China is ready to go to war with Trump.
China: Trump's team should "prepare for a military clash"
Nanjing massacre again ?
>how do you kill 15M people with one bomb?
pic related
>The Global Times editorial said: "The US has no absolute power to dominate the South China Sea. Tillerson had better bone up on nuclear power strategies if he wants to force a big nuclear power to withdraw from its own territories.
>"If Trump's diplomatic team shapes future Sino-US ties as it is doing now, the two sides had better prepare for a military clash.
>"China has enough determination and strength to make sure that his rabble rousing will not succeed. Unless Washington plans to wage a large-scale war in the South China Sea, any other approaches to prevent Chinese access to the islands will be foolish.
Beijing this time please.
USA can fuck off
China will never go to war with us. They lack anti-drone/tomohawk measures and despite what this article implies, the USA's domination of the sea is TOTAL.
The only wars we've fought for 75 years have been half-assed pisdong contests and moneymaking ventures.
China would never actually endanger themselves. They've proven that cucks will usually succeed in destroying the rest of the world while China waits and harvests.
>naval war with all of NATO
You have to be joking.
>two months of naval combat in South China Sea
>mean while bombing the east coast of China from Japan too soften up the coast for naval invasion
>December 2018: Photos of Troops celebrating Chirstmas with liberated citizens from former Chinese People's republic will make you cry
trumplets 2 months ago
>fuck Hillary she is a warmonger she wants to get us into WW3!!! Le dog emperor is the candidate that is dumb wars
Trumplets today
>go team trump we need to gas da chinks lol fuck em we need to level their country
FYI China was the last country to attempt domination of this area, USA did not bat an eye at it until China got involved
Why are trumpfags so full of retards and flip flopping cognitive dissonance ridden mouthbreathers?
Your views seem to be derived straight from what trump or his lackeys feel at a time
Against dumb wars*
Wanna find out?
>The foreign ministry, for the second time in two days, warned Trump Monday the One China policy was non-negotiable.
>Anyone who tries to use it as a bargaining chip will be met with "common opposition" and will ultimately "shoot oneself in the foot", foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying told a regular briefing.
>The Taiwan issue is a "Pandora's box of lethal potential", it added.
>While the president-elect had been given the benefit of the doubt so far, it said, if he is "determined to use this gambit on taking office, a period of fierce, damaging interactions will be unavoidable as Beijing will have no choice but to take off the gloves."
No-one here was ever actually against WWIII dumbass, we only used that as a normie-friendly talking point against Hillary. In really we are all itching for a major war. I can't wait to join a NATO battalion and kill a bunch of slanteyes.
>how do you sink america with one bomb?
pic related
So you're just some edgy pseudo desensitized teen in his bedroom calling for the deaths of millions over retarded bullshit by shilling lies
Have you tried looking for professional help? Your life doesn't have to be so shitty
>If the U.S. confront China as some warmongers keep rattling about resistance can be expected says andom newpaper that isn't "public voice of Chinese regime" at all
Shills are trying too hard.
>calling for the deaths of millions
No, I'm calling for the deaths of BILLIONS. Fuck China.
a sober post user
How would China actually fare in a full out war with the US Sup Forums?
They only have a few hundred nukes and most if not all would be shot down. In terms of conventional warfare they might as well be fighting with spears and arrows against the US military. China will get rekt.
Couldn't you kill 15m people in china just by bombing a city? isn't their population density in their cities like mind bogglingly high?
China is crawling like an antihill. Aim a bomb at any random part of the country and you have a 50-50 chance of killing the equivalent of the entire population of Canada. These subhumans breed like rabbits.
If China has nukes we can not go to war with them. ALL Asians are mentally ill. Chinese near the top. They are suicidal and WILL destroy the world if they have to. Chinese are psychopaths.
Stink Chinks!
yea that thought had occurred to me. i like the double whammy of taking out people and a major source of energy though.
