What kind of futuristic weaponry might the Earths militarises be sitting on that we know nothing about yet?
Historically, these things stat secret for decades, pic related.
What kind of futuristic weaponry might the Earths militarises be sitting on that we know nothing about yet?
Historically, these things stat secret for decades, pic related.
Sup Forums being a MKUltra Project style.
There have been rumors that North Korea has iron tubes that shoot lead projectiles at high velocity. Not sure if this is truth or just a commie plot tho.
Shaw Fujikawa translight engine is here already.
what game is this?
Literally Sup Forums has become /X/
Lasers on Planes happening by 2020s or so..
Space race war when?
No user, that's already happened. No joking, it literally is already a thing.
The new version of this is pottering about
Magnetic propulsion, advanced manipulation of electromagnetic waves etc
You're right I'm sure the US has absolutely no secret weapons right now.
Utter clown.
100% pure weaponised shitposts.
Not sure if I believe those Korean gooks are that advanced yet.
The SB-3 Ghoul
I'd be surprised if space isn't weaponized to some degree already, shocked even.
(and by space i mean low earth orbit, to be sure)
First, for takeout of rival power satellites. Satellites are just too handy for first-world nations, tend to be limited in number and high-value targets, and likely have no defenses of their own being effectively isolated from their owner country.
Second, I would think that kinetic weapons would be ludicrously easy to design without having to delve into too much science fiction, likely cheaper by orders of magnitude, and possibly concealable as an attack. Drop a 500 pound lead block at orbital velocity onto a target and you're going to leave nothing but crater, with no traces of conventional explosives. was it a local accident (gas main break?) was it an actual meteor? or was a nation-state sniping you from 160 kilometers up?
Specifically the lasers on Jet part, not just cargo planes
I'd advise you to delete this post.
Fair enough. Well, Ars Technica does say that the American air force has made comments about wanting high grade lasers on strike jets by 2020.
The technology basis is definitely there, its just a matter of shrinking it while maintaining power.
The USAF had an idea for something like this in the cold war using telephone poles made out of tungsten being shot down to earth at mach 10
the most impressive is the technology that im not allowed to speak about or even
Wireless energy needs to happen
>have mag-lev and (weak) ionic propulsion
>nobody is working on mag-lev roads
>then nobody is working on mag-lev cars
>then anti-grav racing won't be a thing
I think the secret is that we're severely lacking in the realms of warfare that will be relevant for the next few decades. (cyber)
This is a big issue the governments are facing in the west. All of them reckon they need to win economic or physical wars, but they forget that cyber warfare is also critical, because knowing how to attack a target is the first step in learning how to defend your OWN targets.
Not larping, but cant confirm it for real either because it involves sensitive information related to a project spawned from opperation paperclip so take it for what you will.
I have documents pertaining to the work Nazis did with magnetic propulsion, specifically the Die Glocke project. The actual use of the Die Glocke device was to manipulate Electro Magnetic fields to achieve a sort of psuedo zero gravity state where you're actually using the device for manipulate a vehicle.
The Americans actually picked up the project when they hired Nazi Scientists and engineers. The Nazi's never perfected it but the U.S.A has been working on it for a while. Thats about all I can say.
Advanced miniaturized surveillance equipment is pretty much a given.
SB-3 Ghoul Stealth Bomber
D.A.R.T. (Direct alligned, Radar Target) Satellite Laser Weapon System (has been delayed...Thanks Obama)
The Pinch (inspired from Oceans 11...It's literally an EMP bomb that cannot be stopped)
delet this
The biggest one Is the USA Wormholes
These are used on the new subs for communication, energy, and reduction of the power-plant size. Frees up space and on the new units reduces the overall size
>for manipulate a vehicle
I actually meant "to manipulate a vehicle." It was basically a way of achieving thrust and to manipulate vehicles inside the earths atmosphere. Its able to perform maneuvers no other vehicles can achieve because you can very quickly stop or change the direction of momentum.
>100% pure weaponised shitposts.
Also, Smarterphones(TM) that play farmville by themselves.
Look at this
holy shit
Why do you think the project was cancelled? So they could black book all research and development going forward. Trust me its already here.
So many stupid memes in this thread.
New Air Force Bombers
Kinetic bombardment
Would it not be possible to shoot a photograph of this from the ground, even with a low-consumer grade telescope?
Running cost and politics.
Within short period of time, electronics cost have gone down tremendously, so now its much more viable.
100% down to colonize space then face irradiation from alien horde
Yep. However there are ways you could go ground to air with one of these fairly quickly, (think of space planes/shuttles) and use it before someone had a chance to either shoot it down or hack it.
There are also rumours about SB-3 ghouls, which are supposed to have weapons pods that can deploy kinetic weapons from jets.
>no one has brought up EXACTO ammunition
It's the replay system from the ZF-1 from Fifth Element....We have programmable bullets...
I read a couple of archived pol threads this evening, apparently one or two techs from the Ghoul program post on here from time to time. Or it was very skilful roleplaying.
Yeah, but who needs them when you have 100% of the tech needed to create the Hunter-Killer robots from Terminator?
Reconnaissance craft capabilities. I once heard they could tell you what brand of cigarette you're smoking, through cloud cover... at night.
Yeah I remember those being posted and surprised nothing was done about it honestly, I guess it'd be hard to pinpoint the posters exactly.
Its not exactly some huge secret either, might not even be worth pursuing.
Full Crysis-like body armors may be a reality in a few(5-10) years
We know the USMC is operating some kind of orbital drone, they're pretty secretive. They've probably already put people in space secretly on manned versions which are rumored to exist.
