.
>the key to a woman's heart is pumpkins
Digits confirm this is the way. Praise kek.
She's the cutest anyway. She's all tsuntsun at first but then you give he some pumpkins and it's deredere all day.
Is this game good? I'm an hour in and am feeling bored. Have no idea what's going on. Just chopping trees and popping them in the box to get enough dough for the bigger backpack.
I noticed this but dont do it op. She also has kids from some other guy. Just get with the blond bitch.
You gotta fish, you go in the mines to get ore and fight monsters, plant crops.
The game is alright, make sure to wander about the town, there is plenty to do.
>can access information on all villagers, including if they're single or not
>still decides to pursue the coalburner
user, I...
>Get into this game I was just gifted by my gf
>See Robin standing with the local Token
>Walk slowly up to Robin
>H-h-hey Robin, who's this chap?
>He's my husband
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. She's prepping you so you are more comfortable for when she makes you prep her new black lover. Pic related, you very soon.
If you have to spy on your future waifu then you're a shit person.
>falling in love with a video game cartoon character
>playing inferior harvest moon clone in the first place
jesus christ OP, kill yourself
Better than being a beta orbiter.
>Not merried with the blonde slut
And they still bitching about white genocide
Don't surprise me
>Kill anyone
Wew lad
As a revenge, I married their daughter Maru. My kid looks 100% black, although my character is white.
Jesus christ i regret buying this shit.
All the female portraits look like something out of tumblr or atleast approved by them, and the writing in this game is terrible.
Now it has suble cuck propaganda too.
I don't think you have a gf.
Enjoy your Harvest Moon rehash.
>chubby chasers
>“The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and extremism...On the urgent issue of civil rights, Senator Goldwater represents a philosophy that is morally indefensible and socially suicidal. While not himself a racist, Mr. Goldwater articulates a philosophy which gives aid and comfort to the racist. His candidacy and philosophy would serve as an umbrella under which extremists of all stripes would stand. In the light of these facts and because of my love for America, I have no alternative but to urge every Negro and white person of goodwill to vote against Mr. Goldwater and to withdraw support from any Republican candidate that does not publicly disassociate himself from Senator Goldwater and his philosophy.”
>not the sweet teacher
Penny is the GOAT. Abigail is too manic pixie dream girl, Leah is a slut who got fucked on the reg by some douche in her previous life, Haley is a ditzy retard and the nigger is a nigger.
you can mod it so that he is white
i did just that
I'd rather fuck Marnie and NTR the mayor. We need a japanese hentai version of stardew valley.
upgrading your farm and fucking housewives.
wasn't this game called out by sjws because everyone was white? and then the game dev told them to mod the game so they had their own diversity? I never played it but i thought it was a white only game......
>Bothering with women
Plz, who has time for women? The massive amount of hops that you turn into ale and in turn sell for fucking ludicrous amounts of money won't tend to themselves.
Not to mention the mines aren't going to magically not have monsters in them if you don't go on a purge.
Women, pfft, fucking plebs.
>anything other than abigail
>not marrying the best girl in the fucking game
I was actually going to try and go after Penny, but she hated all my gem and stone gifts.
As a matter of fact, I walked around the town like a total autist just giving people shit I found down in the mines and everyone thought I was retarded except for Maru.
Penny is a totally materialistic bitch. Highest maintenance and all the items she loves are really hard to find or are really expensive.
>"h-here Penny, an emerald, just like y-your eyes"
>"y-you too..."
Haley > Leah > Emily > Abigail > Penny > Maru
All of them are written as a projection of a perfect women by some leftists. Dull and inspired as shit.
>totally materialistic bitch
I think you missed point of this game.
This guy gets it.
Shit, I've played a few Harvest Moons since the SNES version and the very last thing I ever did was going after the chicks. (other than Mary in Back to Nature, I have a thing for Mary)
you just made this shit up
>penny hating it
chose one bitch
it's one of her favorite gifts
Disregard bitches,
Get money
The Patricians Choice.
yeah, I remember this.
but I think you can't get Robin anyway. you have to try for younger village girls.
Look, if you don't like my game don't but it.
>tfw pic related too
So it's like Harvest Moon for hipster degenerates? You know you can just play Harvest Moon and it's pure af?