>Both destroy each other
>The world is finally free of the eternal Anglo and the eternal chink
Please, god, make it happen.
and Viet shiets dropping the same copy pasta replies at the start of every single
shill thread currently spammed on Sup Forums certainly doesn't make the shilling more authentic.
Its china larping that they have any military force at all
>start nuclear war with China
>US west coast is the only place within range of chink missiles
>Dems lose 100 electoral votes
Sounds good
I wish Trump was president during Obama's terms. The whole South China Sea Conflict would have been completely avoided if America just intervened and stop China from planting their illegal bases on international waters.
>report about the exact same literally nothing
>Sup Forums BTFO!
KYS trash
What is so special about Taiwan that makes Chinks chimp out every time someone doesn't call them Chinese Taipei? Is it autism?
Why are you assuming China has no anti missile technology?
For total sea domination China would have to have no navy.
Not the death of millions, the death of all human life on this planet.
NATO has a defensive treaty. It only applies if the US is attacked, not the attacker. And the US is the majority supplier of NATO.
>two months of combat
Lol no
>implying a land based invasion of China would ever work
Taiwan consists of the leftovers of the government that fought and fled during the chinese revolution.
Taiwan claims its the legitimate ruler over china while PRC claims Taiwan is their clay since they won the revolution.
chinks trying to start a war (again)
A hot war with China is bad for everybody, and both US and Chinese dick-wavers need to grow up.
However, a cold war with China would be FANTASTIC for the research industry. No more Chinese nationals gobbling up all the jobs, and more investments from the government. Also I guess TVs would cost a little more in the US, and the Chinese economy would crater.
We would totally dominate the chinese, literally pin them down and stick our cocks in their faces.
99% of this board doesn't really want a war but to keep chinks at bay with their trade policies
My Lai 2 soon
>knowing anything about defending
Nice horses btw really helped
Also what the fuck are you talking about? Naval invasion of China is viable as fuck. Also the Us doesn't need NATO to btfo the Chinese fleet just takes a few more months and the us troops get to celebrate Chinese New Years
>over retarded bullshit by shilling lies
man you have no idea what you're even talking about. USA should have hit China hard months ago but Obama is too much of a pussy
To kill America you must also kill the entire world. Bwahahaha.
>Vote hillary start a war with russia
>Vote trump start a war with china
Fucking jews every time.
So let them continue to steal more and more land? Why don't we just save some time and hand over our country right now?
posting thread theme
war is inevitable but it will not be a world war, just a local conflict. the usa will lose.
Im fine with war with China, they have no souls and then Taiwan can have their land and we'll all be best friends
It depends on under what circumstances the war happens.
Assuming China is taking a defensive stance, no nukes and "total war" economy, a US land based invasion will unlikely work.
The US has a twofold disadvantage. Economically both countries have about the same PPP adjusted GDP but economic structure is different. The Chinese government controls 40% of all economic revenue while US government's is negligible. This is the kind of command economy the Soviets had which supported the feared Red Army despite their shitty economy.
The second disadvantage is how much force the US can deploy against China. The US has 47 million young males to conscript, China has 100+ million. Historically an invasion force needs to outnumber the defensive force in coastal landing, e.g. 3 to 1 for D-Day. So the US would have to dramatically whittle down China's production and troops before it can. It's also doubtful the US can transport 47 million troops across the Pacific.
The length of the Pacific means fighter jets and bombers can't be deployed except on aircraft carriers. If the US tried operating from Taiwan they could barely reach the coast of China with F16s (2000KM round trip range). Each Nimitz supercarrier can carry 90 aircraft, total 630 for 7 carriers. China's army has 3000. They also have the advantage of land based AA systems.
US has at a large disadvantage in every angle if attacking. A war of attrition based out of Taiwan might work.
It's Singapore and I have some military experience. It's mandatory here.
i dont like the party but i would fight for my country, so would everyone here, we are patriots unlike americans
Just shut down a Macdonald and those fatass will start to starve
A crash like that would be extremely painful
if you bothered to find out, you'd realize america has enough navel power to take on the whole world's navy combined.
russia only has like one aircraft carrier (used to be more), china only just bought one off russia so they got that for certain.
