what do you expect from yahoos?
What do you expect from yahoos?
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poor girl
>10 yo are capable of getting pregnant nowadays
the govs definitely put something in the water
not all of them, but some of them have always been able throughout history
What's the best white state/city to live in the US to avoid this shit, with cost/effectiveness in mind so I'm not stuck in the middle of Arkansas or some shit
I was thinking suburbs near Indianapolis, IN.
Florida Man strikes again!
Live in NYC, rule it out
Meant to say "I live in NYC, rule this shithole out"
If this happened in Sweden, he would be exonerated because the 10 year old didn't resist her attacker forcefully enough. Sad.
lol, you would know
>>his flag
Spics are pedophiles. especially Mexicans. it's common
I saw this headline earlier and I was like "Spic" and then I clicked it
What did you do to me, Sup Forums?
is that a picture for ants?
>Hey, fags. My name is Sanni Rahkonen and I hate every single one of you
hearing that from a saudi :O
rape is bad
She better not get an abortion. One tragic crime is enough.
how often are woman and children raped in your country?
whites are so cucked
if you arent going to marry your loli's, someone will..
i dont know
is it common?
i dont think so, we have strict law
Looks like a Mexican jet li
>3 counts
Sick bastard probably put it in every hole.
so. for the next 40-50 years were gunna be spending 20k+ a year to support a pedophile rapist
or we could. you know. put a bullet to his head
These hispanics and filipinos and even inuits and some brown chinamen look exactly the same.
>i dont think so, we have strict law
wasn't it your country where when a woman gets raped she needs 2 testimonies saying it was not the girls fault?
rapists are killed
how? does the islamic court decide?
in the USA death penalty costs more than life sentence
because you have laws n sheet
in the philippines what you say holds true lol
Central Americans are shit
Quads speaks the truth of Kek
yeah, define rape though.
according to the case
you're talking to a proxy you fucking retard
Are you actually a Saudi, or is it a proxy?
Wouldn't Sup Forums be censored in your shithole country?
what are typical kinds of punishment? are they getting stoned? (420 blaze it fgts)
is he, i daresay, /ourguy/?
Well if rapists are indeed true you would think the added protection is warranted. Some girl cant just get a friend to bust up a guys life b/c she's mad; she'll need at least two friends to corroborate her story
Sup Forums was banned for a while but they unbanned it a few months ago, i cant access all of the website though.
floggings, imprisonment or execution, but it depends on the severity of the crime
>What's the best white state/city to live in the US to avoid this shit
Sorry, it's illegal everywhere
eh, my sister was 9 when I got her pregnant with my brother
from a moral perspective, do you think your court system is just? Also what do you work? Sorry for the questions but i am just curious.
You are talking to a proxy
You fucking retard.
>Sven: Thank you for marrying my 9 year old daughter Sanni sir. Please take my paycheck for your honeymoon.
South Americans have crazy fertility rates. Its no wonder, they probably died like crazy in the jungle.
member when the 23 yo woman in britain was discovered to have had an ongoing sexual relationship with an 8 yo boy and she just got probation? MEMBER?
well, if you look at it from the perspective of recreation, the inmates will have an entertaining time beating that pedophile to a bloody pulp a few times every week
saves money on capital infrastructure for recreation
fuckin wew
link ?
Atleast he won't have to pay child support
illegal immigrants are bigtime rapists
trump was right
always was
democrats BTFO
I work in a juvenile hall. The majority of sex crimes are committed by whites. Most come from a household were the dad is incarnated for molesting children
Fucking Mexicans.