Acid wash it.
>my kid
This. A lot of people get put off by her attitude in the beginning but as you get more hearts with her, she starts to become the girl-next-door instead of the stuck up city bitch.
Literally redpill her with your advances .
>not marrying vincent
Can you kill the ape?
Never played this
the problem just is that it's actually better than any Harvest Moon game since it simply has more features and content. I mean the game has a dungeon to explore with an adventurer club on top of all these farming and animal raising gimmicks. HM never had that but it had a mining feature.
HM is fine, however.
the fact that Robin is a carpenter is more ridiculous than her marrying a nigger
they lumped almost all of the degeneracy into this one family, including the mongrel daughter, and you only have to interact with them a few times, its not a degenerate game, just a waste of time
also there is a trailer trash white girl for you to marry so it should be great for a lot of you
She's a whore she's wearing pants
those portraits are disgusting wtf
Yeah but Harvest moon has cute girls
The chick that builds stuff up in the house up north near the mines is best girl. That's not Robin, i-i-is it?
Yeah that seems cool. I haven't played Harvest Moon since I was a kid so this game is appealing but I hate the setting and the characters look shit so I'll probably pass
best grill
100% cute.
HM portraits are fucking great.
Starjew is Tumblr girls: the game.
Be nice, she's the only one who cares about the children's education.
Isn't this just a rehash of Harvest Moon? I remember playing the shit out of that game on my GBA. Shit was comfy.
And the best part is that there were no niggers.
I didn't like that girl when I was a kid, I picked the other one who works at the vineyard or whatever but now that I'm older she's definitely the one I would choose
>you will never meet a girl like her in real life
>you will never work hard on a farm all day and come back to your loving wife who stays home and takes care of your son
>your town will never consist of 5 houses, a couple shops, and a church
Feels bad man
and it looked better too, lol
>your town will never consist of 5 houses, a couple shops, and a church
you're a leaf. just go north if you want to live in a town of 5 houses.
That's what I'm planning to do, I wonder if I can move into Amish country?
That game is published by Chucklefish, the most cancerous indie game developer/publisher in existence. It's too bad you can't get a refund.
You should start asking why all the media and entertainment is pushing race mixing?
Why do they push something that will change everyone into brown mixed people? Are the people who encourage this leading by example or is it something that they expect you to do for them?
If you can't communicate your opinion on the subject you will never get anywhere in life.
>Not playing based Rune Factory instead
With extremely few exceptions, Japan hates nigs and dark-skinned characters in general; this shit is only prolific in cucked Western games.
>Implying the game makes right/wrong decisions
Demetrius is a stand-up guy user
The game gives the characters some dark backstories. Sure, some of them may be nasty, but it's not like the game glorifies them.
>just cuck my shit up senpai
>what is the Rune Factory series
The developer literally describes it as a spiritual successor to Harvest Moon.
Dude was like 'We haven't had a new one of those in a while. Let me go ahead and make one.'
So then he went into his office and made a game from scratch by himself.
>Rune Factory
the gameplay blows
I just went with the dumb blonde
literally every other choice is reddit tier
It's literally Harvest Moon with a lot more shit to do. It's the series Stardew Valley decided to rip off with the addition of dungeons and combat etc.
>Literally only black guy in town
>Daughter is halfbreed
>Everyone else is white
Seems like the ideal mix, to me. Take in the one respectable negro and show the rest the door.
>go on Sup Forums
>get Sup Forums crossed with /r9k/
seriously though I'm off work for the day if I end up downloading this out of morbid curiosity I'm going to be disappointed in myself.
it's not really a bad game. ignore these anons. If you like comfy, it's maximum comfy.
if you liked harvest moon then you are going to like this
it's the ultimate harvest moon
out and kys, niglover
you are a scum on this earth
I'll stick to Harvest Moon and it's comfy setting where no niggers and racemixing propaganda exist,
ITT hateful psychos get triggered by the color of pixels in a video game.
Seriously though
>Westerners decide to rip off/do their own take on a beloved Japanese series
>Fill it up with cuck propaganda and internet memes
Every time. I wonder how the Japanese developers feel about this shit