They have submarines n shit sure.
I mean lets just be real here for a moment.
America has like 180 fucking ships, 10 of which are aircraft carriers, one being a super carrier cause we know bigger is better. 50 are probably destroyers and another 50 are submarines of all "fuck your shit up" sizes.
See, an in the chinese corner, they got like 20 ships.
They ain't alone in this either, thats what most of the world works with cause they can't afford to run the world.
We've been running this show for quite some time so if we wanted to just push your 3rd world shit in we'd be at your shores easily.
It has always been the ground war that is the problem. Not that we expect anyone else to arm their civilians, like we did. We know they'll sooner nuke their own land if we tried.
Which is why we've been working on inventing anti missile systems to just give us the go ahead on pushing your shit in anyways while neutralizing the only equalizer the 3rd world has.
>china vs the US
>local conflict
The only sucky part about a China/US shooting war would be the lack of internet for weeks or even months.
Everything in IT is crowded with Chinamen, and some proportion of them are PLA fifth columnists.
No comfy happenings, because they'll pull our connection the moment they think it's to their advantage.
Might have to watch TV or some bullshit.
Sounds like a good opportunity to befriend China a bit better.
I mean if we're rolling with pragmatists anyway why settle for the asinine one?
>implying your nu-males would ever fight
You can send your niggers but they'll be easy targets because their dumb.
local as in it will all take place near china
missile and air superiority will force the us navy back after heavy losses on both sides, us allies like taiwan and vietnam will surrender after intensive bombing, america will ask for negotiated peace on terms favourable to china.
>two months ago you said eating a donut was bad but here you are now two months later eating food checkmate
Hillary has a record of fucking up interventionist wars in the Middle East. Trump fucking around with China is not equivalent. They're not going to go to war with us over currency policy.
Being is a chaos agent heaven if you haven't noticed yet.
Your people have a culture of murdering anybody that gets into an accident to avoid paying them compensation, fuck off chink
I would actually fight chinks, unlike Russians. They take advantage of everything they can in my country. Fuck China!
There are plenty of patriots in the US Military. I don't think the USA would even try to invade, just block off the seas.
Keep in mind you are already violating international law so it might not be too difficult to twist some arms to get support either
But in all reality your government will back down. All these threats of war would work with someone like Obama but the new government knows China wouldn't stand a chance. Your leaders undoubtedly like their gravy train and know that this would bring it to an end for them.
Could the roosikes turn coat and allow for a northern invasion of China? It's obvious that a naval invasion is kinda impossible. What leverage does the free world have over China? In terms of resources? Could China even go into total war mode if the rest of the world was bullied into not trading with them?
Make those damned war mongering yankees regret they ever set foot into East Asia!!!
Ching Pong Fu!
OP wth
that news site...
asks me to disable my adblock
has a news about Trump and Putin kissing
what kind of trash news site is this?
Lucky happy eights! Good fortune!
So you're saying go with the all-face no-substance asian Jew, instead of the most colossal military power on Earth and current defender of Western Civilization? Sure they're dicks, but you would be too in the same situation.
If America stopped feeding China millions would starve in 3 months, numbers get worse after that
War of attrition is the only way it would work, since USA can BTFO China militarily, and in that case China depends on the US way more than vice versa.
The absolute delusion. Obama really did make the world think the USA is weak.
"comparing its island-building efforts and deployment of military assets to Russia's 2014 annexation of Crimea—an action that ended up prompting tough US and European sanctions. "
literally paper tiger, you're not fooling anyone ping
american military is full of homosexuals and cowards who have no backbone. the only asset the us military has is technology and size, the people who operate it all are idiots and cowards.
>I don't think the USA would even try to invade, just block off the seas.
the us would have to deploy forces otherwise its allies would be overrun, or do you think we would not allow north korea to attack the south with our support, would not bomb taiwan to the ground, would not invade vietnam? would not drop missiles across japan?