I'm pretty sure the Blackbird could look at a daylight sky whist on the tarmac, and still see the stars they needed to navigate by. This was 50/60 years ago.
That logo probably represents the demon Chort by the way
"Oderint Dum Metuant" means "Let them hate as long as they fear"
>hats about all I can say.
so, nothing
If you spin heavy liquids it creates its own magnetic field. This will cause the object to have its own gravity. The real amazing part is that it also creates a time field.
Yeah. I thought the stuff about kinetic bombardment was fairly feasible. The drone shuttle would be a good candidate for a launch vehicle, but I still believe its primary function is recon.
God this is /x/ tier shit
But spaceships
scarlar tech, utilising scalar wavelengths which nicola tesla tried to do but was demonised. Scarlar wavelengths are not electromagnetic like x-rays etc and are superluminal (faster than light) they can be used as a power source, communication and in weaponry
>super soldier programs
>matery disruptors
>mech program
this is what remains secret to the public.
Solomon detected
plasma railguns. this shit you can look up, they exist, problem is you making one you can fire more than once. there was a black project developing for years, that suddenly got even blacker & disappeared. not cancelled, mind you, just went even further underground.
advantages of standard ballistic weapons: go fast
advantages of solid payload rail guns: at least that fast when the projectile passes the horizon
advantages of plasma railguns (if you can stop the seals & rails from being eaten away in after two shots): same as above, except several thousand degrees hotter & also functionally an EMP
yeah, that cancelled that project
Thats easily adaptable. You could achieve terminal velocity for the tungsten rods at about mach 12 if you're being conservative. So theoretically you could launch launch tungsten projectiles from a sub orbital level from the space shuttle, however an orbital level would be ideal because precise maneuvers would be easier, making aiming the device easier.
There are many options when it comes to producing a device capable kinetic bombardment.
You could use a jet similar to the x-15, which can reach mach 6.5, potentially with enough height you'd be able to drop the rod high enough for it to reach terminal velocity. The rod would be travelling fast enough to be impossible to avoid or detect.
>faster than light
>would literally go back in time
What the fuck are you talking about
Refer to this
This is the method used in the Die Glocke.
Nano thermite bombs using panguite (can withstand incredibly high temperatures). Nano drones, laser weapons etc.
Already all of those are in the works.
i mean if things like this tank are already being developed, who the fuck knows
I'm trying to imagine one coming screaming down through the atmosphere. I suppose it would look almost exactly like an ICBM re-entry, with a small payload.
>random science-y sounding mumbo jumbo something something Tesla
some retard talking out of his ass, obviously
Memes are the result of the WARP: Weaponized Autism Research Program.
Bulletproof shields. They're going testudo everywhere.
>tungsten rods dropped from high altitude or low orbit
>microwave weaponry
>high speed torpedoes(shoots oxy out of front to turn it into an underwater missile)
>advanced controlled biological and chemical weapons for specific targets
>EMP handhelds for use on small aircraft by infantry
not talking out of my ass hans, look into it
Look at the 'official' military budget for the US.
Then research how much money was misplaced by the pentagon or the military.
The US could probably take on the world on their own at this point. Admittedly it would likely result in complete destruction from their black projects, but still.
I assume Israel and the US has plans for an ICBM version of the Iron done tech, that protected Israel from thousands of Hezbollah missiles. If there was a nuclear strike against the US or Israel from some didn't country like Pakistan or north Korea, it'd be destroyed. ICBM tech will soon be made obsolete
I didn't say you were, you're very testy though.
A real star wars style laser, the kind that we imagine penetrates steel with heat, that goes great distances.
That kind of laser requires more energy than you can imagine. The energy to power a city. Longer range is more and more power, as well. It is not practical. The rail gun is a much, much more practical means to the same result.
And we have the rail gun.
Mostly pointless ones with a lot of toy value or bragging rights but little of real military value, useful things rarely remain hidden for long.
I remember watching some doco about a renowned air-craft illustrator drawing designs from second hand knowledge of a "ufo" like craft that uses inertia cancelling tech made by electromagnetism, lux liner? or something like that
lol you wish
Gravity doesn't have any lag, as evidenced by the solar system & Wile E Coyote.
>Newton must have been a time traveller
word, and that is mother fukin hard
fun idea, just not worth
>A real star wars style laser, the kind that we imagine penetrates steel with heat, that goes great distances.
Might not be possible, firing bolts of light at sub light speed is unfeasible, probably super heated kinetic projectiles (molten copper) but it wont have the same affect.
If you're dropping it from space, you wouldnt hear the plane, you might here the sound of it the tungsten rod passing the sound barrier while entering the atmosphere, you're probably hear a scream for a few seconds and then boom. It would take a tungsten rod at mach 12, 38 seconds to reach the ground from a low earth orbit (160 kms altitude). A shutting in orbit at 160kms has an orbit time of 88 minutes, you could potentially reach any part of the world with this device.
If you have rockets on standby to take out specific targets - as with nuclear weapons - you could destroy a target anywhere on earth with a high degree of accuracy and which is almost impossible to stop.
The impacts of these weapons are in the 20 kiloton+ ranges, and you could deploy multiple rods in a single run.
Do not think of one, imagine say 5 or 10 of these at once.
isn't it sb39?
current laser tech on planes is aimed at anti missile and icbm use not on other aircraft
I meant shuttle* not shutting
Im very tired, I apologise for spelling mistakes.
I didnt proof read.
>creating white nationalist sleeper agents
what's their plan?
Space Simulator.