>But in all reality your government will back down
hu jintao would have backed down, xi jinping has a backbone, he has already challenged the us militarily and the us backed down, the us is a weak nation, it is all talk.
>If America stopped feeding China millions would starve in 3 months, numbers get worse after that
doesn't USA owe China several octillion dollars?
Probably why they want a war with China. They don't have to pay their enemy.
Looks like they need to steal another underwater drone to get the message thru to these Drumpftard blockheads
Say China did kick off a war with the US
Would anybody side with China against the strength of the US and all its allies?
It comes from the Cold War. After Sun Yat Sen and his revolutionaries toppled the last dynasty China was split into two factions, communists and nationalists. The Communists were single party, Marxist and nationalists were Democratic capitalists. The US backed the nationalists but they were driven out of China onto Taiwan. Near the sunset of the Cold War relations between China and the US were normalised. China and Taiwan agreed to the One China Policy. The One China Policy stated that Taiwan and Mainland China were a single China, but the legitimate government was up for people to decide. West were free to arm, trade and go to Taiwan but diplomatically all channels had to go through the Communists. Communicating with Taiwan diplomatically means you recognise Taiwan as the legitimate government instead of the PRC.
you are weak, that is obvious to anyone who looks at america
it is america that is the paper tiger, and you think you are stronger than you are
>american military is full of homosexuals and cowards who have no backbone. the only asset the us military has is technology and size, the people who operate it all are idiots and cowards.
Half of them wont even sprint with a bayonet to take down a M60 raining fire on their face
How else you win a war??
How many wars has China been in recently? What combat action do your troops have? What Naval combat experience does your country have?
Read up about these wars in the Middle East. Insiders say that there was never any genuine efforts to instill a government in Afghanistan but it moreso appears to just be a continuous war to prep the soldiers for conventional warfare.
Also you are completely surrounded with countries that HATE you.
There is so much delusion, it is actually laughable
I would have so many happys watching it happen.
>missile and air superiority
How will you get us to attack ourselves?
Them and everyone else, and again vice versa
No one ever gets paid user, the money doesn't exist
I'm pretty sure they're also aware of that supervolcano under yellowstone national park
>american military is full of homosexuals and cowards who have no backbone.
If you ever said that in my presence you'd get your teeth knocked out you gook.
In terms of tonnage you're ahead of China but this is absolutely useless from an attacking perspective. For example, your 7 supercarriers can carry 630 aircraft to operate from sea. China, operating from land, has 3000. There's also your supply lines being exposed to the entire Pacific
Your reinforcements and materiel have to travel the same Pacific. Cruise missiles are wonderfully effective on navies but much less useful against a massive landmass like China.
That's assuming China doesn't outstrip the US in tonnage, which economically speaking they can now and likely will given their economic growth.
Am i the only one that is happy that its happened?
I mean, lets these 2 killing each other and make EUROPE GREAT AGAIN
America #1
WTF it sounds nice, the only thing i want to see, is one or two hundreds of dead burgers
China c'mon it's embarrassing
Literally 50% of population... only 1 chinese has internet, and it's probably the president of china or something.. you have no resources for a war.
stop trolling china
>i dont like the party
reported ;^)
This is exactly what America wants though, if you can't see why you're a fucking potato.
Don't worry there won't be a war. China will back down. You will live to see your entire family die of lung cancer
bro we could wipe China off the face of the earth from space, it isn't a thing
I fully endorse China talking tough and escalating tensions. Want to see a true Russo-American alliance? This is how it happens. The Russians are worried that the Chinese will make a play for Siberia at some point for muh resources. It's a way more natural alliance than people think.
China would present the butthole with a quickness if a couple American brigades were suddenly a few miles from Mongolia playing tank-tag with our new Russian bros.
Lol China can't go to war or the whole country will fall apart. Most of China absolutely hates their Han government. There's a reason why they desperately wanted to be communist, they have too much conflicting ethnic groups